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“Marvel Studios’ Black Panther – Warriors of Wakanda” watch the Video to see the action Packed Character Star Wars Force Awakens, and last Jedi Star Lupita Nyango is playing.

“Marvel Studios’ Black Panther – Warriors Of Wakanda” Watch The Video To See The Action Packed Character Star Wars Force Awakens, And Last Jedi Star Lupita Nyango Is Playing.

The Above Video show’s the Character Star Wars Actress Lupita Nyango is playing in Black Panther, and I like the fact that she is playing an action Packed Character, without the Mo Cap stuff she did in Star Wars. Fellow Castmate Andy Serkis is also in this movie with out his Trademark Mo Cap ether. but he was so good as Ulyses Claw in Avengers age of Ultron they Brought him back. all I got to Say is if you are A Star Wars Fan this is the movie you want to see. Esspecially with Saw Guerra (Forrest Whittiker) from Rogue One being in this also. Black Panther Releases on Feb, 15 in theaters.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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“Marvel Studios’ Black Panther – Warriors of Wakanda” watch the Video to see the action Packed Character Star Wars Force Awakens, and last Jedi Star Lupita Nyango is playing.
