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Marvel fans get ready, Scarlett Johansson’s MCU Black Widow getting her own film!!!!

Marvel Fans Get Ready, Scarlett Johansson’s MCU Black Widow Getting Her Own Film!!!!

We all know Marvel fan’s have been Demanding for a Black Widow Solo film for a while now.

Well beg no more. Variety reports that Marvel Studios will make her Solo Film. They have a writer, and Scarlett Johansson is Attached.

My thoughts on this is I like the Idea. A Black Widow film will bring the Spy Stuff that we lost with The Falling of S. H. I. E. L. D. In Cap America Winter Solder.

Also with Scarlett making a name for herself in the action Genre with Film’s like Lucy. Now is the time for her MCU Character to shine.

I also think No one else could pull off the character than Scarlett. She is a good actress as the Character, and you gotta admit she looks hot in the Widow outfit to.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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Marvel fans get ready, Scarlett Johansson’s MCU Black Widow getting her own film!!!!
