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The Social Justice Warrior Attack on Rebel force radio continues. Hey I thought Star Wars Fandom was United?

The Social Justice Warrior Attack On Rebel Force Radio Continues. Hey I Thought Star Wars Fandom Was United?

the above picture is showing how Star Wars fandom is right now.

Let me Begin on where this all Started. in 2016 During the release of Star Wars Rogue one, There was a Press Junket where a Journalist asked about Females Directing Star Wars, and the Journalist Harassed Kathy Kennedy about it. Well Rebel Force Radio addressed this and People Like Jason Ward from Making Star Wars attacked Rebel Force Radio over it. RFR appologized. But Ward and his Social Justice Warrior Buddies are still Scrutinizing Rebel Force Radio. Jason Ward Also attacked Star Wars News Net saying they are a Hype Machine. Well The Star Wars Social Justice Warriors are at it again.

Before I go on let me Just say this. If you did not like The Last Jedi Because New Character Rose, or Wrote Derogatory terms about her on Wookiepedia because she is asian you are part of this Problem. I will even say if I read a racist, sexist comment on Star Wars fan sites I will let you have it. Now for the Controversy. one Star Wars fan mentioned about the Racist, Sexist Comments about the last Jedi. Well Jimmy Mac not Thinking about what he Wrote. Said Reports of Racism and Sexism against the last Jedi was a Scam. Jimmy realized the Mistake he made Apologized and Removed the post. But the Damage was Done. Jason Ward and Social Justice Star Wars fan’s piled on attacking Rebel force Radio on Twitter. and here are the posts.

Star Wars fandom is now becoming like the GamerGate Situation. Jason Ward Has Become the Anita Sarkeesian of Star Wars, and if you Believe that Rebel Force Radio and its fans are not Prejudice. I say do what I did and Boycott! because Jason Ward is trying to do this Crap to Promote his Site and Podcast, just like Anita did with Gamergate. Until fandom unites again I think we shold hold off on Star Wars Celebration Expo’s. also Jason Ward attacked Star Wars News Net over there Hype just to prove he is in it for himself.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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The Social Justice Warrior Attack on Rebel force radio continues. Hey I thought Star Wars Fandom was United?
