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2018 U.S. Senate race (Utah), the #NeverTrump return with Mitt Romney and Why I have Decided to Back the Libertarian Craig Bowden.

2018 U.S. Senate Race (Utah), The #NeverTrump Return With Mitt Romney And Why I Have Decided To Back The Libertarian Craig Bowden.

Orrin Hatch has Decided he wants to Retire from the US senate this has left an opening in the Utah Senate race.

So far Larry Meyers (Republican) from St. George, Jenny Wilson (Democrat) from Salt Lake City, and Craig Bowden (Libertarian) of Ogden have mentioned their Intentions to run for Hatch’s Seat in the Senate. But also there is the 100 lb Gorilla in the Room, Mitt Romney Former Governor of Massachusetts and former 2012 Presidential Conntender is rumored to be Running. But why?

#NeverTrump Returns

Evan McMullen the Nevertrump cannidate in 2016 had only got 20% of Utahs votes in the election. After Trumps win #NeverTrump lost Steam. Nevertrump Senators like Jeff Flake of AZ have had to Retire due to his Pro-Trump electorate turning against him. In comes Romney, Evan McMullen is so enthused that Romney will run he even Tweeted About it.

That tweet Signals that Romney is the return of #NeverTrump!!!!

If Romney is Running why pick the Libertarian?

Why am I as A member of #NeverTrump backing Craig Bowden? Two Reasons. Will Larry Meyers tell Trump off as a Senator? NO, Will Romney resend Marijuana Laws, or allow for Prison Reform? Nope. So as A Utahn I choose the Libertarian as my Senator in 2018. Go get em Craig!!!!

I endorse Craig Bowden for Senate

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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2018 U.S. Senate race (Utah), the #NeverTrump return with Mitt Romney and Why I have Decided to Back the Libertarian Craig Bowden.
