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Twitter Trends rayjay’s World is covering today 1/3/2018

Twitter Trends Rayjay’s World Is Covering Today 1/3/2018

This is today’s Twitter Trends.


Thomas S. Monson Leader of the LDS Church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dead at 90 years old.


My Thoughts:

As a member of the LDS faith myself I can say he did a lot for the Church, he was my step mom’s favorite General Authority. Monson even changed the ages of Missionaries. he will be missed but he is with his wife who died before him. now he returns to see her.

Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon say’s Trump jr Meeting With Russians Treasonous and attack Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump in new Book.

My Thoughts

I agree with Reagan Battalion. Bannon only cares about Bannon. if Trump were to be Impeached Bannon would try to Run in trumps place. Even Ben Shapiro says Bannon is in it for Himself I believe it.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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Twitter Trends rayjay’s World is covering today 1/3/2018
