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Star Wars: Was Kylo Lying about Rey’s Parents?

Star Wars: Was Kylo Lying About Rey’s Parents?

(Spoiler Warning if you have not seen last Jedi why are you reading this?)

CinemaBlend put an article out asking if Rey was lied to. Well after the Jump hear my thoughts.

Well here is what I have to say About it. Rey is not  a Skywalker, but we may find out she may be Related to OB Wan Kenobi as in Granddaughter or Grand niece, or Someone else Major in the Galaxy.

If JJ decides to erase what Rian Johnson set up in the Last Jedi, like Kylo saying to her. “Rey you are my Sister.” it will ruin the Dynamic Chemistry Rian Developed Between Ben Solo and Rey. A Romantic relationship between Ben Solo and Rey, would make for an Interesting redemption arch for Ben (Kylo Ren) Solo.

Like how Luke helped Redeemed Anikin. the father son aspect helped that. I don’t think a Sister or Cousin are as easy. Having a Romantic Relationship between Rey and Ben is much stronger than even the Father son dynamic. if Rey loves Ben and he loves her in return (yes that sounds like Beauty and the Beast). the Redemption of Ben will be more easier to Swallow Especially after what Kylo did to Han Solo in Force Awakens.

if Ben and Rey kiss at the End of EP 9 I know i will Clap!!!

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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Star Wars: Was Kylo Lying about Rey’s Parents?
