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Review of Star Wars The Last Jedi (Spoiler Warning).

Review Of Star Wars The Last Jedi (Spoiler Warning).

Warning Spoilers. If you have not Seen the last Jedi turn back now, and don’t read this Until you have seen the Movie!!!!

Well here are my initial thoughts on the Last Jedi. It is a real good movie it does has a few Problems in Some places but I loved it. Also unlike Force Awakens it Embraces the Prequels a little, and that’s Good for Prequel fans.

The movie Starts with the Resistance trying to Escape the first order. The Resistance is also Escaping a planet. The Main plan is for BB8 and Poe Dameron to take out the Defense on a Super Star Distroyer called the Dreadnought so Resistance Bombers can bomb it. Poe takes out the Defenses. But only one bomber makes it to bomb the ship to also meet its end (said bomber has the sister of rose on board who releases the bombs before her Ship meets it end). Come to find out The Resistance cannot escape because the first order has Tech that track them through Hyperspace (more on that later).

Next we return to that Scene in Force Awakens at the end where. Rey hands the lightsaber to Luke in which case and to much anger to Star Wars fans Luke throws the lightsaber over his shoulder like it’s trash!!!!

About the first order tracking the Resistance this leads to a death of admiral Akbar, a scene where Leia is using the force to survive Space, and Finn, and Rose going on a side Quest to Destroy the first orders Tracker.

As we go on. Poe tries to Start a Ship Mutiny, Luke wants to end the Jedi because of what happened between him and Ben (Kylo Ren) Solo, Finn and Rose get Betrayed by Benicio del toro’s Character, and Rey has a long Distant Force Connection with Kylo, which ends in the Death of Snoke.

Luke ends up learning his lesson with the Help of a Yoda force Ghost Cameo, and Finn finally gets back at Phasma. And by the end of the Movie a very small group of the Resistance finally get away from the first order on the Millennium Falcon.

So here is what I think. There is more to That Conection Between Rey and Kylo than we Realize. By the End of EP 9 Ben will Be Redeemed and Rey will Marry him. I think Rey is in love with Ben Solo….

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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Review of Star Wars The Last Jedi (Spoiler Warning).
