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What’s up with all the Dislike Towards Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

What’s Up With All The Dislike Towards Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

As shown above not many Star Wars Fans are happy with how The Last Jedi came out to Be. Here is a List of the Gripes that I have heard About the last Jedi and my Feelings about said Gripes. (warning Spoilers ahead)

Luke Turning away from the Force and Not knowing Ben Solo’s true alliances is not like Luke Skywalker!!!

This one even made Mark Hamill upset how Rian Johnson was taking the Luke Character. From Luke throwing the light Saber Rey hands him over his Shoulder like it’s Junk, to Trying to Kill Ben Solo because he thought Snoke turned him to the Dark Side to Luke’s force powered Astro Projection to Crait to Face Kylo Ren. Fans did not like how Luke turned out. My feeling is Luke is not the same Jedi we Saw in Return of the Jedi. So I think the Luke we got is a lot Better than a Dark Side Luke as most assumed.

The Finn and Rose Canto bite side quest was pointless, and was used by Rian Johnson to make a Political Point.

I happen to agree with this one. By the end of the Movie all it leads to is a fight Between Finn and Captain Phasma. at the same time Benicio del Toro’s character is wasted in this Sequence. But even with the reveal at the end that one of the Child Slaves on Canto Bite has the force. the Sequence falls flat especially with Rose trying to Teach Finn about inequality, and freeing animals.

Killing Snoke was a bad Idea who the heck is he?

Well this movie is not a dramatic Wookipedia article. But still Come on Rian!

There are ton’s of these gripes about The Last Jedi. I agree with some and others no. the truth is this movie keeps you Interested, and unlike what nay sayers say. this movie has no plot holes. JJ Abrams will have to Finish connecting dots with EP 9.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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What’s up with all the Dislike Towards Star Wars: The Last Jedi?
