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New Bumblebee Image show’s Hailey Stienfeld with her Yellow Beatle Buddy!!!

New Bumblebee Image Show’s Hailey Stienfeld With Her Yellow Beatle Buddy!!!

We all remember when Micheal Bay did Transformers and the First Movie was Real Good and then he Milked The Franchise with every thing he wanted. hot girls, action, and Explosions. well Now Bumble Bee a huge Character in Transformers is getting his own spinoff film, and the only involvement Micheal Bay has is Producing. We will see what happens but a picture from the Movie has hit the Net.

The Picture shows Bumblebee in his Vehicle form (this takes place in the 80’s so he is what he was then, a VW Bug). with his Human Companion Charlie played by Pop Star and Actress Hailey Steinfeld. Based on the sinopsys of this Film, and the fact the Director (who also directed Animated film Kubo and the two strings) says he want the Movie to have a Spelbergian feel to it Paramount and Hasbro may have a hit on there hands, esspecially with a Star Wars film not being released in December of 2018 when this is released.

another thing is having Hailey Steinfeld be the Human Companion to Bumblebee, removes the Sweaty skimpy dressed Megan Fox over a car or on a motorcycle fad the original Transformers had because in those movies they treated the Female Characters like sex objects. in this a female is not an object, she is the Hero of the film, also the fact the movie takes placed in the 80’s it turns Nostalgia up to eleven.

As a transformers fan I really like this Idea for the movie and it helps Hailey get child fans too.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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New Bumblebee Image show’s Hailey Stienfeld with her Yellow Beatle Buddy!!!
