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My thoughts on the Logan Paul DeadBody on YouTube Situation.

My Thoughts On The Logan Paul DeadBody On YouTube Situation.

Well another YouTuber got himself in Trouble. First it was Pewdiepie over some anti-Sementic content in his Videos, which made his MCN Partner Maker Drop him. Now Logan Paul has gotten himself in trouble posting a Video of a dead body of a Suicide Victim in Japan’s Suicide Forrest.

Before I tell you My Thoughts here is Matt Jarbo’s Thoughts Im with Matt on this that this may have been Staged.

My Thoughts

As said above I agree this may have been Staged. I also think if it is Real Logan was being very Direspectful of a Dead Person.

I also think the outrage is overblown. Ether way as Matt said in the Above Video Logan Paul Won’t be going anywhere. I mean Pewdiepie is still Youtubing.

FYI if anyone out there Says what was Said here on this Blog was Incensitive and I need to check my Privelige. I will Say this I myself have mental Issues. I have to take Meds and have thought about Suicide. But I never did it.

Oh and one More Thing Lispy Trumpkin Mike Cernovich needs to back off on issues like This the Tweet below shows Just that.

This post first appeared on Rayjay's World, please read the originial post: here

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My thoughts on the Logan Paul DeadBody on YouTube Situation.
