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Thinkific vs Teachable: Pricing, Features & Which Is Best in 2022

Thinkific vs Teachable: Introduction

Thinkific and Teachable are two of the most popular e-learning platforms for teaching a wide variety of topics. They both have their pros and cons, but which one is better?

We’ve compared these two platforms to help you decide which one is the best fit for your needs.

Thinkific vs Teachable: What Is It?

Thinkific is a web platform that allows users to create courses, set up membership sites and sell digital products. It’s an all-in-one platform that covers every aspect of your business from course creation to sales and marketing.

Teachable is similar but less comprehensive, covering only course creation and sales. Both platforms also Offer add-ons for things like email marketing, payment processing and more.

Thinkific vs Teachable: Which One is Best?

When it comes to online courses, two leading providers are Thinkific and Teachable. Both are easy to use and offer great features for creating an online course.

But which one is best for your needs? Thinkific offers a wide range of courses including video courses, live webinars, membership sites and more.

It also has an easy to use interface that makes it simple for even beginners to create their own online course. The platform is affordable and comes with some great features including unlimited students, unlimited content, mobile apps, unlimited bandwidth, lifetime access and more! Learn more here: Thinkific Courseware Features

Teachable is another top rated provider of training content solutions for individuals and businesses alike.

It also offers many features including automated payment processing via Stripe or PayPal as well as integrated email automation tools such as MailChimp’s Mandrill service. Learn more here: Teachable Courseware Features

1. Performance and Uptime Review

 When you are looking for a web hosting service, you need to make sure that you look at the performance and uptime before you sign up. You want to make sure that your website is going to be up and running all the time so that people can get to it.

If you have downtime on your site then it is going to hurt your business and your reputation as well. There are many different ways in which you can get this information about the site that you are looking at hosting with.

One of the best ways to do this is through third party reviews of the hosting company that you are considering using.

These reviews will tell you about how well the company performs overall when it comes to both performance and uptime so that you know what kind of experience they will give you when it comes to hosting your website or blog.

It will also give an idea about how long they have been in business and if there were any issues with their service in the past as well.

Another way to get this information is from talking with other customers who use the company’s services regularly or have used them in the past. You can talk with them about how long they have been using their services, what kind of experience they had, what kind of problems they ran into if any, and


 Performance and Uptime Review Thinkific

Thinkific is a popular SaaS platform for online courses. It offers many different features and tools, including:

Customizable courses, including adding quizzes, surveys, tests and other interactive elements

Lecture capture

Digital downloads of course materials (e-books, videos, etc.)

Integration with third party learning management systems (LMS) like Blackboard and Canvas. In addition, it supports the creation of your own custom LMS if you want to integrate it into your business or other organization’s website.

Customizable payment plans that allow students to pay as they go or prepay for a whole course up front (and then pay monthly).


 Teachable is a great platform for your online courses and training. It’s easy to use, it offers a lot of features and it has great support.

They have a really active community on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and their blog where you can get tips, tricks and advice from other users.

The only real downside of Teachable is that they don’t offer much flexibility in terms of pricing plans. But if you’re just starting out with your first course, this is not an issue at all!

Performance & Uptime

Teachable offers a very good uptime and performance. I’ve been using it for almost 2 years now and I’ve never had any problems with my site going down or slowing down.

The support team is also very helpful when you run into any issues so I haven’t had any downtime related issues during this time period.

2. Ease of Use for Course Creation

Course Creation has been simplified by improving our user interface. The new interface allows you to change the appearance and content of your course in a matter of minutes.

This is a huge improvement over the previous version, which was only available as an add-on. You can now create a new course in less than five minutes!

To create courses using the new Course Creation feature:

  1. Click on the “Courses” tab at the top of your screen. This will open up a list of all of your courses that are currently available.
  2. Click on “Create New Course.” This will open up a new screen with a variety of different options for setting up your course.
  3. On this screen, you will choose what type of course you want to create (e.g., quiz or forum). Once you’ve selected a type, you’ll be able to customize its appearance by choosing from many different themes for each type of course (this includes adding images and text).


 Thinkific is a great platform for creating online courses, but it is also incredibly easy to use. If you have never created an online course before, you will find that Thinkific makes the process simple and straightforward.

In this section, we’ll talk about the interface and how to create your first course.

First, let’s explore the main dashboard. As you can see from the screenshot below, there are several different features that will help you get started with your course creation:

1) Course Editor – This is where you’ll spend most of your time when creating your course. It allows you to add text, images, videos and other media elements to each slide in order to build out your course content.

2) Content Library – This is where all of your course assets are stored – including slides, quizzes and other items used within your course. Whenever you want to add something new (like an image or video), just click on “Add New” or “Add Media” and select what type of asset it should be (slide/quiz etc.).

3) Settings – Thinkific has a lot of different settings which allow you to customize how things look/work within your course. For example, if you want a video


 Teachable offers an easy-to-use platform for creating courses, selling them to students, and tracking your success.

The company was founded by two ex-Googlers who saw a need for a better way to teach online.

Their goal was to make it easier for anyone with an idea and some knowledge to teach others what they know.Teachable provides everything needed to create a course, including the tools for creating content and marketing the course.

It also allows you to build a community of students around your content  if you have something valuable to share, there will be people willing to pay you for it!

3. Security Measures

 Security measures can be implemented to protect your data from external attacks. The following are some of the security measures you can take:

Change the default password on all your devices.

Install security software on your devices and computers to keep them secure.

Create strong passwords for all your accounts, especially email accounts and social media accounts. Don’t share these with anyone else and don’t use the same password across different accounts.

Use a VPN service to encrypt your online traffic and protect it from snoopers, hackers, and other unauthorized users.

Keep your web browser up-to-date so that you can benefit from the latest security features provided by its developer.


 Thinkific is a secure platform that uses SSL encryption to ensure your data is safe. All data is stored in a secure environment, and can only be accessed by you.

We also use secure payment methods, such as PayPal and Stripe, to ensure your credit card information is safe.

You can always check our security measures through the following steps:

   Login to your Thinkific account and head to Settings > Security

   Click “View Certificate”

   Open the certificate (it will be in .pem format)

The certificate should include these details:

   Organization name: Thinkific Limited

   Name: DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA – G4


 Security Measures

Teachable is committed to keeping your personal information safe and secure. Below are some of the measures we take to protect your data:

Data Encryption

We use the strongest encryption technology available to protect your sensitive data (such as credit card numbers) when it travels over the Internet. We do this by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology.

SSL is a standard security protocol for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client usually a web server (website) and a browser; or a mail server and a mail client (e.g. Outlook).

Browser Security Warnings

We have enabled browser security warnings on our website, which alerts you when you visit an unsafe website that could potentially harm your computer or be used for fraud. These warnings also indicate when our website is not secure, but does not pose immediate risk to your computer or personal information.

4. Marketing Features

Marketing features are the most innovative and exciting new features of your product. They are meant to add value to your product, making it more competitive in the marketplace. They may be unique to your company or they may be shared by other products in your industry.

For example, if you’re selling a brand new smartphone, you might highlight its touchscreen display as a marketing feature. But if you’re selling an old-fashioned flip phone, you would probably highlight its long battery life as a marketing feature.

Marketing features can also be used to differentiate from similar products in the same industry. For example, if two companies both sell smartphones with touchscreen displays, one might emphasize the resolution of its screen while another might focus on how much glare it produces under bright conditions like sunlight or fluorescent lights.

Marketing features are sometimes called “unique selling propositions” (USPs). A USP is any aspect of a product that makes it stand out from similar products on the market

Thinkific Marketing

 Thinkific is a leading online learning platform that provides instructors with the tools to create and deliver courses online.

With Thinkific, instructors can create their own courses, promote them, and collect payments from students all from one place.

Thinkific offers many great features:

Easy Setup: Instructors can set up their accounts in just a few minutes and start creating their first course.

Mobile Friendly: Our responsive design makes your course look great on any device or browser. You can also use our mobile app to take your course with you anywhere!

Visual Editor: With our visual editor, you can easily design engaging lessons using images, videos, quizzes and more even if you’ve never created an e-course before!

Student Management: Manage student enrollments, grades and payment plans all through one simple interface.

Teachable Marketing

 Teachable is a popular platform for creating and selling online courses. The company has more than 3 million users, and each month they sell over $100 million worth of online courses.

Teachable has been around since 2012, but it recently made some major updates to its platform. In this post, I’ll share what these updates are and how they can help you grow your business.

1) Marketing Features

Teachable offers several marketing features that allow you to promote your course(s) to potential students:

Email Marketing You can add an email opt-in form that appears on the homepage of your course or on a specific page. This will allow you to collect emails from people who are interested in learning more about your courses.

Social Media Sharing Teachable allows you to share your courses on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

It also includes a feature called “Suggested Courses” which recommends other courses based on what someone has already purchased or viewed. This feature is helpful for selling additional products because it helps customers discover new products that might be relevant to their interests.

Lead Generation Teachable includes Lead Generation Cards which are displayed at checkout after someone buys one of your products or services

5. Data Analytics

 Data analytics is the process of extracting patterns and insights from data in order to optimize business processes, product development and other applications.

Data analytics software is used for a number of purposes. Data analytics can be used to analyze past performance, predict future performance and make decisions based on previous experience.

Data analytics can also be used to automate tasks that are currently performed manually by humans. As an example, data analytics can be used to monitor user behavior on a website or mobile application and send personalized messages based on what the user is doing at that moment in time.

Data Analytics Software

Businesses use data analytics software to do everything from predicting customer behavior to optimizing marketing campaigns. The most common types of data analytics software include:

Business Intelligence (BI) – BI software helps companies manage their data by providing access to reports, dashboards and visualizations with simple point-and-click functionality for those who don’t want to learn SQL or other technical programming languages. BI tools are typically used for analyzing historical data but can also be used for predictive analysis if you have historical data available.

Predictive Analytics – Predictive analytics tools use historical data along with other variables such as weather patterns, traffic patterns and demographic trends in order to forecast future events such as sales volume


 Data analytics is a process that allows you to extract knowledge from data and convert it into information. The result is a set of insights that can be used for making better decisions.

Data analytics is the science of finding meaning in data. It helps organizations leverage their data assets to make better business decisions.

Data analytics uses statistical methods, predictive modeling and machine learning algorithms to uncover hidden patterns and trends in data that allows organizations to make more accurate predictions about future events or outcomes.

Data analytics is an important part of the technology stack that allows you to find useful insights in your business data and take action on them.

Data Analytics Thinkific

A platform for learning Data Science skills: Learn how to use Python, R, SQL & Machine Learning Algorithms


 Data Analytics Teachable

Data Analytics is a topic that’s becoming more and more essential to the world of business. It’s a way of looking at data and finding trends, patterns, information and other valuable insights. It’s a skill that’s in demand across all industries, but it can be difficult to learn on your own.

The good news is that there are great courses available online that can help you learn how to do data analytics in an easy and effective way.

These courses will teach you everything from the basics like how to set up and use Excel to more advanced topics like how to manipulate data with Python or create visualizations with Tableau.

There are two main types of courses: those where you teach yourself using videos, quizzes and interactive features; and those where you work through exercises with an instructor who guides you through each step of the process. Both types of courses can be useful depending on what your specific needs are.

6. Customer Support

 Customer support is the process of assisting customers with questions and concerns. This can be a difficult task if you’re new to the business, but having good customer support is crucial to building positive relationships with your audience.

We’ve compiled a list of great tips for creating an effective customer support system:

  1. Create a team of people who know your brand inside and out. This can include employees from different departments, as well as outside contractors.
  2. Have multiple channels for customers to contact you, such as email and phone calls.
  3. Make sure that your team has access to all relevant information about your product or service so they can provide accurate answers when customers ask questions or express concerns. This includes information about pricing and policies, shipping times, etc.


 Thinkific offers a variety of customer support options to help you choose the one that best fits your needs.

Live Chat Support:

Our live chat agents are available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 7 PM EST. If you have a question or concern, simply click on the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen and one of our agents will be happy to assist you.

Email Support:

If you’d prefer to send us an email, please use the form below and we will respond within 24 hours (Monday-Friday). Please note that we cannot respond to emails sent outside of these hours or on weekends.

Contact Form:


 Customer Support Teachable

Teachable’s customer support team is working hard to make sure your experience with us is as smooth as possible. But sometimes, things go wrong and you need to reach out.

We want to make that process as simple as possible, so we’ve created this page to answer some of the most common questions we receive from customers.

What are the best hours to contact Teachable?

We’re available 24/7 via email at [email protected] or by phone at (888) 832-4227 ext 2. The best way to receive a response is by contacting us by email or by filling out a support ticket. If you leave a voicemail message, there’s no guarantee we will be able to respond within one business day or during normal business hours.

7. Payment Integrations

 We offer a number of payment integration options, depending on your needs and the complexity of your business.

Direct Payments: Direct payments are available for all subscription plans. When you sign up for one of our paid plans, Stripe will automatically begin collecting payments from customers on your behalf.

You’ll have access to Stripe’s dashboard to view transaction history, manage refunds and see reports on revenue and charges. We also provide Stripe invoices through the Dashboard so that you can provide them to customers as part of your standard billing process.

Recurring Billing: Recurring billing is not available in all countries or regions, please check here before signing up. Recurring billing allows you to accept recurring payments from customers (e.g., monthly membership subscriptions).

Once signed up, you can use our dashboard to set up new subscription plans, manage current subscriptions and track their progress over time


 Thinkific is a powerful and easy-to-use platform that helps you create, market, and sell your online courses.

Courses can be created using one of three course formats: video, text or an interactive presentation. You can use your own domain name or Thinkific’s dedicated subdomain to direct people to your course page.

Thinkific offers numerous payment integrations including PayPal, Stripe and

PayPal is a popular payment processing service that allows businesses to accept money online without sharing financial information with their customers.

Stripe is an online payment processing service that allows businesses to accept credit cards and other payments over the internet.


 Payment integrations with Teachable are available through Stripe, PayPal, and

Stripe is a leading payment processor that offers a variety of options for online businesses. Stripe has been used to process over $50 billion in payments for over 100 million customers in 190 countries.

PayPal is a global leader in online payments with more than 200 million active accounts in 190 countries and 25 currencies worldwide. PayPal supports both domestic and international transactions, making it an ideal choice for online sellers around the world.

Authorize.Net is one of the largest payment gateways on the market and has been used by more than 350,000 businesses since its launch in 1996.

8. Customization

 Customization is the process of making a product or service unique to the end-user. This can be done through various means, including creating unique content for each user, or by tailoring the product or service itself to the specific needs and wants of the customer.

Customization is often called personalization but this term has different connotations in marketing.

Personalization is generally thought of as a one-way process, where an organization sends out information about itself and its products or services to customers. This can include catalogues, email newsletters and promotional materials, with the goal of generating sales leads and driving foot traffic into brick-and-mortar stores.

Customization is a two-way street, where customers are actively engaged in customizing their experience with a company or brand. This can mean receiving discounts or other incentives based on past purchases (or not purchasing), but it can also simply mean getting access to exclusive content that isn’t available anywhere else or engaging with brands in new ways that feel more genuine than traditional advertising methods.


 Thinkific is a great, customizable course platform. It offers a wide variety of options for both students and instructors, including ecommerce functionality and built-in video hosting.

There are several ways you can customize your Thinkific site:

You can use your own domain name with Thinkific, which is great for branding purposes.

You can also change the design of your site using their drag-and-drop editor. You have full control over fonts, colors and other elements of your site’s design.

The platform allows you to create multiple courses within one account, so if you’re creating multiple courses at once then this will save you time and money!


 Customization is the ability to make your experience on Teachable uniquely yours. It’s the ability to select from a variety of colors, fonts, and even add custom images and backgrounds.

You can customize your course page in three ways:

– Colors: You can select from a range of colors, including pastel shades, vibrant colors, and more. If there’s a color that you want that isn’t available, we can add it for you!

– Fonts: Choose one of our pre-selected fonts or upload your own font if you wish to use one not on the list.

– Backgrounds: Choose from over 100 different background options including textures, patterns, images, etc., which can be used as part of your course page design.

9. Pricing Plans

Pricing plans are a key component of your company’s strategy. They help you define and understand your customers, and they provide the foundation for everything from product features to marketing campaigns.

The best pricing plans are designed to align with your business goals, rather than just maximize revenue at any cost. Here’s how to develop a pricing plan that works for your business:

1) Start with a high-level strategy

Before diving into pricing specifics, it’s important to start with an overarching strategy that defines what kind of business you want to build. This includes defining your target customer and understanding how much value you’re offering them in exchange for their money.

2) Identify key metrics

Once you have a clear idea of the type of business you’re trying to build, it’s time to pick some key metrics that will drive growth. Those metrics could be anything from customer lifetime value (CLV) or average order value (AOV).

The goal here is simply to define which metrics matter most so that they can guide decisions later on down the line.

3) Design different pricing models around each metric

Now comes the fun part! Once you’ve defined the most important metrics for your company’s success, next comes designing different pricing models


 Thinkific offers a variety of pricing plans to fit your needs.

All plans include access to all course tools, unlimited courses and memberships, and unlimited team members.

Basic Plan ($29/month)

The Basic plan is designed for individuals looking to create an online course or membership site. This plan includes all features, including email marketing and website hosting. Sign up for a free 14-day trial today!

Premium Plan ($59/month)

The Premium plan includes everything in the Basic Plan, plus additional features such as video hosting and live streaming capabilities.

If you want to host courses on your own domain name, use our Live Streaming Feature (coming soon), or host multiple courses at once, the Premium plan is right for you! Sign up for a free 14-day trial today!


 Teachable offers a range of pricing plans to suit your needs. In this article, we’ll go over the different options and explain how they work.

Teachable offers two plans: Basic and Pro. The Basic plan is a great option for instructors who want to create a few courses and see how they do before investing in a more expensive plan. The Pro plan is designed for instructors who are ready to grow their business with more courses and additional features like guest experts, custom domains and more.

Basic Plan

The Basic plan includes all of the features you need to create your first course, such as video creation tools, lesson templates and an enrollment page. You can also add up to 10 students per course on this plan.

If you’re just starting out with Teachable, we recommend using the Basic plan until you’re ready to upgrade your account.

Pro Plan

The Pro plan gives you access to all of our advanced features including guest experts, custom domains and live streaming video hosting. This is also where you’ll find tools like Course Builder which allow you to build out your course easily with drag-and-drop functionality right inside the platform!

Teachable vs Thinkific: Verdict

I’ve been using Teachable for a few years now and Thinkific for about a year. I think both platforms are great for different reasons, but I also think that Teachable has better features, more flexibility and better support.

Teachable vs Thinkific: Features

Teachable comes with all the features you need to get started, like landing pages, eCommerce integrations, payment gateways and analytics. It also has some advanced features like virtual classrooms and live streaming.

On the other hand, Thinkific only has the basics out of the box (though it does have paid add-ons). You can get most of the advanced features through third party integrations or by using Zapier.

Teachable vs Thinkific: Flexibility

Teachable is much more flexible than Thinkific in terms of payment options and pricing tiers. For example, you can use Stripe or PayPal as your payment gateway on Teachable while there’s no such option on Thinkific. You can also set your course prices in whatever currency you want on Teachable whereas on Thinkific they are limited to USD or EUR only.

Teachable vs Thinkific: Support

Thinkific Review

 Thinkific vs Teachable: The Ultimate Comparison Guide

If you are looking for a platform to create an online course, there is no shortage of choices. There are so many options that it can be hard to choose which one is right for your needs. In this article, we will compare two of the most popular platforms and help you decide which one is best.

Thinkific vs Teachable: Which One Is Right For You?

Thinkific and Teachable are both great platforms for creating online courses. They both offer a lot of great features and similar pricing plans.

Here are some of their most important features:


Both platforms offer mobile apps, so users can access their courses on their phones or tablets while they’re on the go. This makes them very convenient for people who like to learn outside of their home or office but still want to keep up with their studies.

Both platforms also have eCommerce integrations so that users can sell products directly through their courses. This is a great way for instructors to earn money from their courses without having to do any additional work on their end (although they will need to set up the eCommerce integrations themselves).

Teachable Review

 Teachable vs Thinkific: Verdict Teachable

Teachable and Thinkific are two of the most popular platforms for creating online courses. The two platforms have a lot of similarities, but they also have some key differences.

In this article, we’ll compare Teachable vs Thinkific to help you decide which platform is best for you.

Teachable vs Thinkific: Overview

Both Teachable and Thinkific offer all the tools you need to create high-quality courses. They both have extensive video hosting options that allow you to add videos from YouTube, Vimeo and other video sites. And they both give you access to a wide variety of software including Canva and Adobe Spark.

But there are some key differences between the two platforms:

Thinkific vs Teachable – Frequently Asked Questions

Is it free?

Yes, both platforms offer a free trial. While Thinkific offers a 14-day free trial for their basic plan, Teachable offers 10 days of complete access to the platform.

What’s the difference between self-paced and live courses?

A self-paced course is one where students can take as long as they need to complete the course. They decide when they want to start and when they want to complete it. A live course is a real-time experience where students interact with the instructor and other students.

How do I know if my idea will fit into one of these platforms?

Thinkific vs Teachable – Wrap Up

 When it comes to choosing a platform, you need to consider your goals. If you are looking to build a passive income with an online course, then a subscription-based model might be best for you.

However, if you want to grow a large community of students and followers, then a freemium model may be more suitable.

Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each platform:

Thinkific vs Teachable

Thinkific Pros

-Simple interface design

-Customizable templates

-Easy to add videos and PDFs

-Built-in eCommerce options (Teachable only offers this as an add-on)

Thinkific Cons:

-Less features than Teachable (eCommerce, gamification)

The post Thinkific vs Teachable: Pricing, Features & Which Is Best in 2022 appeared first on Filmmaking Lifestyle.

This post first appeared on Filmmaking Lifestyle, please read the originial post: here

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Thinkific vs Teachable: Pricing, Features & Which Is Best in 2022


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