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Start a Blog & Make 6 Figures In Your 1st Year

How to Start a Blog – Introduction          

When you start a blog, you’re opening up a new space for your voice to be heard. You’re creating a platform where you can share your thoughts, stories and ideas with the world.

And if you do it right, it can be an incredibly rewarding experience that gives you the opportunity to connect with like-minded people and make a real difference in other people’s lives. But before you get started on your blog journey, there are some things to consider first. Here are some tips on how to start a blog:

What kind of blog do you want?

Decide what kind of blog is right for you. There are many different types of blogs out there  personal blogs, informational blogs, lifestyle blogs and more.

Depending on what type of information or service you want to provide through your blog, there may be certain guidelines or regulations that apply to it. For example: If your content is personal and contains sensitive information about yourself or others,

then privacy laws may require that you obtain permission from those individuals in order to publish content on their behalf.

Think about what kind of topics will interest people who visit your site. Also think about how they might search for these topics online what keywords might they use? This will help

1. How To Set Up Your Blog                                 

If you’ve never set up a blog before, it’s not as hard as it might seem. In this article, we’ll walk you through the basic steps of setting up your blog so that you can get started with blogging today!

  1. Choose a Domain Name

This is where you’ll be hosting your blog, so choose carefully! Your domain name should be easy to remember and unique  don’t worry about whether or not it’s available yet (it probably won’t be). If you have a URL in mind already, great! If not, check out our list of top websites for finding good domain names.

  1. Choose a Hosting Company

Next you’ll need to decide on what type of hosting service to use. There are tons of options available out there but we recommend using Bluehost because they’re super affordable and provide everything you need to get started blogging right away (including an easy-to-use interface).

However if price is an issue then Media Temple would probably be better suited for you. Just make sure whatever company you choose offers WordPress hosting and has solid customer support ratings before signing up (you can check those out here).

2. Choose Your Blog’s Niche                                

 When you’re choosing your blog’s niche, don’t just think about the content you want to write. You also need to think about your audience and how they want to consume that content. Here are some questions to ask yourself when deciding on a niche:

Who is my target audience? (Do they have a specific age range, gender or location?) What are their interests? How much time do they spend online reading blogs? What kind of websites do they read?

What topics would people be interested in reading about? I recommend starting by looking at what other bloggers are writing about. Review their posts and see if there are any gaps in the market that could be filled by your own ideas.

Look for related interests among the top-ranking posts on Google, Facebook and Twitter for keywords related to your topic.

How can I make this niche more unique? It’s important to stand out from the crowd when choosing a niche  otherwise, other bloggers will already have covered it by the time you get started! Is there an angle on this topic that hasn’t been explored much yet? Are there any unexplored angles that could be turned into a completely new angle of research/

3. Start a Blog By Installing WordPress                          

 Starting a blog is easy. You just need to know how

The first step is to choose a platform or CMS (content management system). There are many platforms out there, but the most popular one is WordPress.

This article will show you how to install WordPress on your own domain name.

Step 1: Sign Up For A Domain Name And Hosting Account

You’ll need to sign up for a domain name and hosting account before you can get started with installing WordPress. A domain name is what people type into their browser address bar to access your site.

Your host will give you an IP address (such as that points to your domain name so that when people type in “” they actually end up at your website (which lives on an IP address like this).

To get started with hosting, you can use Bluehost which is recommended by WordPress itself! It has been proven time and time again, and it’s super easy to set up your blog on Bluehost in just a few minutes!

4. Pick a Theme for Your WordPress Blog                                 

 One of the most important decisions you’ll make when starting a blog is picking a theme. Themes are the visual design of your site, which includes colors, fonts and images.

Themes can drastically change the look and feel of your blog, so it’s important to pick one that fits with your brand. Here are some things to consider when choosing a theme:

  1. Look at other blogs in your niche. Can you see any similarities among their themes? If so, what do they have in common? Do they all look professional or do they seem amateurish? What kind of feel do they give off? Compare these qualities to what you want for your own blog.
  2. Consider how many people will be visiting your blog on a daily basis (or weekly basis). For example, if you’re going to be posting videos on YouTube every day it might not make sense for you to use an eCommerce theme because it would require too much time for setup and maintenance.
  3. On the other hand, if you’re just doing text-based posts then something like Divi or Genesis would be great options because they come with built-in advertising modules that make it easy for anyone to start making money from their website without having to hire someone else

5. Install a Few Simple WordPress Plugins                              

 If you are looking for a few simple WordPress plugins to get started with, here are my top picks. WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast.

This is the most popular SEO plugin and it’s the one I use on all my sites. It gives you a bunch of options to optimize your site for search engines, but it’s also very easy to use and understand.

Akismet Anti-Spam Plugin. Akismet is probably the most popular anti-spam plugin and it works great on any WordPress site. I

t also has an API that other plugins can use if they want to integrate with it. Contact Form 7 Plugin.

This is another must-have plugin for any website, whether it’s a blog or not! Contact forms are one of the easiest ways to convert visitors into customers, so don’t miss out on this one!

1. Elementor Pro                                  

 The Elementor Pro is a premium WordPress plugin that allows you to create beautiful, responsive and mobile-friendly websites. It’s perfect for creating the best user experience for your visitors (and Google) through its drag & drop interface and a variety of other tools.

Elementor Pro comes with many features including:

Drag and drop interface. Elementor Pro lets you easily customize your website by simply dragging elements around the page. You don’t need to know any code to do this!

Powerful shortcodes. With Elementor Pro, you can add beautiful design elements such as sliders, menus, galleries and more with just a few clicks.

A/B testing. Test two different versions of your page to see which one performs better by creating two templates that differ in only one aspect, such as color or image placement.

Customizable grid system. Create responsive layouts of any size without worrying about compatibility issues between different devices by using our advanced grid system that ensures your website will look great on all devices including smartphones and tablets!

2. ShortPixel Image Optimizer                                 

 ShortPixel Image Optimizer is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use tool that optimizes your images. You can use this tool to compress photos, reduce the size of your website’s images and also increase the loading speed of your website. This tool has many advanced features that help you to optimize your images in different ways.

This tool can help you to compress any image format into web-friendly JPEG or PNG format. It uses various techniques like lossy compression, progressive compression and lossless compression to reduce the size of your photo without losing any quality.

The best thing about this tool is that it is completely free with no ads and no limitations. So, if you want to compress images for free then you should definitely try ShortPixel Image Optimizer!

3. WP Rocket                                   

 WP Rocket is a premium cache plugin that can help you to speed up your WordPress website. It uses advanced caching methods to decrease the load time of your website and boost its performance.

WP Rocket claims to be able to reduce the loading times of your website by up to 60%. It works by storing static versions of your pages in a cache and serving them instead of the dynamic versions when someone visits one of your posts or pages.

WP Rocket also includes several other features like minification, content delivery network (CDN) integration and HTTPS support. This makes it an even more powerful tool for speeding up your WordPress site than most other caching plugins on the market today.

The most important thing about WP Rocket is that it doesn’t require any technical knowledge or coding skills from you in order for it to work properly just install, activate and forget about it!

4. Yoast SEO                                    

 Yoast SEO is the most complete WordPress SEO plugin. It’s a WordPress SEO plugin which helps you to optimize your website for search engines like Google and Bing.

This plugin is developed by Joost de Valk, who is a well-known developer in the WordPress community.

Yoast SEO Features

Yoast SEO has many features that optimize your website for search engines, including: Redirects – set up redirects to make sure your old URLs keep working even as you change your site structure; Internal linking – make sure you don’t have any broken links on your site; External links – make sure you use relevant keyword when linking to other sites;

XML Sitemap – generate an XML sitemap that can be submitted to Google News and Bing News for indexing; XRANK support – see how important individual posts are for specific keywords;

6. Create Great Content for Your Blog                           

The most important part of your blog is the content. The content of your blog will determine whether people subscribe to it or not.

So, in order to create great content for your blog, you need to be able to write, research and even proofread well. The best thing about writing is that you can do it from anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer, internet connection, and a laptop or desktop computer with word processing software installed on it.

There are many different types of writing styles but if you can master just one, then you will be able to write anything from fiction to non-fiction books and even articles for websites like this one!

You can start off by reading articles written by other people and then try copying their style until it becomes second nature to you. Once you have mastered this simple style, then try creating your own style by combining elements from different authors into one piece of work!

Writing Blog Posts that Match Search Intent                                    

 Writing blog posts that match search intent has become a popular topic in the SEO community. If you are not familiar with this concept, it’s basically the idea that you can predict what people are searching for and write blog posts that will rank well in those searches.

I’ve been putting off writing this post because I find the topic to be a bit boring. However, I know it is important so here we go.

This post will cover:

What is search intent?

How do we predict search intent?

Why is it important?

How do we build content around search intent?

Extra Tips to Improve Your Blog Writing                                             

 Extra Tips to Improve Your Blog Writing

The following are some extra tips to help you improve your blog writing:

  1. Use the active voice. The active voice is easier for readers to understand because it focuses on what you want them to do (e.g., click a link) rather than on what you want them not to do (e.g., don’t click).
  2. Cut down on adjectives and adverbs. Adjectives and adverbs can be useful for providing colorful details and descriptions, but they often distract readers from the main point of your post.
  3. You can usually cut down on them by keeping your sentences short and simple, using strong verbs instead of weak ones, and choosing simple words over complex ones whenever possible.
  4. Keep paragraphs short and focused. Long paragraphs make your blog harder to read because they force users to scroll up and down frequently in order to find the information they’re looking for within each paragraph which is especially annoying if they’re reading through mobile devices! Instead, use short paragraphs that focus on one idea or point at a time; this will help readers retain more of your content as well!

Create Your Home and About Pages                                      

Once you’re settled on a domain name, it’s time to create your website. You’ll need to set up two pages: the home page and an about page.

The home page is where people will go when they visit your site. It’s the first thing they see, so it’s important to put some time into making it look good.

The about (or “about me”) page tells people who you are and what they can expect from your blog or website. Here are some tips for creating these pages:

Home Page Tips:

Make sure your content is easy to read. If you have too much text on one page, it can be difficult for visitors to find what they’re looking for.

For example, if you have five paragraphs on one page with only one link at the top of each paragraph, then visitors will have to click five times just to get anywhere!

Add navigation links so people can find their way around your site easily. If you want people to join an email list or purchase something from you, make sure there’s a link for them to do that easily from every page of your site not just from specific posts or pages!

Use images where possible so things don’t look too cluttered or boring

1. Home Page                                

 A home page is the first web page that appears when you visit a website. It is also sometimes called a landing page, a portal, or even just a front page.

Home pages are often the most visited pages on a website, and they are commonly the first thing potential customers see when they enter your site. A good home page can make visitors feel welcome, help them find what they’re looking for quickly and easily, and encourage them to explore other parts of your site.

The home page should provide an overview of what you offer your visitors and help them decide whether or not they want to learn more about your products or services. It should also include contact information so that people can get in touch with you if they have questions or requests for more information.

It’s important that the home page be well organized and easy to navigate so that visitors can get the information they need without too much trouble. Having links to other key pages on your site will help visitors who want more information about specific topics quickly find what they need without having to search through your entire site from scratch each time they want something new from you.

2. About Page

The About page is the hub of your website. It’s where your company’s story lives, and it’s the primary place for you to tell it. If you don’t have an About page yet, now is the time to create one.

An effective About page should do three things:

Introduce your team members. You want people who visit your site to know who they’re dealing with so put a face on your business by introducing yourself and your team members right off the bat.

Tell potential customers what makes you different from other companies in your industry. This can be as simple as listing some of the key benefits that set you apart from other businesses in the same field or industry or as complex as explaining what makes you unique (maybe even better) than everyone else out there.

It all depends on how much space you have available and what type of business you run. But regardless of how much information you decide to include here, make sure it reflects well on both your business and its customers!

Provide links back to key pages on your website that visitors might need more information about (e.g., customer service).

3. Blog Post Template                                   

A blog post template is a document that you can use to create blog posts. It contains all the information that you need to write a post and will help you save time and effort.

Blog post templates are used by bloggers of all levels, from beginners to experts. They can be used for any type of blog, including personal blogs, travel blogs and business blogs.

Here are some of the benefits of using a blog post template:

Save Time

It’s much easier to write your posts when you have all the information in one place. You don’t need to spend time looking for your notes or having to ask yourself questions like “what should I write about today?” or “how long should my post be?” The template gives you all this information at once so that it takes less time and effort to write each post.

Save Money on Marketing Tools or Services

If you’re paying someone else to help with your marketing efforts (such as an editor or designer), they may not know what kind of content works best on your blog or where they should focus their efforts. Using a blog post template means that they don’t have to waste time

4. Blog Archive                                 

 Blogs are some of the best ways to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in your field. They can also be a great way to get exposure and build your personal brand.

With the right tools, you can create an archive of your best blog posts.

If you’re looking for a simple way to make an archive of your blog posts, then this tutorial is for you. In this article, we’ll show you how to make an archive in WordPress using one of our favorite plugins: WP-Table Reloaded.

The plugin has been around for a while, but it’s still one of the best ways to create an archive in WordPress.

Once installed, you’ll be able to create any type of archive that suits your needs. You can display your archives by month, year or even by author!

5. Contact Page

 Your contact page is one of the most important pages on your website. It’s the doorway to your business and the first impression that you make. Make sure it’s as good as it can be by following these tips:

Make sure it’s easy to find and easy to use. A contact page should always be prominent on your website and easy to get to from any page in the site.

Don’t make people hunt for it add a link to your contact page in a prominent place (like the footer) or include it at the top of every page in your navigation bar.

Keep it simple. A contact form should be short and simple, with just enough information for you to know who you’re talking to and what they’re contacting you about.

Include only fields that are essential don’t ask for information that isn’t absolutely necessary since this will cause more frustration than anything else! Make sure there are no typos or spelling errors anywhere on the page, including within any text fields or dropdown menus.

Also avoid using uncommon abbreviations unless they’re clearly explained within their context (like “e-mail” vs “email”).

 For Your Blog                  

If you want to achieve success with your blog, then you need to take some time to consider the following things:

What do you want your blog to be about? What types of posts are you going to create? Are these topics something that people will find interesting? Do you have any experience in this area? If not, then it may be better for you to choose another topic.

You should also consider how often you’re going to post on the blog. It’s important that you don’t post too often or too infrequently as this can make it difficult for potential readers to see what they can expect from your blog. Ideally,

you should try and keep the same posting schedule each week so that readers know when they can expect new content from your site.

Finally, make sure that your blog is easy to read and navigate around so that people aren’t getting frustrated when looking for information on your site.

Plan Future Content For Your Blog                      

 Planning is the key to success. Planning is the difference between failure and success, between mediocrity and greatness, between the entrepreneur who builds a successful business and those who fail.

Planning is what separates successful entrepreneurs from the rest of the pack. If you want to be successful at blogging, you need to create a content plan for your blog.

A content plan is a list of everything that you’re going to write about in the future. It tells you exactly what topics you’ll cover as well as when you’ll cover them, so you can make sure that your blog has a steady stream of posts coming out on a regular basis.

It’s important to have a content plan because it helps you get organized by allowing you to see everything that needs to happen in advance: You know what needs writing, how long each post will take, and when each post should go live.

It also saves time because it allows you to see what needs doing before anything else can happen so if there are any holes in your schedule, they become immediately obvious and easy to fill up again before they ever cause problems.

Analyze Your Blog Content                       

 As you start to build an audience, you’ll want to keep track of how your content is performing. Use these tips to analyze your blog content and make sure it’s as good as it can be.

  1. Check Your Content’s Scorecard

If you use Google Analytics, you can check out a number of different metrics that show you how well your blog is doing.

You can look at pageviews, unique pageviews and average time on page for each post (the last two are great for determining if people are reading). You can also check out bounce rate (how often people leave after visiting one page) and conversion rate (how often people click through from another site).

  1. Check Your Bounce Rate

Bounce rate means the percentage of visitors who leave after visiting just one page on your site  typically because they didn’t find what they were looking for or weren’t interested in anything else on your site. This metric is important because it shows how many people are leaving before they even see any of the content on your site.

If your bounce rate is high, then even though more people may be visiting your site, they’re not sticking around long enough to see anything other than the home page (which may be

7. Promote Your Blog                                

 There are plenty of ways to promote your blog. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it.

Here are some ideas:

  1. Share it with friends, family, and co-workers.
  2. Post your blog on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.
  3. Write a guest post for someone else’s blog or website. This will give you another opportunity to share your content with a new audience and also make connections with other bloggers who may be interested in doing the same thing for you someday.
  4. Write an e-book based on one of your posts or articles and sell it on Amazon Kindle or (or both).

What Is Guest Blogging                                

 Guest blogging is a great way to get your content published on other websites and blogs. It also helps you build relationships with influencers in your industry.

In this article, we’ll talk about what guest blogging is, why you should consider it as a content marketing strategy and how you can use it to promote yourself or your company.

What Is Guest Blogging?

Guest blogging is when someone writes an article on another person’s site. It differs from regular blogging in that there’s no direct exchange of money between the author and the host site.

Sometimes, guest bloggers are paid by their hosts but more often than not, this isn’t the case (hence why it’s called “guest” blogging). Instead, they’re often asked to contribute content for free because they have something unique to offer readers.

This could be insightful advice on a certain topic or valuable information about a specific industry.

What Is Link Building                                    

Link building is the process of creating links to your website from other websites. When someone clicks on a link to your site, it’s called “link traffic.”

Link building is one of the most important aspects of SEO. Google ranks sites higher in search results if they have more relevant and high-quality backlinks pointing to them.

A good link profile can also help you rank better in Bing and Yahoo! Search, which is why it’s important to get links from all over the web.

How to Get Links

There are several ways to get backlinks:

Create content that people want to link to. This could be an in-depth article or an infographic that people want to share with others.

You can also create videos or podcasts if you have enough experience with video editing or audio recording software. The idea is to create content that helps people solve their problems or answer questions they have about a topic related to yours. For example,

if you run a blog about dog training, then you might create videos and podcasts about how to train dogs at home with treats rather than using choke chains or other harsh techniques that could cause harm to pets over time (and possibly even break their spirit).

Search Engines And Blogging                                     

 Search engines are an essential tool for bloggers and website owners.To be successful, you need to understand how search engines work and how to optimize your blog for them.

This article will show you how to use search engines to get more traffic to your blog. A search engine is a program that searches for information on the Internet, usually by using keywords.

The most popular search engines in the world are Google, Bing and Yahoo! But there are many others, such as Dogpile (which combines results from several search engines), Blekko (which focuses on social media results) and DuckDuckGo (which doesn’t track users).

The purpose of a search engine is to help people find what they’re looking for on the Internet quickly and easily. It does this by searching through all available websites at once  an impossible task for any human being  and displaying only the most relevant results based on user preferences.

Search engine users enter one or more words that describe what they’re looking for into a form field called a “query,” then click a button labeled “search” or similar wording. The search engine then returns a list of pages with information related to those words.

What Are SEO title tags                               

Title tags are the most important factor when it comes to SEO. These are the first thing that people see and read when they come to your page.

Therefore, Google has a very high regard for these titles. The length of your title tag is also important because Google will cut off any text that goes beyond 70 characters. The title tag should be descriptive and include keywords that describe what the page is about but not so much that it looks spammy or like keyword stuffing.

The best way to write a title tag is to include the most important keywords in the beginning of the title then follow it up with an image or company logo, then finally include some descriptive text about what the page will offer visitors.

For example: “How To Lose Weight Fast | Lose 10 Pounds In 7 Days.” This type of title tag would describe what the article is about while including keywords like “lose weight” and “fast.”

What Are Meta Descriptions?                                     

 Meta descriptions are short snippets of text that appear below your website title on search engine results pages. This snippet of text is one of the most important on-page SEO elements you can control.

Here’s why:

Meta descriptions are used by search engines to show a snippet of the page to users who search for the page’s topic. If someone searches for “SEO,” for example, Google might show a snippet of text from an article about SEO.

A meta description can be up to 160 characters long and typically includes relevant keywords. For example, if you’re writing an article about how to do SEO for small businesses, your meta description might include the words “SEO,” “small business,” and “tips.”

Meta descriptions aren’t mandatory, but they’re highly recommended because they play such a crucial role in how well your content is found online.

What Are Sitemaps                                       

 Sitemaps are a list of the pages on your website. They are a vital part of any site’s SEO strategy, as they help search engines crawl your site and learn more about what content is available on it.

Sitemaps are an XML file that includes all of the URLs that exist on your website and where they can be found. They also include information about when each URL was last modified, how often it gets crawled by Googlebot, and other information about each page’s content.

Sitemaps were originally created to help humans find their way around websites. But today, they’re used more often by search engines than anyone else.

That’s because sitemaps allow search engines to see which pages are most important to your site and which ones aren’t getting enough traffic. They also make it easier for search engine spiders to crawl your site more quickly and efficiently by letting them know which pages should be prioritized first.

What Are Blog Widgets                                                       

 Blog widgets are small blocks of content that you can place on your blog pages. They are designed to display information in a clear and concise manner, so your visitors don’t have to spend too much time reading through your blog posts.

The most common types of widgets are:

Subscribe buttons – These allow visitors to subscribe to your blog’s feed and receive updates via email or RSS reader.

Social media sharing buttons – These allow visitors to share your content on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+.

Recent Posts Widgets – These show the latest posts from your blog in a list format. Some people use these as mini-archives for their home page or sidebar.

Search Boxes – This lets site visitors search for specific posts or categories of posts on your site.

How to Start a Blog– Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do I need to start a blog?

There is no set amount of money you need to start a blog, but there are some basic necessities that you should have. It’s best to have an internet connection and a computer or laptop.

You also need access to the internet so that you can post on your blog and for people to see it. The cheapest way to get an internet connection is through dial-up, but it takes forever for pages to load and it’s not reliable or fast enough for blogging purposes. Broadband is great because it’s faster, more reliable, and allows for multiple users at once.

However, this is where the costs start getting higher because broadband is billed by the month and requires an expensive monthly subscription fee from your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

What kind of content should I use on my blog?

The type of content that you include on your blog depends on what kind of audience you want to attract. For example, if you’re trying to attract teenage girls then maybe posting about music videos would be good because they’re into pop culture right now, whereas if we’re trying to attract 40-year-old men then maybe talking about cars would be better because

How to Start a Blog – Wrapping Up

 A blog is a great way to share your thoughts, ideas, and opinions with the world. In this post, I’m going to explore how to start a blog.

The first thing you need to do is decide on a blog topic. This is probably the most important step because if you don’t pick something that interests you, you won’t be able to produce quality content consistently over time.

Having chosen your topic, it’s time to create an account with one of the many blogging platforms out there such as WordPress or Blogger. Then comes the fun part: writing your first post! Once that’s done, all that remains is promoting your blog across social media channels and other sites so that people can discover it and follow along with your updates.

The post Start a Blog & Make 6 Figures In Your 1st Year appeared first on Filmmaking Lifestyle.

This post first appeared on Filmmaking Lifestyle, please read the originial post: here

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Start a Blog & Make 6 Figures In Your 1st Year


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