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Zoom vs GoToMeeting vs Webex vs WebinarJam: Best in 2022?

Zoom vs GoToMeeting vs Webex vs WebinarJam: Introduction                   

Zoom, GoToMeeting, Webex and WebinarJam are the top-rated video conferencing tools in the market today. They are easy to use and help you meet your business goals by connecting you with your clients and colleagues.

However, they have their own unique features that make them stand out from the rest.

Zoom is a web-based video conferencing tool that allows users to host meetings from anywhere in the world. It has a simple interface that makes it easy for first-time users to learn how it works within minutes.

It also has an affordable pricing plan compared to its competitors such as GoToMeeting or Webex.

GoToWebinar is a cloud-based software tool for online events that enables users to easily run online seminars or webinars from their computers or mobile devices. You can choose between two plans: Basic (free) and Plus ($49 per month).

The Basic plan includes unlimited attendees and one session every month while Plus includes unlimited attendees and sessions per month as well as advanced reporting features such as analytics, real-time engagement metrics, and more.

Webex Meetings is

1. Ease-of-Use

Ease-of-use is an important and often overlooked aspect of user interface design. A good UI should be easy to use, especially for new users.

The purpose of a good UI is to make the job of the user easier while keeping them informed and in control of their actions.

A good user interface makes it easy to see what you can do and how to do it, without having to read any instructions. Users should be able to figure out how to use your application with minimal instruction from you or other users.

A good UI should also provide feedback about what is happening on screen so that users can tell whether their actions have been successful or not.


 The Ease-of-Use Zoom is a simple and easy to use feature that allows you to enlarge the subject of your photograph or video. You can also use this feature to crop the image, which will help you create a desired composition for your shot.

To zoom in on an image, you simply need to tap on the screen with two fingers. This will automatically zoom in on the image.

If you want to zoom out, then simply tap on the screen with three fingers instead.

You can also pinch your fingers together or pull them apart to zoom in or out respectively. To crop off part of an image, tap on it with three fingers and then drag one finger across another finger until it appears as if you are cutting off some of the picture with scissors.


 Ease-of-Use GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting is a powerful online meeting software that makes it easy to share your computer screen, video conference and take online meetings.

GoToMeeting is an all-in-one meeting solution that allows users to present their screen, share files, conduct polls and surveys and more. It’s also great for broadcasting live events.

With GoToMeeting you can:

• Share your screen with up to 250 people at once, so they can see what you’re seeing and collaborate together on documents or presentations.

• Meet face-to-face with HD video conferencing quality that rivals in-person meetings.

• Make meetings easier by arranging them with just a few clicks from your mobile device or tablet.


 Webex is a simple, easy to use, web conferencing solution. It offers high quality audio and video, screen sharing and other collaboration tools.

Webex is compatible with Mac OS X 10.5 or higher and Windows XP SP2 or higher. You can also use it on Linux using Wine.

You can start using Webex by just downloading the application from their website and installing it on your computer. Once installed, you can open it up and create an account for yourself (you will need to provide your email address).

Once you have created an account and logged in, you will be brought to the main Webex interface which looks like this:


 Do you have a webinar that you want to promote but are having trouble getting people to sign up?

WebinarJam is the easiest way to record and host a webinar on your own website. WebinarJam makes it easy for anyone to create and host a high quality webinar on their website.

WebinarJam offers everything you need in one place: recording, hosting, sharing, promoting, and more.

Hosting is included with your purchase of WebinarJam! You can host unlimited live events, by default we give you 30 minutes per event with no additional fees. If you need more time, we offer paid packages starting at $20/month per event.

With WebinarJam Pro, you can also record your live event and choose when to share it with your audience. You can even send recordings directly via email or download them as MP4 files!

2. Starting a Webinar

 Starting a webinar is simple. Just follow these four steps:

Choose a topic that your audience will find interesting.

Create an agenda for your webinar, which should include the following:

Who you are and why they should listen to you

What they will learn from the webinar

How long it will last (30 minutes is a good length)

What they get out of it (e.g., an ebook or free training)

Write an email introducing your webinar and inviting people to attend. Use this email to link directly to the registration page for your webinar so that people can sign up easily with just one click.

Send this email to your target audience before the event starts so that they’re ready to register when it begins.


 There are a number of ways to start a webinar on Zoom. You can start one from the main menu, from your calendar, or from a meeting room.

Starting a Webinar from the Main Menu

To start a webinar from the main menu, click “Start Meeting” at the top of your screen. You’ll be taken to the Start New Meeting screen.

You can enter information about your meeting here, including who will be attending and what it’s about. When you’re ready to start your meeting, click “Start Meeting.”

Starting a Webinar from Your Calendar

If you have someone scheduled to attend your webinar, they’ll be listed in your calendar and will automatically show up as an attendee when you start the meeting. If there are no attendees scheduled for that time slot yet, you can still add them manually by clicking “Invite Attendees” at the top right of your screen.


 Webinar GoToMeeting is a great way to host an online meeting with your customers and prospects.

With GoToMeeting, you can easily host live meetings with up to 25 participants and conduct webinars, presentations, and more. Plus, you get the added benefit of recording your meetings so that you can replay them later.

Here’s how to start a webinar:

1. Sign in to your GoToWebinar account. (You’ll need an account in order to run a webinar.)

2. Click the “Create Meeting” button on your Dashboard or select “Create Meeting” from the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of any page.

3. Choose whether you want this meeting to be public or private; if you choose public, anyone will be able to join without an invitation code (more on that later). If it’s private, only people who have been invited will be able to participate in the meeting which is probably what you want for most events like product demos or sales presentations where you don’t want just anyone showing up!

4. Give your event a name, choose the time zone where it will take place (so all participants know when they’re supposed


 Starting a Webinar Webex

How to Start a Webinar Webex

1. Go to the Sign-in page on the webex site. If you don’t have one, go to the website and search for webinars. You can also click on the link in your email invitation.

2. Enter the information requested on the page, including your name and email address, then click “Sign In.”

3. If you have an account with Cisco, enter your username and password in their fields, then click “Sign In.” If not, click “Create Account” to set up an account that will allow you to participate in future sessions.

4. Once you’ve signed in successfully, select “Join Now” from the top right side of your screen. You’ll see a list of available sessions that are currently open for registration – this is where you can select which session(s) you’d like to attend!


 WebinarJam is a great platform for hosting and managing webinars. If you want to host webinars, and are looking for a platform that can help you do it, WebinarJam is the one for you.

This article will tell you everything you need to know about starting a webinar on WebinarJam.

Before we get started, let’s take a look at what WebinarJam has to offer:

A customizable user interface – You can use your own branding on WebinarJam, or use their pre-built themes. They also have a range of other options in terms of customizing your site and making sure your brand is consistent throughout your website.

Automatic check-ins – If participants don’t come into the webinar when it starts, they will be automatically checked in once they join later on so that nobody misses out on anything important.

Live chat – You can have live chat enabled during the event so that participants can ask questions or address issues if they arise during the event without distracting from what is going on in real time.

3. Number of Panelists/Presenters

 Generally, the number of panelists/presenters will depend on the number of attendees. However, many panels have a range of five to seven participants.

If you’re hosting a panel with more than seven people, it’s best to break it into two separate panels with equal numbers of speakers.

To gauge what size audience you might expect, consider the following factors:

The venue’s capacity and seating arrangement. You’ll want to make sure there’s enough room for all the attendees to sit comfortably and see clearly, so check out the venue’s floor plan and seating options before booking.

The popularity of the topic or event. If your event is focused on a topic that people care about or that has been covered by other events in the past, then expect more attendees than if it’s a brand-new topic or an event held at an off-peak time (for example, during summer vacation).

The reputation of your organization or event host(s). If an organization hosts several highly successful events each year and has been featured in major media outlets, then this will probably attract more attendees than if it’s just starting out or not well known yet.


 The number of panelists/presenters is an important consideration when deciding on a venue. The size and type of event will determine the appropriate number, but it is best to err on the side of caution and book a larger room than you think is necessary.

If you have a lot of panelists/presenters, consider booking multiple rooms. If this is not possible, you can use video conferencing or teleconferencing to accommodate more people in one room.

The following formula can be used to determine the maximum number of panelists/presenters:

Number of Panels x Number of Panelists/Presenters per Panel =  Maximum Number of Panelists/Presenters

For example: if there are three panels and each panel has two people on it, then there would be six total panelists/presenters. So the maximum number would be six (three panels x two per panel).


 1. There’s a limit of 10 panelists per GoToMeeting session:

If you want more people on your call, you can use GoToWebinar or GoToTraining. For example, with GoToWebinar, you can have up to 100 participants at once.

2. If all 10 participants are in “Presenter” mode, only 1 person will be able to talk at a time:

This happens because the moderator(s) and presenters can’t speak at the same time. You’ll need to either switch off the presenter mode for some of your panelists or adjust their speaking order so that they’re not both trying to talk during the same timeframe.

3. You can’t have more than 2 moderators in a GoToMeeting session:

However, if you find yourself needing more than 2 moderators (for example, if you’re doing an interview), then consider using one of our other products like GoToWebinar or GoToTraining instead.


 Number of Panelists/Presenters Webex

1. The number of panelists or presenters is unlimited.

2. You can add as many panelists or presenters as you want to your webinar. However, if you have too many people on your webinar, it can make it difficult for attendees to understand who is speaking and when they should be listening.

We recommend no more than 15 speakers at a time.

3. Each speaker should have their own microphone and be able to speak into it clearly without background noise (such as a fan). They also need to have good internet connection so that they can hear other speakers clearly and respond when asked questions by participants in the webinar room.


 The number of panelists/presenters is a feature that is often overlooked by those who are not familiar with WebinarJam.

The number of panelists and presenters determines the length of your webinar and how much content you can cover in it.

If you have four or five experts on your webinar, you may want to consider extending the time frame from 60 minutes to 90 minutes. This will allow each expert enough time to speak about their expertise without feeling rushed, which will create a more enjoyable experience for both you and your audience.

The most common mistake I see is people limiting themselves to one or two presenters, which then forces them to rush through their presentation or cut out important information.

Make sure to choose experts who are knowledgeable about specific topics so that they can provide useful content for your audience.

4. Number of Attendees

The first question that you need to ask yourself is “how many people do I want to attend my event?”

If you are looking for a small, intimate gathering, then you might be able to get away with a few hundred dollars for a venue. If you have hundreds of people on your email list or social media following, then you may be able to charge more for tickets and not worry about having an empty room.

The best way to figure out the budget is by doing some research into other events similar in size and location. Look at what their ticket prices were and how many people attended each event.

This will give you an idea of what kind of money you need to cover costs plus additional money for profit if possible


 Number of Attendees Zoom

The number of attendees is a significant indicator of the event’s popularity. It’s also an important metric for organizers, as it can help them estimate the total cost of hosting an event.

For instance, if you have a conference with 1,000 attendees and 100 exhibitors, then your expenses will be much higher than those for a conference with 10,000 attendees and 500 exhibitors.

When it comes to planning your event marketing strategy, you should first define your target audience. This way, you’ll be able to create specific content for each segment of your audience.

In addition, it will help you identify which channels are best suited for reaching each group within your target audience.

If you want to increase the number of people who attend your event, consider developing a referral program that rewards people who refer their colleagues or friends to register as delegates at your event.


 GoToMeeting is a web conferencing software application developed by LogMeIn. GoToMeeting allows users to host online meetings, collaborate and share screens with others in real time. LogMeIn acquired GoToMeeting in 2011, and rebranded its own screen-sharing service as GoToMeeting Pro.

The number of attendees that can join a meeting at once depends on the plan you’re using. All plans support up to 25 attendees per meeting, but the Basic plan only allows two participants on screen at once while the Plus and Premium plans allow up to four participants on screen at once.

GoToMeeting offers three different pricing tiers: Basic, Plus and Premium. The Basic plan costs $49 per month, while the Plus plan costs $99 per month and includes unlimited audio conferencing for all attendees, video conferencing for up to 15 participants and video recording for up to five participants.

The Premium plan costs $129 per month and includes all features from the Plus plan as well as email integration with Google Calendar and Microsoft Outlook, scheduling tools for managing your calendar events from within GoToMeetings interface and other features like custom branding options for your meeting URL


 Number of Attendees Webex

Webex is a hosted service that allows people to conduct online meetings and presentations. With Webex, you can share slides, video and audio, and even take online polls.

The service also offers screen sharing, which allows participants to see what’s on your screen as you work. You can adjust the size of the shared screen to fit your needs.

Webex offers many features that make it a powerful tool for conducting virtual meetings. The service has been used by tens of millions of users in more than 200 countries since its inception in 1995.

Thousands of companies use Webex on a daily basis to conduct business around the world.


 How many people are in your webinar?

The number of attendees is a key metric for webinars. It’s also a simple one to track, so there’s no reason not to get started on it today.

How do you measure the number of attendees?

Tracking the number of attendees is very easy with WebinarJam: You just need to add some code in your presentation and it will automatically count the number of people who joined your live event. Here are two ways to do it:

With our JavaScript tracking code (recommended)

Our JavaScript tracking code will automatically detect whether or not someone has joined your webinar, and then count them as an attendee if they stay until the end of your presentation (or until they leave early).

It’s very simple to implement, but if you’d like more information on how it works please visit this guide:

5. Video and Audio Quality

Video quality is the most obvious factor when it comes to streaming video. If you want to watch a movie or TV show but the video looks like garbage, you’re not going to be happy. But how do you know if your video quality is good enough?

The easiest way is to check out the bitrate of your stream. A higher bitrate means better resolution and less compression, so it will look better than a lower bitrate stream.

Unfortunately, there’s no standard bitrate for streaming videos each service has its own standards. For example, Netflix offers content at up to 4K resolution (3840 x 2160) at 36 Mbps, while Amazon Prime Video offers content at up to 1080p (1920 x 1080) at 16 Mbps. YouTube supports 4K and 1080p resolutions, but both are limited to 30 FPS (frames per second).

Audio quality is just as important as video quality when it comes to streaming media services. Some services offer stereo sound while others offer surround sound or Dolby Atmos audio tracks that simulate surround sound using multiple speakers in your home theater set-up.


 Video and Audio Quality Zoom

Video quality is the most important factor when it comes to determining whether your video will be a success. If you want a professional looking video, you need to have a high-quality camera that can produce great images.

You also need to use the best editing software for your computer and make sure that the audio is clear and crisp.

The zoom feature is one of the most important aspects of any video editing software. Most people don’t realize how much impact zooming has on the overall quality of your videos, but it can make a huge difference in how polished and professional they look.

When done correctly, zooming can make a video look like it was shot with expensive equipment, which makes it much more likely that your viewers will watch it all the way through without skipping ahead.


 GoToMeeting is an online meeting solution that allows you to host a video conference with up to 250 people. It is easy to use, has some great features and is relatively affordable.

Video Quality

GoToMeeting uses a combination of Flash and HTML5 technology which means that it can be used on most devices, including Macs, PCs, Chromebooks, iPads and iPhones (although not all mobile devices).

In terms of video quality, GoToMeeting uses H.264 video codec with 30 fps (frames per second) and AAC audio codec with 48 kHz sample rate.

The resolution is set at 720 pixels x 480 pixels but you can change this if needed by going into the ‘Advanced Options’ tab under Settings in the application window.

Audio Quality

GoToMeeting uses AAC-LC audio codec with 48 kHz sample rate for audio communication during a meeting. The microphone volume can be adjusted using keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + Up Arrow increases volume while Ctrl + Down Arrow decreases volume), or by clicking on the microphone icon in the bottom right corner of your screen during a call.


 Video and Audio Quality Webex

The video and audio quality of your online meetings is important. Good quality sound enhances the experience for everyone.

Poor quality sound can make it difficult to hear or understand what the speaker is saying.

Webex Meetings offers several options for optimizing video and audio quality:

Video Encoding – You can choose a video encoding method (H.264 or H.265) that best suits your network connection speed and endpoints capabilities. H.264 provides good quality but requires less bandwidth than H.265, while H.265 delivers higher-quality video at the cost of increased bandwidth consumption and CPU usage on endpoints that support it.

Bandwidth Optimization – Bandwidth Optimization compresses the outgoing stream by dynamically adjusting the bit rate based on network conditions to reduce the amount of data transmitted without affecting quality.

The “Optimized for LAN” option uses this feature automatically when connecting from home or from some other location with limited bandwidth, such as an airport or hotel Wi-Fi connection.

Audio Quality Settings – You can set preferences for audio quality in your meeting settings in your account profile under Audio & Video Settings > Meeting Settings > Audio Preferences .

You can choose from Low , Medium , High ,


 In this WebinarJam, we will be discussing video and audio quality.


You’re a professional speaker. You know how to speak and you’re good at it.

But your audience is watching your webinar on their phones, tablets and laptops. How do you ensure that they see and hear you clearly?

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the basics of video and audio quality for webinars. We’ll talk about the different types of cameras available, what to look for in a microphone and how to use them together to deliver a seamless presentation experience.


This is an interactive session where you can ask questions while we demonstrate the concepts.

6. Video Recording And Storage

It’s easy to forget the importance of video storage and recording. As we move towards the era of 4K and 8K, the need for storage is becoming more pressing.

But what are the options for achieving this?

There are several different ways to handle your video recording and storage needs. The first is to use a dedicated device from a company like Western Digital or Seagate.

These devices are made specifically for this purpose, with plenty of space to store your data. They can also be managed remotely through cloud-based software.

Another option is to use an NAS (network attached storage) device. This will allow you to store all of your files in one central place that can be accessed by anyone on your network


 Video Recording And Storagey Zoom

Video recording and storage has been around for a long time. In fact, it’s the oldest form of mass communication.

The first known film was shot in 1894 by Thomas Edison and it is still on display at the Library of Congress.

Since then, we’ve come a long way in terms of quality and ease of use, but there are still some things that haven’t changed much. For example, the cost of video recording equipment can still be prohibitively expensive for many people who just want to make their own movies or home videos.

But there are now more options than ever before for those who want to get into film making on a budget.

Of course, technology has come along way since Edison’s time as well and many new features have been added to video cameras that weren’t available even ten years ago. Today’s cameras can focus on moving subjects automatically, record sound from multiple angles and even add special effects during filming like slow motion or color correction afterwards!


 Video Recording And Storage GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting is a service that allows you to conduct meetings using video conferencing technology. The company offers multiple levels of service Basic, Pro and GoToWebinar with each increasing the number of meeting attendees and adding other features, such as whiteboard functionality.

Video meetings can be recorded, although GoToMeeting does not provide this feature on its own. Instead, you’ll need to rely on an external application to record your meetings.

You can then use the resulting recordings for training purposes or to demonstrate products in action.

1) Download and install IP Camera Surveillance Recorder from – an application for recording webcam images and videos from surveillance cameras, DVRs and NVRs controlled by ONVIF-compatible devices (network video recorders).

The application is compatible with Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 (32-bit and 64-bit), both x86 and x64 versions;


 Video Recording And Storage Webex

Video recording and storage is an essential part of any business. With the help of video conferencing software and video streaming, you can record and save your meetings.

Video recording is also becoming a common feature in many popular communication applications such as Skype and Google Hangouts.

On the other hand, video conferencing technology has given rise to a number of new businesses that offer video recording services on demand. Many of these companies charge a small fee for recording and storing your video conference calls.

If you want to record your meetings or videos yourself, you will need some kind of video recorder software installed on your computer. This can be done through third-party software like Cam Studio or Open Broadcaster Software (OBS).

Both programs are free to download and use but have their own pros and cons when compared to each other.

You can also use Skype’s built-in call recording service if you want an easy way to record your meetings without any additional setup required. However, this method only works for Skype calls so if you want to record meetings with other participants then this method won’t work for you.


 Video Recording And Storage WebinarJam

In this webinarjam, we will be discussing the importance of video recording and storage in the Marketing world. This is a must-have for every business owner or even a start-up business. Without video recordings, you can’t show the world your product or service.

The first question that comes to mind when we talk about recording is what kind of camera should I use?

There are two main types of cameras: DSLR and Point and Shoot. DSLR stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex, which basically means that it has a mirror and lens setup similar to traditional film cameras.

Point and Shoot cameras are generally easier to use because they don’t require you to worry about all those settings on top of your head while filming something important.

Another question is whether we should use external microphones or internal ones? External microphones are better because they capture sound from all directions so you can hear everything clearly without having any background noise in the video itself.

7. Reporting And Analytics

Reporting and analytics are among the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal. They can help you track the progress of your marketing efforts and identify what’s working, what needs tweaking and where you should focus your attention.

Many marketers use Google Analytics, which is free to use and works in conjunction with most websites.

Google Analytics tracks all kinds of information from how many people visit your site to where they’re coming from and displays it in a number of ways that let you analyze traffic at a glance or drill down into specific categories.

This makes it easy to identify trends, pick out areas for improvement and see what kind of impact your marketing efforts are having on the business overall.


 Reporting And Analytics Zoom

Reporting and analytics is an important part of any business. No matter if you are a small business or large corporation, it is important to understand your numbers.

This can help you plan, manage and maintain your business in the most effective way possible. The key to getting the right information is choosing the right reporting and analytics software for your company.

Zoomerang has been providing companies with solutions for their reporting needs for many years. They have developed custom-built tools that allow companies to manage all aspects of their business, including marketing campaigns, sales leads, lead tracking and more.

Zoomerang offers three main products

Zoomerang Web Forms – this product allows businesses to create forms on their website that visitors can fill out when they want more information about a product or service. These forms are then automatically emailed straight into the inbox of whoever created the form so they can respond quickly and efficiently without having to spend hours searching through emails or voicemails!

Zoomerang Campaign Manager – this tool allows users to track email campaigns as well as analyze open rates, click-through rates and response rates.

It also gives you statistics on how much time people spend reading each email before they click through so you can see where improvements


 Reporting And Analytics GoToMeeting

GoToMeeting has a built-in reporting and analytics dashboard that gives you all the information you need to make your meetings more effective.

These reports provide detailed information about your meetings, such as how many participants are viewing the meeting, how much time they’re spending in each chat room, and how many people have joined a meeting.

You can also see a list of all your meetings with additional details like duration, attendees and content shared. This helps you keep track of who was invited to each meeting, what time it started and when it ended.

The GoToWebinar Dashboard is available to all users at no additional cost.


 Reporting And Analytics Webex


Reporting and Analytics WebEx is a web-based application that enables organizations to manage data from multiple sources in real time. The platform also provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for business users and executives to monitor their business performance.

It helps users improve their financial performance by providing information on a real-time basis, which can be used to make better informed decisions. Reporting and Analytics WebEx allows users to view real-time data from multiple sources, including ERP systems, CRM applications, mainframes and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Benefits of Reporting And Analytics Webex:

Flexibility: The platform offers flexibility in terms of how it can be deployed across different organizations. It can be installed on premise or deployed as SaaS offering by leveraging cloud computing services.

The solution also allows you to choose from a range of modules depending on your requirements. This means that it will not only offer you options for reporting but also provide analytics capabilities too.


 This webinar will cover how to use the tools available in WebinarJam to make your reporting and analytics more effective. We will share how we use these tools to drive engagement, conversions and sales.

There are many ways to use WebinarJam for reporting and analytics. You can use your data to create custom reports, track engagement, run A/B tests, and much more.

In this webinar we’ll show you some of our favorite ways of using the data from your live events.

If you’re looking for ways to improve your lead generation, sales or marketing efforts, then this webinar is for you!

8. Interaction And Engagement Features             

 Interaction and engagement features are a great way to get people interested and excited about your website. They help you to build relationships between your brand and your customers, which ultimately leads to customer loyalty.

Here are some of the most common interaction and engagement features:

Interactive elements: Some websites have interactive elements that allow you to explore different aspects of the company’s product or service. For example, you might be able to click on a button or icon and find out more information about a certain aspect of the business.

This is particularly useful if you’re selling something like jewelry or another item with many different aspects that can be explored.

Online chats: If you’re selling something that requires customer support, such as clothes or electronics, it’s always good to have an online chat option available so that people can speak with someone directly if they need help or guidance on how something works.

One-to-one communication: If someone purchases an item from your website, it’s always a good idea for them to receive an e-mail thanking them for their purchase and offering additional information about any follow-up action needed (such as payment confirmation). This will make them feel valued as customers which is important because it


 Interaction and Engagement Features Zoom

Interaction and engagement features are designed to encourage interaction between viewers, brands and content. This can be an important part of extending your reach beyond the initial impressions of your video.

Commenting: Leave comments on videos to interact with other viewers. You can also comment on other people’s comments.

Liking/upvoting: Like videos, channels or comments to show support for the content you like best. You can also upvote videos, channels or comments that you like best.

Sharing: Share your favorite videos with friends on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Subscribing: Subscribe to new channels or follow individual users so that you don’t miss any of their future uploads.


 GoToMeeting provides the tools to help you have a productive meeting. You can control the conversation with interactive features, like polling and Q&A, that keep everyone focused on the agenda.

Interactive Features

Polling and Q&A: Poll attendees to gauge their opinion on a topic or question. Then use the results to decide next steps or highlight areas of agreement.

Live Scribes: Use this feature to capture notes during a meeting and then share them with your audience after the call ends.

Polls: Ask questions via a poll and use the results to decide next steps or highlight areas of agreement.


 Webex is a powerful tool for businesses to communicate and collaborate. Here are some of the features that make Webex a great tool for interaction:

Screen Share

Screen share allows you to share your desktop with other participants, so they can see exactly what you’re doing on your computer. This feature is perfect for training sessions or meetings where you need to show someone something on your computer that isn’t already displayed on the screen.

For example, if you’re showing a customer how to use a new software program, you can use screen sharing so they don’t need to download anything or waste time trying to follow along with written instructions.

Chatting offers real-time communication between participants during meetings and conferences.

This feature is especially helpful when working in large groups or when more than one person is presenting at once because it allows everyone involved in the meeting to discuss ideas as they come up without disrupting other speakers or distracting them from their presentations.

Chatting also lets participants ask questions and get answers quickly without interrupting anyone else or waiting until after the meeting has ended to receive answers from others who may not be available immediately after the event ends.


 WebinarJam is a platform that helps you create, manage and deliver webinars. You can use it to share your knowledge, build your brand and generate leads.

With this tool, you can also record the webinars, so that you can watch them later or share them with others.

The software allows you to feature interaction and engagement features in your webinar. These include:

Questions And Answers: This is a feature where you can ask questions from the audience during the course of the webinar. It allows them to participate in the discussion and answer questions about the topic. 

Polling: You can also conduct polls during your webinar using this feature. This allows participants

This post first appeared on Filmmaking Lifestyle, please read the originial post: here

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Zoom vs GoToMeeting vs Webex vs WebinarJam: Best in 2022?


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