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14 Best Digital Advertising Platforms in 2022 [Ranked, Reviewed & Compared]

Digital Advertising is the most effective way to reach your audience. People are more connected than ever, and with the help of digital platforms, you can reach them on every screen in their life.

Best Digital Advertising Platforms – Introduction

Digital advertising is growing at an unprecedented rate every year. In fact, it’s expected to grow by 8% in 2019 alone! Digital Advertising Platforms are popping up all over the place and they have become an essential part of any marketing strategy.

So, which digital platforms should you use? How can you make sure that your digital advertising campaigns are effective? What are some things to consider before choosing a platform? We’ve got answers!

What Are the Best Digital Advertising Platforms?

 Digital advertising is a great way to reach your target audience and generate leads, but it can be challenging to know where to begin.

There are thousands of different digital advertising platforms out there and the landscape is always changing. It’s important to keep up with the latest trends so you don’t waste time and money on platforms that won’t drive results for your business.

Here are five of the most popular digital advertising platforms:

Google AdWords

Facebook Ads

LinkedIn Ads

Twitter Ads


1. Facebook Ads

 Facebook Ads are a great way to reach your target audience. You can create ads that appear on the right side of Facebook’s News Feed, which is where most people spend their time on the site.

Here are some tips for creating a successful Facebook ad:

Target your audience. Choose an audience based on their interests, demographics, and behavior not just by location.

Use a compelling image. Your ad needs to attract attention quickly, so make sure it has an eye-catching image or graphic.

Write a compelling headline. The headline is the first thing people see when they look at your ad and should grab their attention by addressing their top pain point or concern.

It should also include the words “learn more” so that viewers know what to do next: click on the link in the text to learn more about how you can help them solve this problem or fill this need in their lives.”

2. Google Ads

 Google Ads gives you the ability to target your customers based on a variety of factors, including their location, search history and device. You can create campaigns that focus on specific audiences or use broad targeting options to reach as many people as possible.

The platform offers a range of tools that help you measure the impact of your ads and improve performance over time.

AdWords Express is an easy way to get started with Google Ads. With just a few clicks, you can create and launch an ad that appears when people search for your services online.

If you’re new to advertising or want more control over how your ads are displayed, consider switching from AdWords Express to regular AdWords.

3. YouTube Ads

 YouTube Ads is a powerful tool for advertisers to reach the audience on YouTube and serve ads based on their interests. YouTube Ads can be shown to people who have previously watched your video or have watched similar content.

Your YouTube video can be promoted through Google Search, YouTube search, and YouTube recommendations. You can choose to target users based on their location, language, recent search history and device type.

There are two types of YouTube Ads: TrueView and skippable video ads. TrueView ads show before, during or after user-selected videos that match your targeting criteria.

Skippable video ads are like traditional TV commercials in that they appear as a standalone ad unit immediately before or after a related video on YouTube. They are called “skippable” because users can choose not to watch them by clicking an “X” button or closing them when they appear in the lower right corner of their screen.

4. Bing Ads

 Bing ads is the search advertising platform of Microsoft. It is a network-level ad program that has been around since 2009. It is a great platform for advertisers looking to diversify their search marketing efforts and reach new customers.

Bing Ads offers many different types of ads, including text ads, image ads, video ads and rich media ads. The platform also has a number of different formats, from banner-style ads to skyscraper formats and more.

The Bing Ad Platform

Bing Ads provides advertisers with access to more than 400 million unique users each month who are searching on Bing or Yahoo! Search Engines. In addition to that, Bing Ads also offers solutions for mobile app developers to help them promote their apps through paid search advertising campaigns across mobile devices.

5. Amazon Ads

 Amazon Ads are a self-service advertising platform that helps sellers promote products on The program enables sellers to use display ads, text ads, sponsored product ads and other monetization tools to increase sales and boost brand awareness.

Amazon Ads is a self-service advertising platform that helps sellers promote products on The program enables sellers to use display ads, text ads, sponsored product ads and other monetization tools to increase sales and boost brand awareness.

Advertisers can set their budgets based on impressions (CPM), clicks (CPC) or conversions (CPA). There are also options for advertisers to set higher bids if they want their ad to appear on top of search results or in the “Sponsored Products” section at the bottom of each product page.

In addition to web traffic, Amazon Ads also provides data about how customers interact with your products through email notifications, including:

Conversion rates – The percentage of visitors who make a purchase after clicking your ad or sponsored product ad.

Clickthrough rate – The number of times people click on one of your ads divided by the number of times the ad is shown multiplied by 100%.

6. Instagram Ads

 Instagram Ads are a great way to reach people who are interested in your business and promote your products and services.

Instagram Ads is a form of advertising on Instagram that lets you show your ad to people who don’t follow you or engage with your business. It’s also possible to target people based on their interests, so if they follow other accounts related to the same topic, they can see your ad too.

You can create ads that link back to your website, or bring people directly into the app for an in-app purchase.

How it works: Create an ad campaign, and then choose the type of ads you want to run (link or video). Next, set up your targeting options by defining who you want to see the ad and what kind of content they should be viewing when they see it. Once this is done, you can launch your ad campaign!

7. TikTok Ads

 TikTok Ads are the new frontier in video advertising. While the platform is still very new, it has already shown a lot of potential for advertisers.

TikTok Ads are different from other ad platforms because they’re built on top of the video creation and sharing features that make TikTok so popular with its users.

With TikTok Ads, brands can create their own branded content that users will love to share and watch. The content can be anything from a TV spot or product demo to an influencer campaign or song parody.

TikTok Ads are powered by a proprietary technology called Short Form Video Ads (SFVA), which allows brands to create a variety of creative assets on-demand using the same toolset used by users to create their own videos.

8. LinkedIn Ads

 LinkedIn Ads are a great way to get your business in front of potential customers. If you’ve never used LinkedIn Ads before, let this guide help you get started.

LinkedIn Ads are extremely targeted ads that allow you to reach the exact audience you want to reach. This is beneficial because it means you’re not wasting money on advertising to people who might not be interested in your product or service.

When creating an ad, you’ll be able to customize it based on who the ad is shown to, how many times it’s shown, where it’s shown, what happens when someone clicks on it and other factors.

With so many options available for customization, it can be hard to know where to start with LinkedIn Ads. We’ve created this guide as a resource for all things LinkedIn Ads so that you can create an effective campaign from scratch or optimize an existing one.

9. Taboola

 Taboola is the leading content discovery platform, offering the industry’s most innovative solutions to power what matters most to marketers: content recommendations and ads. The company’s unique combination of data, technology and insights has enabled it to become one of the fastest growing and most innovative advertising platforms in the industry.

Taboola was founded in 2007 by Or Offer (CEO) and Tomer Kandal (CTO). In 2011, Taboola received Series A funding from Greylock Partners.

Since then, Taboola has been rapidly growing its global footprint across the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific regions.

Taboola currently has over 6,000 employees across 11 offices worldwide: Israel, New York, London, Sydney, Toronto, Paris, Dublin, Moscow and Singapore.

10. Bidvertiser

 Bidvertiser is a Google AdSense alternative that helps publishers monetize their websites through online advertising. It is an online advertising network that helps publishers earn revenue from their websites.

Bidvertiser provides advertisers with access to a global network of over 1 million web publishers.

Bidvertiser’s self-serve platform offers advertisers access to multiple ad formats including banners, text links and video ads which can be managed by the advertiser or publisher directly through the Bidvertiser website.

Bidvertiser offers its services to all types of advertisers including Fortune 500 companies, small local businesses as well as bloggers who want to monetize their blogs.

11. RevContent

 If you’re looking for the best platform for your content marketing, RevContent is the solution.

RevContent is a content platform that allows users to create and distribute their own content through their proprietary ad network. With RevContent, brands can reach over 250 million monthly users in just three clicks.

The platform gives brands and publishers the ability to create and publish content quickly and easily. It features an intuitive design that makes it simple to integrate into any website or app without having to learn how to code.

The platform also provides advanced analytics so users can track their results.

RevContent offers three plans: Elite ($250/month), Pro ($99/month), and Basic ($49/month). Each plan comes with a variety of features that help make managing your account simple and profitable.

Elite Plan:

Hundreds of unique themes

Customizable widgets

Advanced analytics tools

12. BuySellAds

 BuySellAds is the first ad network that allows you to buy and sell ad inventory in real-time.

BuySellAds provides advertisers with access to premium publishers who are looking to monetize their traffic. In addition, advertisers receive an extremely high fill rate.

BuySellAds features an easy-to-use interface that allows advertisers and publishers to quickly list their ad space for sale or purchase on our platform.

BuySellAds offers a range of advertising options including standard text ads, display ads and native ads.

13. Adroll

 Adroll is a leading advertising technology company that helps advertisers and publishers maximize their digital marketing efforts. The company’s self-service platform empowers advertisers to create, target and optimize the highest performing ad campaigns across desktop, mobile and video channels.

AdRoll’s innovative solutions also provide critical insights into campaign performance, enabling advertisers to effectively scale their digital advertising initiatives on a global basis.

AdRoll is headquartered in San Francisco with offices in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago. For more information please visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Types of pay-per-click advertising

 Pay-per-click advertising is one of the most popular ways of advertising online. It allows you to reach a large audience very quickly, but it also comes with a price tag. You should know that there are different types of pay-per-click advertising you can use when doing your campaign.

The following are some of the most common types of pay-per-click advertising:

Organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is one of the most popular forms of online advertising today because it’s free and easy to set up. The concept behind SEO is quite simple; increase your website’s ranking in search engine results so more people will find it when they search for specific keywords related to what you offer on your site.

Because SEO is free, many companies use this method to advertise their products or services without having to pay any money at all!

pay-per-click advertising Display ads

 In the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising space, you’ll find two types of ads: search ads, which are the ones that appear at the top of search results, and display ads.

Display ads are the ones that appear on websites and in apps. They can be found on social media sites and even on Google Search results pages.

Display ads can be text-only or include graphics or videos.

How does pay-per-click advertising work?

A business owner creates an ad campaign and sets a budget for how much money they want to spend each month. Then, Google will automatically bid on their behalf in real time using their AdWords platform to find keywords that have high search volumes and low competition (so they can get more clicks).

Once an ad is clicked, it takes you to the business’ landing page where you can learn more about the product or service being advertised.

main benefits of using display ads

 Display ads are a type of online ad that appears on a web page, mobile app or in an email. Display ads can be static, animated or interactive.

There are many types of display ads. Some are designed to grab users’ attention and encourage them to interact with the ad.

Other types of display ads are designed to look like part of the content they’re on.

Display ads can be used to promote anything from products and services to events, organizations and more. They’re also often used by advertisers who want to reach very specific audiences who have already shown interest in their products or services.

Here are some of the main benefits of using display ads:

They’re easy to create for small businesses and agencies alike

You can show off multiple products at once

They’re customizable to fit your brand’s look and feel

Video ads

 Advertisers can reach a broad audience by using video ads, and they can use the same targeting methods to target specific users.

Video ads are another way to get your message in front of potential customers. You can use them as a standalone ad or in conjunction with other types of ads.

These videos can be as short as 15 seconds or as long as 30 seconds, and they can be formatted like TV commercials or feature original content designed specifically for social media.

When you create a video ad, you’ll want to keep these tips in mind:

Keep it short. The average attention span is eight seconds, so make sure that your video doesn’t go over 10 seconds (or shorter if you’re creating an animated GIF).

Use strong visuals. Make sure that your visuals are clear and easy to understand. You don’t want people watching your ad and then having no idea what it’s about or why they should care about it!

The benefits of using video ads

 Video ads have become a powerful advertising tool for many businesses. They can help you reach a larger audience, increase engagement and boost sales.

The benefits of using video ads include:

Increase brand awareness – When people view your video ad, they see your brand name, logo and other marketing collateral. This helps build familiarity with your brand, which leads to more sales down the line.

Increase conversion rates – Video ads tend to perform better than static images or text-only banners because they can tell a story in a way that words alone cannot. As such, they’re more likely to catch the attention of prospective customers and get them to click through to your website or app.

In addition, video ads can be used in conjunction with other types of display ads (like banner ads) for increased effectiveness.

Social media ads

 Social media has become a vital part of any digital marketing strategy, and social media ads are the most effective way to reach customers on all major social networks.

But what exactly is a social media ad? And how does it work? Here’s a quick guide to help you get started.

What is a social media ad?

A social media ad is an advertisement that appears on social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. These ads are often placed in between posts or timelines, similar to banner ads on websites.

How do social media ads work?

There are two main types of social media ads: paid and organic. Paid ads are sponsored posts that you pay for, while organic posts are shared by users without your knowledge or permission (unless they’ve been tagged).

Organic posts usually appear in users’ news feeds based on their interests and demographics; paid ads require specific targeting criteria such as age, location or gender. This makes them more expensive than organic posts but also much more effective at generating leads and sales because they can be targeted at very specific audiences who are likely to be interested in your product or service.

Benefits of using social media ads

 Social media ads are an excellent way to reach your audience. The power of Facebook and Instagram is that you can use their platform to target people with specific interests or demographics.

You can also choose which type of ad to run, such as a video ad or a photo ad.

Benefits of using social media ads include:

Targeting specific users – You can reach a very specific audience with your ads. For example, if you’re advertising a new product, you can target people who have already purchased similar products from you in the past and those who have shown interest in similar products on your website or other online outlets.

Cost-effective – Social media ads are extremely cost-effective compared to traditional advertising methods like newspaper or magazine advertisements or radio commercials because they can be targeted to the exact audience that matters most for your business.

Retargeting ads

 Retargeting ads are one of the most effective ways to bring back potential customers who have visited your site but didn’t make a purchase.

Retargeting is a marketing strategy that allows you to display ads to people based on their past behavior on your website. For example, if someone visits your website but doesn’t buy anything, you can show them an ad for similar products or services.

To do this, advertisers place small files called cookies on the browsers of visitors who arrive at their websites. The next time those visitors visit other websites or even search Google they’ll see ads related to what they looked at before.

Retargeting ads can be especially effective because they’re targeted directly at people who’ve shown an interest in your business and can be personalized based on their browsing history.

The benefits of using retargeting ads

Retargeting ads are a great way to get more conversions from your existing traffic. Not only do they allow you to reach your website visitors again, but they also target people who have already shown interest in your product or service.

Retargeting is a form of digital advertising that allows you to show ads to people who have visited your website. It’s a great way to get people who might have left your site without converting back into the sales funnel.

Retargeting ads work because they show up based on what someone has already done online in this case, visiting your website. If someone visits your site and then leaves without purchasing something, they may be interested in what you have to offer, but just need another reminder about why they should buy from you. Retargeted ads can help with that!

Digital Advertising Platforms – Frequently Asked Questions

 What is a digital advertising platform?

Digital advertising platforms (DAX) are software solutions that enable advertisers to manage their advertising campaigns across multiple channels and devices. Advertisers use digital advertising platforms to create, buy, track and optimize their ads across different publishers and devices.

Why should I use a digital advertising platform?

Digital advertising platforms help you drive more revenue by providing access to multiple ad sources and formats, data-driven optimization capabilities and the ability to reach your target audience across multiple channels and devices. In addition, they reduce your operational costs by simplifying campaign management processes like budgeting, billing and reporting.

What are some examples of digital advertising platforms?

There are two main types of DAX: media management platforms (MMPs) and demand-side platforms (DSPs). MMPs offer tools for managing your entire media spend across channels and devices; DSPs only serve advertisers who want to manage their own ad purchasing activities from start to finish.

Best Digital Advertising Platforms – Summary

Google AdWords:

Google AdWords is a pay per click (PPC) advertising platform that allows advertisers to show ads on Google search result pages and on third party websites. With Google AdWords, advertisers can set up a campaign, create keyword lists, write ads and track their performance.

Facebook Ads Manager:

Facebook Ads Manager is a self-serve ad platform that allows advertisers to create Facebook ads and show them to their target audience. With Facebook Ads Manager, advertisers can create ads from scratch or use an existing image or video from their computer or social media sites.

They can also use the platform’s built-in tools for targeting audiences based on demographics like age, gender and location as well as interests and other factors such as behaviors and connections with other people or brands on Facebook.

Twitter Ads:

Twitter Ads is an advertising platform that allows businesses to promote their products or services through paid placements in users’ timelines. It also allows them to promote tweets through promoted trends, which appear at the top of Twitter’s trending topics list; promoted accounts, which appear at the top of Twitter users’ following lists; or promoted tweets, which appear in users’ streams

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14 Best Digital Advertising Platforms in 2022 [Ranked, Reviewed & Compared]


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