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Art Director Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities

What Is An art director In Film?

What Is An art director In Film?

What Is An art director In Film?

An art director is someone who oversees all of the visual elements in a movie, from props to wardrobe to set design. Essentially, they’re responsible for making sure that everything looks like it belongs in the film’s universe. They work with the director and production designer to help bring those ideas to life. The art director works with other members of the production team, including set designers and prop masters. They also have to deal with the movie’s budget – figuring out what can be done for less or whether it will require a lot of special effects.

The art department is also responsible for working with people outside of the film industry – going shopping for furniture and other items for use in the film, or finding props that are appropriate (like guns, cars and costumes). They often work with an assistant who helps them keep track of everything they’ve done during filming.

The art department generally works on the set of a film during filming – although they might work on sketches beforehand too. Many times they’re involved in designing some of the sets before filming even begins – working with the production designer to make sure that everything is accurate and will actually look good on screen. Once filming begins, they’re often involved in supervising any changes that need.

What Is An Art Director

Art directors come up for some odd job titles, and in the advertising world, art director is one of them. When you want to be a graphic designer on a design team, it’s called ‘visual design,’ and when you’re working on an ad campaign, it’s called ‘copywriting.’

Art Director Description

Art directors are responsible for the overall look of all materials that go out from the advertising agency to the client. They are the ones who work with the copywriter to develop ideas for print ads, radio spots, billboards and websites.

They need to be artistic and have a good eye for color and design. The copywriter will work with them to ensure that the message of the ad is clear and that it conveys what they are trying to say. This can be one of the most high-pressure jobs in advertising because art directors have so many deadlines.

A lot of companies will hire an art director who also has experience as a graphic designer or photographer because they know that this person will be able to produce good quality work quickly.

What does an art director do? This is the person in charge of all the graphics, design and layout for a magazine or newspaper. He or she is usually very talented and has spent years training to be able to do this job.

Tasks of an Art Director

Art directors often work with an assistant on their projects and must also work well with other designers, writers and photographers. The role of an art director typically involves:

Finding suitable photos for articles

Deciding what font should be used for the article title

Arranging the photos into a set that is both pleasing to look at and suitable for the article it’s promoting

Skills Required

Some art directors will have studied graphic design or photography at university or college. Some may have started off working on newspapers, travelled around Europe photographing different events, then returned home to apply for a job as an art director. Some may have done nothing but art directing since they left school.

If you want to become an art director, you will need a high standard of education and plenty of experience. You will need to know how to use various computer software packages such as Adobe Photoshop and InDesign, as well as understand how to draw by hand.

Art Director Job Description

Art Director Job Description

Art Directors are responsible for creating and directing the visual aspects of their company’s products and services. They typically work under a Creative Director and are employed at advertising agencies, publishing houses and businesses that specialize in graphic design and marketing.

A strong Art Director will always have a good understanding of the product or service being advertised as well as its target audience. It’s important to note that an Art Director does not usually create the advertisement but rather directs its creation.

Tasks are varied for this position, but often include:

Create a layout concept for an advertisement based on information provided by the Creative Director or Account Executive.

Work with clients to refine concepts and develop new layouts and copy.

Ensure that advertisements adhere to all legal, ethical and professional standards prescribed by the company.

Revise advertisements to meet client specifications or company marketing objectives, such as seasonal sales or special events.

Work with Account Executives to determine which materials should be created in-house, contracted out or purchased from third-party vendors.

Meet with clients to discuss sales needs, objectives and current campaigns to determine how new products should be marketed.

Supervise other designers who work on projects within their area of specialty, such as illustration or photography.

Art Director Duties And Responsibilities

How do you do art director responsibilities?

Responsibilities of an art director in designing a magazine, website, book or any other visual design project may vary depending on the client and project. Here are some common duties and responsibilities of an art director:

Negotiates with clients for the completion of the assigned project. This can include discussing the price, schedule, and the deliverables (artworks) expected from each party.

Selects and hires staff and freelancers to execute the job based on their personalities, skills, experience and compatibility.

Plans and schedules activities to meet goals and deadlines such as storyboarding, brainstorming sessions, photo shoots, etc.

Manages budget by monitoring expenses and makes adjustments when necessary.

Provides direction to designers and other team members in coming up with various graphic elements that will be used in the project such as typography, logo design, layout design, color scheme and graphic styles (including original graphics)

Reviews drafts submitted by staff members to make corrections and improvements until they reach a point of satisfaction

Manages print production by interacting with printers to ensure that artwork is printed according to specifications set out in the file by the designer/producer

Art directors have many duties and responsibilities.

They need to be creative, able to communicate well with their staff, and have a good sense of fashion and design. They also need to be organized and able to work well under pressure.

Tasks Art directors do include:

They plan layouts for publications such as newspapers and magazines.

They help develop the overall design of a publication, including layout, choice of stories, pictures and headlines.

They work with writers, designers, photographers and editors to create an attractive publication.

They meet regularly with editors and writers to discuss future issues of the magazine or newspaper.

They develop relationships with clients in order to keep them happy. This can involve creating concepts for advertisements or promotions for events such as fashion shows or charity fund-raisers.

They are responsible for the budget for each publication they are working on and must ensure that costs are kept within the budget. They may also need to negotiate fees for people who will be contributing to the publication like photographers, writers or other contributors.”

Art Director Job Description Examples

Art directors are the point persons for visual communication in an organization, whether for print or for the screen. Art directors oversee graphic designers who create logos and ads and other graphics, as well as photo editors who work with images.

These professionals are concerned with design, aesthetics, and creativity when it comes to any type of visual media. The art director position is often a managerial one that requires a broad knowledge of visual communications and attention to detail.

An art director also has to have a keen understanding of computer software and technology applicable to the field, such as digital imaging.


Art directors typically perform all of the following tasks:

Organize art departments in ad agencies or creative departments within businesses

Hire, supervise, and evaluate the work performance of graphic designers, photographers, illustrators, camera operators, computer operators, and other visual communications personnel

Stay current on trends in art and design related to their area of expertise

Source material from freelancers or outside vendors for magazine covers and illustrations or photos that illustrate articles in magazines or newspapers

Conduct market research on existing or potential customers to determine what they want based on demographics, psychographics (lifestyle), geographic location, etc.

By supervising photographers and photo editors.

Art Director Skills And Qualifications

Art Directors are creative problem solvers. They have strong understanding of the market, trends, and what consumers are looking for.

They are able to use this knowledge to build successful campaigns that will help their clients succeed.

The position requires a skillful use of color, layout, typography, and imagery in order to create an effective visual message. Art Directors need to be very organized and detail oriented in order to keep projects on track while working with a team of designers and other professionals.

They must also be able to work well under pressure and meet deadlines with tight schedules and strict budgets.

An art director must have strong leadership skills as they will be responsible for managing large design teams with multiple projects at once. They must be able to delegate tasks and communicate clearly in order to run a smooth operation.

Art directors must also be able to effectively communicate with clients in order to find out what their needs and expectations are. This helps them build a vision for the project that aligns with the client’s brand or product.

The art director must have an understanding of technology in order to know how different platforms display content so that they can make informed decisions about where best to present the information being created for the campaign.

Art Director Salary

What is an Art Director’s Salary?*

The average salary for an Art Director is $44,000 per annum.*

After you have been working with your employer for a year, you are typically entitled to a salary review, where your salary may be increased by up to 10%. The average bonus for an Art Director is $4,000 per year.

Titles for this role include:*

Interactive Creative Director*

Senior Art Director*

Visual Designer*

Art Directors are creative problem-solvers who develop creative concepts and produce final artwork or copy. They are required to work closely with a team of designers and other marketing professionals to develop a new customer base for the company’s brands.

They usually carry out market research to identify trends and opportunities in their field. This can include advertising and promotions, or product design and development. They also need to present ideas to clients’ boards or senior management teams.*

Skills required:*

Art Directors must be able to think creatively and visually. They should have good communication skills and be able to work with others as part of a team. A wide knowledge of digital and traditional art techniques, graphic design software programs, 3D design software and photography equipment is useful.

Art directors are the creative leaders of advertising agencies and design firms, responsible for supervising a team of graphic designers, copywriters, photographers and others. They oversee the development of marketing campaigns, ad copy and visual presentations.

Trying to figure out how much an art director makes? It’s a fluid position with a wide range of salaries. What kind of experience do you have? Do you work for a large or small firm? How did you get your start?

A seasoned art director in a large firm or corporation can earn $50,000 to $100,000+ per year. If you’re just starting out at an agency, expect to make about $30,000 – $40,000 per year.

Art Director Education And Training Requirements

Art Direction is the most exciting area of the design profession. Whether you are an Art Director or a Designer, the power to envision, create and deliver a unique visual experience is the essence of great advertising.

There is a lot of confusion about what an Art Director really does, and what is expected of them by their clients and Designers. The term “Art Director” confuses people because it’s often applied to Designers, Account Executives and even Creative Directors.

Description:Art Directors do not sketch or draw. However, they should be able to understand the complete process from concept through production in order to effectively communicate with the client and Designer.

Education And Training Requirements:  The Art Director must have a mastery of design principles and techniques so that they can communicate effectively with the Designer, Account Executive and Client.

They must be able to establish creative parameters for projects and work within them in order to achieve results for which all parties can be proud.

First-hand experience with print production processes such as paste-up, mechanicals, typesetting, photography and production are required in order to work effectively as an Art Director rather than just an Illustrator or Designer.

A portfolio that includes all areas of design – print ads, packaging, logos, broch.

Art Director Experience Requirements

A typical art director resume should include a list of clients that the candidate has worked with in his or her career. This is important because it will show a potential employer the type of work that the art director has been exposed to.

A well-rounded art director resume will include graphic design experience in a variety of areas such as advertising, editorial, publishing and corporate communications.

This list should include any freelance work that an art director has done for publications or companies.

Freelance work is also important to include on an art director resume because it tells a potential employer that the candidate has a good work ethic and is able to handle his or her own responsibilities working independently.

Freelance work will also allow an employer to see how well the candidate works with deadlines and how he or she handles multiple projects at once.

An art director resume should also list any awards that the candidate may have won during his or her career. Potential employers want to know if an art director can create high-quality and effective visual displays, so awards are a great way to demonstrate this ability.

Finally, employers want to see samples of previous projects that an art director has worked on. If there are no samples available, then consider putting samples from similar projects on your resume that you created.

H3 Tag:

What Does An Art Director Do?

Art directors are responsible for creating and maintaining company or brand identities. They work with graphic designers and other designers to create all the branding elements, from logos, to ads, to brochures and beyond.

Tasks of an Art Director

Design an appropriate visual language for the company brands:

Art directors are in charge of selecting the color scheme, typeface and graphics that represent a certain brand.

For example, you can look at Apple’s logo to see how consistent their visual language is across different media. If they wanted to change their logo they would have to get approval from a design director.

Identify design trends and recommend changes:

Art directors often keep track of the industry by identifying design trends in other companies’ work, as well as magazines and other design sources. They then recommend changes in branding strategy based on those trends.

Set up creative briefs:

When working with a graphic designer or copywriter , art directors need to clearly communicate the purpose of each campaign through a “creative brief” or “brand brief.” This ensures that everyone is on the same page before any actual work is done.


What Does An Art Director Do In Film?

In general, an art director is responsible for the visual elements of film or television productions. The art director will design sets and props, choose costumes and color schemes, and select locations while working with the producer and director to create an appropriate mood within a production.

Description:An art director is responsible for the visual elements of a film or television production. The art director will design sets, props, costumes and color schemes while working with the producer and director to create an appropriate mood within a production.

Skills Needed:

Visual arts skills are important to this position, including knowledge of color theory and set design. Communication skills are also critical so that the art director can work with others on the production team and effectively explain his vision.


Art directors should have at least a bachelor’s degree in an area related to their field of work; for example, an art director for films might have a degree in cinema studies or theater arts. Film arts programs typically include courses in scriptwriting, acting and directing as well as art direction.

Job Growth Trend:

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), job growth for film producers is expected at five percent from 2014 – 2024 due to increased demand for films through television channels such as Netflix and Hulu.

What Does An Art Director Do In Adverts?

An art director is responsible for creating the visual side of a company’s advertising, which includes everything from logo and color choices to photographs, illustrations and charts. They are also responsible for creating the look of advertisements and other promotional materials, such as brochures and billboards.

Description:The creative force behind a company’s visual advertising efforts, an art director develops strategies to put across a company’s message through print, video and other media.

He or she oversees all aspects of a campaign’s design, including copywriting (the actual words in an ad or commercial), photography or illustration (which may be stock images or original artwork), color choices and any additional graphic elements.

An art director meets with clients to determine the overall style for advertising campaigns, then works with a team to bring that vision to life.

This teamwork may include photographers, designers, videographers and more depending on the needs of the specific project.

Since an art director needs to be well-versed in the finer points of both visual design and advertising principles, he or she typically holds at least a bachelor’s degree in fine arts, graphic design or advertising/public relations.

Art directors who want to specialize in an area such as print or online media often pursue advanced degrees in their areas of interest as well.

What Does An Art Director Do In Print?

Art directors are the people responsible for the visuals of a print ad. They have to visually represent a product, brand or message in order to get the customer to take action.

An art director is supposed to be a master at visual communication and possess many qualities that make them a great leader. Every company is different but these are the qualities of an art director:

Creativity: The art director must be able to come up with original ideas and designs that best represent their client’s products and services. This includes designing everything from logos, brochures, website layouts, billboards and magazines.

Communication Skills: An art director must be able to effectively communicate with other members of the creative team and clients. They must be able to respond well to clients when they give feedback on an ad or design.

Leadership Skills: Instead of being a boss, an art director plays more of a collaborative role on their team, working as part of a team instead of having other designers report directly to them.

They have strong leadership skills in order to manage all the tasks that go into designing an ad, including selecting models and photographers, hiring freelance artists and overseeing production schedules, budgets and deadlines.

Art directors are creative professionals who work with graphic designers, illustrators and art photographers to produce and direct images for print pieces. Art directors also help to inspire their staffs or others in their field and may manage a small team of employees. Art directors usually work under the direction of a creative director or other supervisor.

Art directors are responsible for all visual aspects of the publication, including layout, design, illustration and photography.

They hire artists to create illustrations or photographs, as well as graphic designers to develop the overall look of the publication using computer programs such as Adobe Photoshop. The art director works with the designer to select fonts and colors, choose appropriate illustrations and ensure that each page meets publishing standards.

Art directors may also be responsible for hiring freelancers or independent contractors to create images for specific projects.

Freelance artists may be hired for things such as graphic design, illustration and photography. They often contract with publishing companies on a per-project basis and provide services such as creating illustrations from scratch or photographing people or scenes from life.

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Art Director Job Description: Roles & Responsibilities


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