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Moving to the Caribbean?


Moving to the Caribbean?

Colonial Plantation style home in Barbados

You have considered moving to an island retreat in the Caribbean. Living on an island can be an exciting time in your life, a great new way of living, filled with many opportunities and changes in lifestyle. What you need to consider as well, however, is that such change is challenging and it should be approached responsibly and carefully. By doing this you can ensure a proper and smooth transition.

The first important thing you need to do is a thorough and proper research on the exact place and what removal service is required to get there. There are multiple things to consider – moving, relocation of your belongings, business, other members of the family, pets, etc. Every country has its own regulations and processes that need to be considered.

Caribbean Beach with city views

Doing a research on everything that interests you and preparing beforehand can guarantee you have a smooth moving process, as things can be really complicated sometimes. Give yourself enough time – not just to find the answers to the many questions you will surely have, but also to prepare documentation and everything you will need.

Second, if you are planning on living there permanently, you will need to apply for residency. The process can be long and tedious in some places and it is further made even more difficult if you have to acquire a work permit. An established policy there is that local people are first in line when it comes to hiring for a job.

Again, the application process can be long and there is no guarantee that in the end a permit will be granted. It is also accompanied by certain fees, which are not cheap. Be ready to spend at least a year there, otherwise you may not even be considered for any permits.

What must be considered is the high cost of living on an island.

Even if you acquired cheap removal, once you arrive you will have to obtain a property, which can cost a fortune. Granted you don’t want to live in a simple hut, prices for houses can vary and easily reach half a million dollars.

Alternatively, if you plan on investing in a business, you will have to prove you have the required funds. That aside, utilities and water fees can be shocking.

A smart thing to do before moving to the Caribbean, assuming you have the necessary documentation and have acquired residency and a job, would be to first move there as a tourist to get a good view of the place.

This will help you determine if that is the right place for you and whether you will enjoy it. It is a big change after all, in fact more substantial than simply moving house.

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Moving to the Caribbean?
