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There are 12 of us, perched on the sides of a Zodiac rubber raft. Fashion is in full retreat. We are wearing rain gear – waterproof hats, waterproof jackets, waterproof gloves, waterpr… Read More
The March Nawruz holiday (Persian New Year), timed with the Spring Solstice in Central Asia, meant I finally had a chance to visit Bukhara, one of the oldest cities in Uzbekistan which sat a… Read More
While Uzbekistan might not seem like an obvious winter vacation destination, I was thrilled to be able to visit Tashkent, a city that I’d heard about which stood out in Central Asia as… Read More
The story of Malaysia is that of a people torn into three islands. While the peninsula calls itself only one half of the whole, it is not hard to assess that it contains that which the easte… Read More
I had a special link to John Updike, the celebrated writer who died in 2009. I once served as his muse. It happened in 1983 when I was a writer for the Philadelphia Inquirer and sought an in… Read More
I like the northeastern cold. I live in Jersey City, but there is nothing like escaping it for some warmth in the winter. I decided to spend Christmas in sunny-shiny Florida. When the rest o… Read More
As I checked into the Hotel Bellagio, Daniele Leoni, the manager, reassured me. “You will be fine for most of your stay. No crowds” Then he lifted an admonitory finger. “Bu… Read More
My wife Lisa and I decided to take a year off from teaching and move our family to Guanajuato, Mexico. In previous incarnations—the hubris of our 20s— Lisa and I had flung oursel… Read More
The palms sway as if they are reminded of a time long ago when they did not know that tectonic shifts would eventually edge them closer to the peninsular sequestration of mainland India. I b… Read More
Over and over, I had heard, “Rwanda is the safest, cleanest country in Africa”. Skeptical, I often thought to myself, how big of a difference could there be from where I have tra… Read More
I watch a man set up his popcorn booth. It is January second, but I barely notice that a new year has started. Between going to the International Airport in Cairo at 23h00 on December 31st… Read More
Returning to England in 2021 after six years in China was a bit of a shock to the system. After spending one year catching up with friends and family, working on various projects and securin… Read More
It was snowing as I left home. Not sticking but slick and windy and cold. Definitely not ideal roadtripping weather. But my destination is in the so called “Banana Belt” of the P… Read More
Imagine my surprise when I heard that one of the largest cultural events in Cameroon, my newest home, would take place just after I arrived, and in my city of Douala! The Ngondo water-centri… Read More
My thick sweater and blue jeans reflected the London winter I left several hours before. Amalfi’s sun now broke through my warm clothes, bringing out a forgotten stickiness. After near… Read More
Since I was little, I dreamed of seeing the world. I grew up Googling pictures of ancient sites, making plans for when I was going to visit famous cities, and dreaming of adventures around t… Read More
It didn’t take long for me to lose track of how many people had asked me, “What are you going to do in Nepal if you’re not planning to go trekking?” I was determined… Read More
Dune Bashing On a fairly pleasant winter morning (living in the tropics all my life, winters for me are blissful!), what began as a laid-back start in a cozy hotel room, turned out to be one… Read More
“Henna?” The banks of the Ganga were lined with woven umbrellas. There was a festival that day – I never found out exactly what. But it was the reason I came down to Dashas… Read More
When I first moved to The Big Apple, I was obsessed with finding the best rooftops in NYC. Almost every weekend, especially during spring and summer season, I felt the need to try a new one… Read More
Kandy, long considered the cultural capital of Sri Lanka, is a 3-hour train ride from the largest city, Colombo, and was my first destination after arriving from the airport. At the station… Read More
In the summer of 2020, my crew got a call late at night to pack our bags and head to Corpus Christi, Texas. Hurricane Hanna was headed for South Texas. As a traveling lineman for over ten ye… Read More
Why are They So Friendly in the Caucasus? Expat life, in many respects, is often a tale of two cities, so to speak – you learn to appreciate the (often nuanced) differences between dif… Read More
“Have you ever tried sweet paan?” My tour guide asked me this question as we walked along one of many busy Johannesburg streets, in search of local treats. We had parked in Fords… Read More
, and I was pleasantly surprised to be met by an immediate and fascinating mix of religions, languages and cultures. I had lived in Russia for several years, have family from Asia, and was w… Read More
Each year, one event commands the attendance of the world’s greatest superheroes and villains – San Diego Comic-Con. Since 1970, like-minded mighty humans, inhumans and other-wor… Read More
Havana Like an untethered live wire, Havana sizzles at a single touch. Rumba music serenades the city from the balconies of colonial mansions as mango juice cups are hawked from their first… Read More
Bill Bryson once said, “I won’t know for sure if Malhamdale is the finest place there is until I have died and seen heaven (assuming they let me at least have a glance), but unti… Read More
Today’s Istanbul is a vibrant and modern city built on top an ancient past. What’s the past beneath, you ask? Maybe you remember these lyrics from the early days of rock’n… Read More
In the summer of 2019, I drove myself and two puppies to Arizona. There were no hard deadlines on this trip, I had no reservations or plans, in fact, I had done little research in advance ab… Read More
You may have heard of El Salvador for a number of reasons, although the most prominent story is often, sadly, gang violence. There are, however, many other aspects to this small, friendly Ce… Read More
Boston, Massachusetts, brimming with history and culture has always been a tourist magnet attracting visitors to its world class museums, parks, sports stadiums, educational institutions and… Read More
The island of Praslin is an unspoiled tropical paradise boasting some of the best beaches in the world. I could spend hours admiring the crystal-clear waters of varying shades of blue. I als… Read More
When I was in Dakar for a work meeting, I had the chance to take a cultural excursion with my colleagues and the natural choice was Ile Gorée. As a small island just 3.5 km from the m… Read More
Calamansi is a small, round citrus fruit with an aromatic, sour bite. It is served on the side of Philippine meals as a condiment; in a tiny bowl along with small chilies. You squeeze the di… Read More
Where I live over two-thirds of the adult population have been vaccinated against CoVid, and travel is again beginning to enter the collective conscious. Now it’s time to move outside… Read More
The paved highway provided a stark contrast to what I anticipated when I entered the small country of Swaziland, on the southeastern corner of the African continent. While I had expected som… Read More
One of my favorite things about living in South America was the ease at which I could travel around the continent. One of the more appealing attractions to the adventurous side of me was the… Read More
Sardinia is one of the most gorgeous places in the world. The second-largest island across the Mediterranean Sea, it’s got a variety of ecosystems — including steams, rocky coast… Read More
Bringing popular souvenirs from a country back home is as much a tradition for travellers as clicking a selfie at some Instagrammable joints in the country. On the last day of my holiday in… Read More
I never imagined I’d one day celebrate my birthday at a voodoo festival in Benin, but what an event it turned out to be. Some friends working in Cotonou told me about the annual festiv… Read More
The summer sun shone brilliantly over the Mostar Bridge as tourists clambered to its peak. Daredevil young men dove from the high point of the bridge into the Neretva River, egged on by audi… Read More
The harbor waters are still. Beyond the sheltered inlet a stiff wind whips the lake into whitecaps. My stomach doesn’t much like these choppy waters. Lake Titicaca This body of water s… Read More
Before I was set to start a new job in Morocco, I had just enough time to find a meaningful way to spend two months. Determined to explore more of sub-Saharan Africa, I found a small Ugandan… Read More
As people who grew up in coastal cities, I am not accustomed to Wild West cowboy culture, aside from what I’ve seen in TV and movies. But when international travel came to a halt in 20… Read More
It was a boiling day in Hoi An when I was exploring the tourist attractions in the charming ancient town. After visiting a couple of them, I just wanted to get into an air-conditioning enclo… Read More
In my third month as a Covid refugee sheltering in Taiwan, I finally had an opportunity to venture down south from rainy Taipei to sunny and warm Kaohsiung, the second largest city in Taiwan… Read More

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