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Is It Safe To Travel To Egypt? Things to Know Before Going To Egypt


Egypt has been continuously named one of the world’s top holiday destinations, having captured every traveller’s imagination, with its pyramids, legendary pharaohs, and myths of the mummies’ curse for centuries.

But is it safe to travel to? Ever since the revolution of 2011, travellers often find themselves asking if it is safe to travel to Egypt alone. Yes, it absolutely is safe to travel to Egypt.
You’ll find Egyptians welcoming and available to lend you help if you need it. And, you’ll find security measures and tourist police in all the popular attractions.

Is Egypt safe for solo female travellers?

Yes, it is safe.
Assuming that you dress conservatively and use the same basic common sense that you would at home, there is no reason to be anxious about travelling to Egypt as a solo female traveller. Egypt is the most secular state of all Arab countries, but it is still best to be respectful of the local culture.

Is it safe to travel at night in Egypt?

Yes, it is.
Egypt has taken measures to keep travellers safe. This is why you will find many guards patrolling the streets in cities like Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, and Alexandria and at guard at famous attractions. Nightlife is vibrant in Egypt’s more cosmopolitan cities and you can enjoy visiting cafes, hotels, and shops late at night.

Climate conditions and outdoor safety

With only two seasons: mild winter from November to April, and summer from May to October, Egypt experiences plenty of warm or hot days, and cold nights. Coastal regions have an average maximum temperature of 30 degrees celsius in summer and an average minimum of 14 degrees celsius in winter. As a traveller, it is best to avoid visiting Egypt during the peak of the hot season when it may make exploring temples, museums, and tombs a challenge.

Safety by regions

Travelling to the northern part of Egypt that includes the capital city Cairo and major attractions like Aswan, Luxor, Pyramids of Giza and Alexandria are safe to travel. Travelling to the south such as Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada and Dahab is safe as well. Areas near conflict such as Hadabam, Sharm el Maya, Sharks Bay, Naama Bay, and Nabq must be restricted to only essential travel.

Crime, theft, & common scams

Compared with many western countries, crimes are quite low in Egypt. As a traveller, you are generally safe during the day or night, if you are cautious and are street smart. Keep an eye out for locals who invite you to take a picture with a camel or who offer to take a picture of you at the Pyramids – they of course, are not doing it out of the kindness of their hearts.

Political unrest and terrorism

While travelling around Egypt is quite safe, it is prudent to keep an ear out regarding the local political and social climate when you are on ground. Protests against the government are not likely to be near attractions and landmarks, and as mentioned before, you will find heavy security personnel everywhere. It is best to avoid North Sinai where Wilayet-Sinai and other groups are fighting Egyptian military forces. North Sinai is a no-travel region.

General safety tips

  • Be vigilant on the street and do not be part of large public gatherings.
  • Be polite and cooperate with security checks at hotel foyers and checkpoints on the road.
  • Before travelling, check the travel warnings (if any) through your country’s state department or foreign ministry.
  • Know that some hotels, shopkeepers, cafes and even museums have different rates for foreigners
  • Consult your embassy/consulate on arrival if there have been recent public order issues. Some countries operate a register to ensure you receive notifications if trouble is expected.
  • Never get involved in a political protest or civil unrest.
  • Do not strike up strident political conversations with strangers.
  • Photographing military installations and some buildings like the old Aswan Dam is strictly prohibited. You can be arrested even if you are innocent of the restrictions.

Emergency contacts

Egypt has a strong and reliable public emergency response infrastructure. As a traveller in the country, keep the following Public Emergency Numbers handy that you can dial from anywhere within the country:

  • Police: 122
  • Ambulance service: 123
  • Tourist Police: 126
  • Civil defence: 125
  • Road emergencies: 012-2111-0000
  • Fire Department: 180

With its history and heritage, Egypt remains the go-to destination for an adventure back in time. No matter where you go in Egypt, a treasure trove of discovery and delight awaits you in this timeless holiday destination.

The post Is It Safe To Travel To Egypt? Things to Know Before Going To Egypt appeared first on The Byond Travel Blog.

This post first appeared on Why Not To Travel To Jordan | BYOND, please read the originial post: here

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Is It Safe To Travel To Egypt? Things to Know Before Going To Egypt
