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Emm In London Blog

London. Architecture. Travel. Culture. History. A photo narrative of life in London and beyond.
A Moment In Kentish Town
I found myself in Kentish Town this week with a moment to spare. The journey from Dartford had somehow worked out to be half an hour shorter than expected and my friends' taxi was going to… Read More
A February Visit To Bodiam Castle
We decided to visit Bodiam Castle on a bright February morning. I had incorrectly thought the castle is in Kent and could not figure out why it took us so long to drive there. Turns out Bo… Read More
A Winter Break In Bergen, Norway
We spent three days in Bergen just before Christmas and it was glorious. Before this trip, I held a somewhat irrational fear of visiting cold places at cold times. Now that I've seen the m… Read More
Walking With The Snowman At Knole Park
The Snowman is one of the great loves of my life. I loved both The Snowman and Father Christmas books by Raymond Briggs and couldn't even try to estimate how many times I've seen The Snowman… Read More
Meeting The Fallow Deer At Knole Park
I love deer. I don't remember seeing Bambi in a cinema when I was about 3 years old but my Mum loves telling the story of how I jumped up on my seat at a pivotal moment and shouted, "don't… Read More
A Year In The Life... 2022
Seasons greetings everyone! I hope that you're having a peaceful time and enjoying the festive season. My family is a mix of faiths, none of them very observant, but my mum and my brother a… Read More
The Abandoned Town Of Tyneham, Dorset
I love all things abandoned and derelict. When I visited my friend in Bournemouth in September, she asked if I was keen on visiting a little Dorset village that had been evacuated during Wo… Read More
A Sunday Morning In Corfe Castle
I'm full of British wanderlust today. I just want to find a little village and explore, take photos and eat cake to my heart's content. It'll be a little while before I can do that, so I'm… Read More
A Day At The Bournemouth Air Festival
I’d planned a trip to Bournemouth to see one of my oldest friends in September. When we arrived, she mentioned that the Bournemouth Air Festival was on that weekend – would I b… Read More
A Sunny Monday In Rye, East Sussex
The best Mondays are the ones where you wake up without an alarm and make your way, at a leisurely pace, to somewhere new and exciting. My in-laws had arrived from a bitterly cold Johannesb… Read More
Adventures In Leeds Castle In Spring
I'm at the 'will it ever end' stage of winter which is why I tend to count the spring equinox as the official start of spring. While it is cold, wet and grey outside, I know that spring wil… Read More
The Art Of Banksy Exhibition, London
One thing I've learned about the new world is that we spend an awful lot of time planning and looking forward to things through delays, false starts and eventual happenings. This was especi… Read More
A Perfect Spring Day In Whitstable
Whitstable is one of my favourite towns on earth. I don't quite think I could ever live there (or afford to) but I do love visiting as often as I can. The last time I went, I expected it to… Read More
Five Days In Lyme Regis
It seems impossible now but there were five days in 2020 where life almost felt normal. We drove down to Lyme Regis in Dorset and stayed in a fisherman's hut by the seaside. It was one of t… Read More
A Spring Walk In Lullingstone
Oh! Glorious spring! I’d been planning a socially distanced walk with my friend Amanda for several weeks but January and February were bitterly cold, with several instances of snow… Read More
A Day Trip To Hythe Bay Restaurant
A year ago today, before the pandemic, we decided to do something different. We drove down to the Hythe Bay Restaurant on a very wet and windy day. I was disappointed to discover that not al… Read More
An Afternoon In Chiddingstone, Kent
I love Kent and tiny little Kentish villages. On a sunny, wintery, February day, we travelled down to the village of Chiddingstone, one of the best preserved Tudor villages in England and s… Read More
An Afternoon In Bo-Kaap, Cape Town
This is one of my favourite photos of Bo-Kaap – the light reflecting on the pieces of cloth, the clouds falling over Table Mountain and the Bo-Kaap Museum in the middle ground. Bo… Read More
Farewell (for Now)
Well, hello! I know, it's been six weeks without even the slightest peep from me. I am sorry, lovely readers but sadly I'm not here to say that I'm back. I've decided to take a year off from… Read More
A Night At The Opera: Tosca At The ENO
My love for opera is quite new. I was always in love with the idea of opera, inspired by countless films in which the characters sat in the balcony at the opera and silently wept, but my fi… Read More
October: The Month That Was
Well, it’s November. With two blinks of the eye this year will be over and there seems to be no chance of slowing it down. The good news, is that I’m really settling into this a… Read More
Alone With My Camera In Barcelona
It was one of those conversations. I'm quite certain it began with the two of us communicating like adults but it had somehow become quite fraught. I began to backtrack. "Okay, Stephen, is t… Read More
The World Garden At Lullingstone Castle
Have you ever encountered a story so big that you simply had no idea where to start? This is how I feel about The World Garden at Lullingstone Castle. I want to tell you everything and show… Read More
September: The Month That Was
All of a sudden, the year is three-quarters of the way through. How did that happen? The predominant theme this month has been me denying that summer is over and trying to stretch it out as… Read More
24 Hours In Tankerton, Whitstable
I love living in Kent and barely a week goes by that I’m not grateful for our decision to move here. Having said that, I also escape every opportunity I get and bank holiday weekends… Read More
Jacobean Splendour At Charlton House
The Open House weekend in London is one weekend every September where buildings across the city are open to the public. It is a celebration of architecture and design and an opportunity to… Read More
August: The Month That Was
This year is speeding away like a runaway horse which makes me especially glad that I’ve started this monthly series. It is difficult to rush through two thirds of the year and wonder… Read More
Walking Tankerton To Whitstable Harbour
It is strange the things we dream about, things that are so easy to do but we simply never seem to get around to doing them. For the longest time, I dreamt about walking my dogs on the beac… Read More
Anarch-Tea At W London Leicester Square
It's no secret that I love afternoon tea but what you might not know about me is that I was a goth during my formative years. If you've suddenly conjured up an image of black hair, black eye… Read More
July: The Month That Was
I have to admit, when I had the bright idea of doing a monthly real-life round up, I was hoping to be a little more diligent than recapping the month a third of the way into the next month… Read More
Inside The Iconic Millennium Mills
I remember the first time I stepped into a derelict building. It was a house I had lived in during my final year in school and both the roof and floor had rotted away. Stephen’s insti… Read More
June: The Month That Was
Have you ever had one of those months where you get to the end and wonder what the heck was that? June was that month for me. It was crazy and cool and went by in a kind of blur. Still feel… Read More
Photo Essay: A Saturday In Brixton
Sometimes there is no better place to be than wherever you are right now with camera in hand. I recently found myself in Brixton with some time to kill and decided to head off in the direc… Read More
Bologna: An Unexpected Place
Trying to manage expectations when travelling can be similar to walking a tightrope and if you know how clumsy I am, you’ll know that I’m more often falling off the tightrope th… Read More
Walk With Me At Felbrigg Hall, Norfolk
"Weird", says Stephen and he's not entirely wrong. It is a little odd to be walking in the beautiful grounds of Norfolk's Felbrigg Hall, wearing headphones and carrying an iPad for navigat… Read More
Bringing Some Cheerz To Our New Home
Doesn’t time fly? Tomorrow will mark eight weeks since we moved into our new house and it is already four weeks since I started at the new company. Life is good but it feels that I can… Read More
A Strange Day In Richmond
Have you ever had a day where everything seemed to go wrong? Melissa and I had one of those days recently when we met up in Richmond for a walk and a session of afternoon tea. Our day st… Read More
Leonardo Da Vinci Exhibition London
It’s no secret that I love museums and the Science Museum, London is one of my favourite museums in the world. I’ve lost count how many times I’ve visited the museum but… Read More
Blog, Interrupted
Good grief. How is it two months since I last wrote on this blog? I don't even know how that happened. In other times of unexpected interludes, I've been painfully aware of my blogging abs… Read More
Today was one of those damp and rainy London days where you'd only leave your house if you had a very good reason to do so. Thankfully I had a very good reason indeed because today I did o… Read More
With all the Christmas lights packed away and the magical shop windows returned to normal, January can be the most dull and grey of months. Until now. Some genius thought it would be a brill… Read More
Gosh, can it really be the end of 2015? How on earth did that happen? 2015 was one of the toughest years of my life from a working perspective. There was the complete lack of a work/life ba… Read More
If you’ve been in London long enough, you start to hear the same big brand names in coffee. But over the years a pocket of specialty brewers have come to the forefront of the London… Read More
Remember when I visited Eltham Palace and told you that the gardens were so exquisite that they deserved a post of their own? Well, here is a bumper post full of photos of the gardens, mainl… Read More
When I was on my recent holiday, it occurred to me that I don’t write often about my daily life in London or what is going on in my personal life. A million blog years ago, I used to p… Read More

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