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Exploring Der Kegel: A Unique Climbing Gym Inside a Historic Nazi Bunker

In the heart of Berlin, nestled in the vibrant Friedrichshain district, lies an extraordinary fusion of history and modern adventure. Welcome to Der Kegel, a climbing gym unlike any other, built within the remnants of a Nazi bunker. This unique site offers an unparalleled experience for climbers, adventure seekers, and history enthusiasts alike.

Der Kegel is more than just a climbing gym; it’s a testament to Berlin’s ability to repurpose and reimagine its historical sites. The bunker walls, which once symbolized war, now challenge climbers with various routes suitable for different skill levels. The gym’s atmosphere is infused with a sense of history and resilience, allowing visitors to connect with the past while engaging in an exhilarating physical activity.

In addition to climbing, Der Kegel hosts various events and workshops designed to foster community and promote the sport of climbing. Whether you’re a seasoned climber or a curious newcomer, Der Kegel provides an engaging and educational experience, making it a must-visit destination for anyone in Berlin.

A Historical Gem in Berlin

Der Kegel is located in the Reichsbahnausbesserungswerk (RAW II), also known as the German Imperial Railway Repair Factory. Established in 1918, this expansive railway workshop played a significant role in Berlin’s industrial landscape, contributing to maintaining and repairing locomotives and railcars that were integral to the country’s transportation network. During World War II, the site became a strategic location for Nazi Germany, complete with bunkers, defensive structures, and facilities that underscored its importance to the war effort. Visit The on the Web

Despite facing partial destruction during the relentless bombings of the war, the plant exhibited remarkable resilience and continued to operate, serving the needs of a war-torn nation. The site remained active until the gradual closure of operations in 1991, marking the end of an era. In the aftermath of the industrial decline, post-industrial Berlin saw various groups making concerted efforts to breathe new life into the area. Their initiatives transformed RAW-Friedrichshain into a vibrant cultural hub that reflects the city’s dynamic spirit and creativity.

Today, RAW-Friedrichshain houses diverse attractions, including shops, art galleries, music studios, and skate halls, creating a lively and eclectic atmosphere that draws locals and tourists. Amidst this lively mix, Der Kegel stands out as a prominent feature. This unique structure offers climbing enthusiasts a dedicated space to pursue their passion, fostering a sense of community and adventure. Der Kegel not only serves as a testament to the site’s rich history but also symbolizes the innovative and adaptive spirit of Berlin, where old industrial spaces are repurposed to meet the contemporary needs of its residents.

The Cone: A Climber’s Dream

Der Kegel, or “The Cone,” is not just any climbing gym—it’s an adventure set within an abandoned train repair factory in the heart of a historic district. The centerpiece? A WWII bunker, known as a Zombeck-Turme, transformed into an awe-inspiring climbing wall. This bunker, constructed initially to safeguard civilians from bombing raids, stands as a testament to the engineering prowess of the era. Its formidable concrete structure has withstood the ravages of time, remaining nearly indestructible and offering a unique climbing experience.

Towering over 18 meters high, the bunker offers more than just a climb; it’s a journey through history and a thrilling challenge for climbers of various skill levels. Enthusiasts can pit their skills against the bunker’s natural texture, which presents a raw and rugged climbing surface or tackle artificial holds seamlessly integrated into the structure, providing a versatile and comprehensive climbing experience. Intermediate climbers can ascend to the summit of the Kegel, where stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area await.

Upon reaching the top, many climbers leave their mark by inscribing their names, the date, and the climbing route in the summit log, adding a personal touch to this iconic landmark. This tradition creates a sense of community and continuity among climbers, connecting them through shared experience and achievement. Whether you are a seasoned climber seeking new challenges or a history enthusiast intrigued by the bunker’s past, Der Kegel offers an unforgettable adventure combining physical exertion and historical exploration.

Access and Amenities

Berlin’s public transport is very well organized, making it easy to get to RAW-Friedrichshain by bus, subway, or bike. The city’s extensive bus and subway network ensures you can reach your destination efficiently and affordably. The buses run frequently and cover virtually all parts of the city, while the subway system is known for its punctuality, cleanliness, and coverage. Cycling is also a great option, with Berlin’s bike-friendly infrastructure offering a scenic and health-conscious way to travel. Berlin boasts numerous bike lanes and paths that make cycling safe and enjoyable, and many residents take advantage of this eco-friendly mode of transport.

Using a personal car is not advised, as parking spots are hard to find, and you will still have to walk through the expansive RAW industrial site. Plus, given that post-bouldering beers are almost mandatory, why waste an excellent opportunity to enjoy a quality German beer in this cultural hotspot? The RAW-Friedrichshain area is known for its vibrant nightlife and bustling arts scene, making it the perfect place to unwind and soak in the local culture after a day of physical activity. The area is home to numerous bars, clubs, and art galleries, providing endless options for entertainment and cultural engagement.

For those who love the arts, RAW-Friedrichshain hosts various events and exhibitions throughout the year, showcasing everything from contemporary art to live music performances. The area’s industrial backdrop adds a unique charm, blending Berlin’s historical roots with its modern creative expression. Whether you want to explore street art, enjoy live music, or relax with a drink, RAW-Friedrichshain offers something for everyone.

So, whether you’re a local or a visitor, make the most of Berlin’s excellent transport options to experience all that RAW-Friedrichshain offers.


Climbing at Der Kegel offers an unforgettable experience. This destination seamlessly blends historical significance with exhilarating climbing opportunities, set against the vibrant cultural backdrop of RAW-Friedrichshain. Renowned for its inclusivity, Der Kegel welcomes climbers of all levels, from families to seasoned enthusiasts, making it a truly unique spot.

Berlin is a must-visit for those seeking a distinctive climbing adventure that marries rich history and a lively cultural setting. Regardless of the time of year, you’ll be delighted by what awaits.

Plan your visit to Der Kegel today and immerse yourself in the perfect fusion of history and adventure.

The post Exploring Der Kegel: A Unique Climbing Gym Inside a Historic Nazi Bunker appeared first on Nomadic Clan.

This post first appeared on Teach512, please read the originial post: here

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Exploring Der Kegel: A Unique Climbing Gym Inside a Historic Nazi Bunker


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