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Beautiful Mamluk mosques, madrasas, and khanqahs in Cairo, Egypt


Cairo, Egypt, boasts a treasure trove of architectural marvels dating back to the Mamluk era, a period renowned for its exquisite Islamic art and culture. Among these historical gems, the mosques, madrasas, and khanqahs stand as enduring testaments to the city’s rich heritage.

From the illustrious Qalawun Mosque to the grand Mosque of Sultan al-Muayyad, these structures blend intricate design, artistic craftsmanship, and spiritual significance.

The Madrasa of Al-Nasir Muhammad, Khanqah of Baybars II, and Madrasa of Amir Sunqur Sa’di are just a few examples of the architectural wonders that grace Cairo’s landscape.

As we delve into this exploration of Cairo’s Mamluk-era architecture, we’ll uncover the stories, designs, and historical importance of these remarkable sites. Each edifice represents a unique chapter in Cairo’s history, offering a glimpse into a bygone era of architectural excellence and cultural richness.

If you want to read about the mosques from the fatimid era, or the mosques built in Cairo during the ottoman rule, you can read more here.

The Mosque of al-Zahir Baybars

The Mosque of al-Zahir Baybars, nestled in the heart of Cairo, stands as a testament to the architectural prowess and enduring legacy of Sultan al-Zahir Baybars al-Bunduqdari. This grand mosque, constructed during his rule from 1260 to 1277, serves as a tangible reminder of Baybars’ influential leadership and unwavering commitment to both faith and state.

Baybars, a formidable statesman and military strategist, united vast territories, thwarted Crusader advances, and expanded the Mamluk rule across diverse regions. His dedication to both religion and governance is exemplified by the mosque’s remote location in Husayniyya, highlighting his reverence for religious scholar Shaykh Khidr.

The mosque’s rich history spans centuries, witnessing varied roles, from military fort to barracks, soap factory to bakery, and even an army warehouse during British occupation.

Fortunately, a substantial government-led restoration project in 2007 revitalized this historical gem, allowing it to reopen its doors in 2023.

Architecturally, the mosque, with its impressive dimensions and grandeur, features a square layout and hypostyle design. While time has weathered some of its defining elements, its remnants still exude a sense of majesty. Notable features include a dome, minarets, and an intricate maqsura, reflecting a blend of architectural styles and influences.

The Qalawun complex

The Qalawun complex, a monumental edifice in Cairo, constructed under the rule of Sultan al-Mansur Qalawun from 1284 to 1285, stands as a remarkable testament to Mamluk architecture and Islamic heritage.

This sprawling complex, situated on al-Mu’izz street at Bayn al-Qasrayn, comprises a hospital, a madrasa, and a mausoleum, reflecting its multifaceted role in society.

Built atop the ruins of the Fatimid Western Palace, Qalawun’s vision for this complex materialized after he secured his rule and repelled Mongol invasions in Syria. Its central location in Cairo made it a focal point for Islamic religious ceremonies and court rituals spanning the Mamluk and Ottoman eras.

While its construction faced controversy, including the use of forced labor and property disputes, the Qalawun complex emerged as an architectural masterpiece. Its swift completion within 13 months remains impressive, housing a hospital, mausoleum, and school.

The dome of the mausoleum became a symbol of power transitions in Mamluk Egypt, signifying new leadership.

The exterior boasts a blend of architectural influences, including Gothic and Crusader styles, while its façade, complete with ashlar blocks and pointed-arch panels, captures attention. Inside, the complex dazzles with marble mosaics, carved stucco, and painted wooden coffers.

The mausoleum, where Sultan Qalawun and his son rest, features Corinthian columns, a grand dome, and a lavishly decorated mihrab. The madrasa, dedicated to Islamic legal teachings and medicine, features a stunning façade with intricate arches and mosaics. The hospital, though no longer standing, played a vital role in healthcare and research.

Despite its controversies, the Qalawun complex remains a testament to architectural and historical grandeur, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Islamic Cairo’s heritage and legacy.

The Madrasa of Al-Nasir Muhammad

The Madrasa of Al-Nasir Muhammad, a splendid architectural gem in Cairo, bears testament to the Mamluk dynasty’s cultural and historical significance. Commissioned in the name of Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun, its construction commenced under the reign of Sultan Al-Adil Kitbugha between 1294 and 1295.

However, it was not until Al-Nasir Muhammad’s second reign, from 1299 to 1309, that the project reached completion in 1303. Situated in the Bayn al-Qasrayn area on al-Muizz street, this madrasa and mausoleum complex stands adjacent to the earlier Qalawun Hospital and funerary complex, as well as the Madrasa of Sultan Barquq.

The structure is a brick edifice adorned with stucco designs and inscriptions. Its unique features include a stunning stucco mihrab, distinct for its raised, egg-shaped stucco bosses and intricate ornamentation.

The mausoleum, separated from the madrasa by the main entrance corridor, once featured a dome that collapsed in 1870, leaving only the drum visible today. The most extraordinary aspect of the complex is its Gothic marble portal, a relic acquired from a church in Acre after the Mamluk victory against the Crusaders.

This portal, with its intricate pointed arch and triple recess flanked by slender columns, holds historical significance.

The minaret of the Madrasa of Al-Nasir Muhammad is a remarkable structure with highly stylized stucco designs, showcasing medallions, keel-arched niches, and geometric and floral patterns. It also features inscriptions in Kufic and Thuluth script, further enhancing its architectural splendor.

This madrasa, with its rich history and unique architectural elements, stands as a testament to the artistic and cultural achievements of the Mamluk dynasty in Cairo.

The Khanqah of Baybars II

Nestled along the historic Sharia Gamaliya in the heart of Cairo, the Khanqah of Baybars II stands as a testament to both architectural splendor and spiritual devotion. Constructed between 1306 and 1310 during the Mamluk Sultanate, this remarkable edifice served as a sanctuary for four hundred Sufis and the children of the era, making it a symbol of communal harmony and faith.

Baybars II, also known as Baibars al-Jashankir, played a pivotal role in the construction of this khanqah. As Atabek of Egypt and later the Sultan, his patronage ensured the lavish decoration and intricate design of the building.

The façade, with its grand arched entrance projecting proudly into the street, is an architectural marvel. A marble recess adorned with stalactite-hood shelters the entrance, creating a sense of reverence from the very threshold. Remarkably, the doorsill bears an engraved block of pharaonic stone, bearing ancient hieroglyphics, echoing Egypt’s rich history.

The minaret, situated on the building’s southern side, is a sight to behold. Its ribbed dome, once adorned with green faience tiles, exemplifies the fusion of architectural influences. The minaret’s intricate design, featuring rows of stalactites and Muqarnas vaulting, showcases the building’s artistic brilliance.

The Khanqah of Baybars II, as the oldest surviving khanqah in modern Cairo, not only preserves the historical tapestry of the city but also serves as a timeless symbol of spirituality and architectural ingenuity.

The Madrasa of Amir Sunqur Sa’di

Nestled within the ancient labyrinthine streets of Cairo, the Madrasa of Amir Sunqur Sa’di stands as a testament to the enigmatic history of Egypt’s Mamluk era. Built between 1315 and 1321 by Amir Sunqur Sa’di, it originally bore his name, but history took a twist.

Sunqur’s forced exile from Egypt led to the mausoleum being consecrated in honor of Sheikh Hasan Sadaqa, giving it an alternative identity. This intriguing twist beckons the question of Sunqur’s original intent in constructing such an impressive mausoleum and religious complex.

The building’s exterior, adorned with intricate stucco decorations, reflects an unusual lavishness in Mamluk architecture. The minaret, with its square shaft and fluted cap, stands as a symbol of Bahri Mamluk design excellence.

The Madrasa, today largely occupied by the Mevlevi Sufi order, was once a place of learning, its central courtyard housing chambers and classrooms. Excavations unearthed a well dating back to before 850 CE, revealing layers of history within its walls.

The mausoleum chamber, with its elliptical dome, contains the cenotaph of Hasan Sadaqa, surrounded by Arabic calligraphy inscriptions excerpted from the Maqamat al-Hariri.

The transformation of this site into a Mevlevi lodge in the 17th century underscores its rich history. The sama’khana, or ceremonial hall, now a vibrant display of late Ottoman Baroque architecture, witnessed the mystical whirling dervish dance (sama’).

As a symbol of both architectural elegance and spiritual evolution, the Madrasa of Amir Sunqur Sa’di invites visitors to unravel its mysteries and contemplate the ever-changing tapestry of history within its walls.

The Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun Mosque

Nestled within the formidable walls of Cairo’s Citadel, the Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun Mosque stands as a timeless monument to Egypt’s rich past. Commissioned by the Mamluk Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad in 1318, this mosque served as the royal place of worship for Cairo’s sultans, where they gathered for their Friday prayers.

Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad, despite physical challenges, won the hearts of his people with his intellect and diplomacy. He ascended to the throne as a child and faced numerous usurpations before returning to Cairo to embark on ambitious construction projects, securing his legacy as a builder of grandeur.

In the early 14th century, the mosque was completed and became a hub of religious and civic life. Its meticulously adorned interior featured a private chamber for contemplation by the sultan, while the call to prayer resounded through the city.

Surpassing its construction costs, the mosque’s funds were used to purchase land and shops, rendering it one of Cairo’s wealthiest institutions. The selection of religious leaders to serve in the mosque was a prestigious affair, with the sultan personally choosing the most gifted.

The mosque’s history saw it fall into disrepair during the British occupation of Cairo, but it was later restored to its former glory. Today, this remarkable mosque stands as a testament to Mamluk architecture and the enduring spirit of its founder.

With its unique minarets, austere outer walls, and grand interior, the Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun Mosque continues to captivate visitors and offers a glimpse into the historical tapestry of Cairo’s Citadel.

The Mosque of Amir al-Maridani

The Mosque of Amir Altinbugha al-Maridani, built in 1340, is located south of Bab Zuweila in the Darb al-Ahmar neighborhood of medieval Cairo. It was constructed with the support of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad.

The mosque is renowned for its unique architecture, including the first fully octagonal minaret and a grand dome. Sultan Muhammad, Amir al-Maridani’s father-in-law, and the amir himself funded its construction.

Amir Altinbugha al-Maridani’s rise to prominence from a cupbearer to chief of Cairo’s police force is noteworthy. He even played a role in briefly removing a sultan through political maneuvering.

Architecturally, the mosque features typical Mamluk elements, including recesses and intricate stalactite motifs on its exterior. The minaret is distinctive with its octagonal shaft and bulbous crown. The interior incorporates salvaged columns from earlier structures, adding historical charm. A notable mashrabiyya screen and stained glass adorn the courtyard.

The sanctuary, though currently in disrepair, once boasted gilded stucco, marble mosaics, and naturalistic tree motifs. The dome above the mihrab features gilded and painted wooden pendentives, and the exterior showcases intricately carved niches and medallions.

Various restoration projects have aimed to preserve the mosque’s historical significance. It remains a testament to Mamluk craftsmanship and a glimpse into medieval Cairo’s captivating history.

The Aqsunqur Mosque

The Aqsunqur Mosque, also known as the Blue Mosque or the Mosque of Ibrahim Agha, stands as a historical and architectural marvel in Cairo. Built in 1347 during the Mamluk Sultanate under the supervision of Emir Shams ad-Din Aqsunqur, this mosque showcases a unique blend of architectural styles influenced by Syria.

Emir Aqsunqur’s significance grew within the Mamluk court due to his prominent role and his marriage to the daughter of Sultan an-Nasir Muhammad. The mosque’s construction was closely overseen by Aqsunqur himself, incorporating Syrian architectural elements. Notably, the mosque was built around the mausoleum of Sultan al-Ashraf Kujuk, resulting in its distinctive layout.

In the 15th century, financial difficulties led to a decline in the mosque’s condition. However, during the Ottoman era, Emir Ibrahim Agha al-Mustahfizan undertook a significant restoration project. He adorned the mosque with striking blue and green tiles, earning it the name “Blue Mosque.” These tiles, imported from Constantinople and Damascus, featured intricate floral motifs.

Today, the Aqsunqur Mosque serves as a major tourist attraction, following extensive restoration efforts. Its architectural features include a large courtyard enclosed by arcades, Western European-style capitals, and the unique alignment of Kujuk’s mausoleum with the street.

The interior features cross-vaults influenced by Syrian architecture, while the mihrab showcases geometric interlace designs typical of Mamluk style.

The minaret, once four stories tall, now stands as a remarkable three-story structure with a bulb resting on slender stone columns. The Aqsunqur Mosque is a testament to the rich history and architectural diversity of Cairo.

The Mosque and Khanqah of Shaykhu

The Mosque and Khanqah of Shaykhu, an Islamic complex in Cairo, stands as a testament to the vision and contributions of the Grand Emir Sayf al-Din Shaykhu al-Nasiri during the Mamluk Sultanate era. This architectural masterpiece consists of both a mosque and a khanqah.

Sayf al-Din Shaykhu al-Nasiri was a remarkable figure in the Mamluk state under Sultan Hasan, renowned for his political acumen and dedication to maintaining stability and harmony among diverse communities in the region. His influential position allowed him to accumulate vast wealth.

The mosque, built in 1349, is considered one of the finest in Egypt. It boasts an unconventional layout, with walls mirroring the surrounding streets, enabling a unique window connection between the mausoleum and the sanctuary. The courtyard features exquisite polychrome marble paving, a testament to the mosque’s opulence.

The Khanqah, constructed in 1355, is among the earliest known khanqah-madrasa combinations in the Mamluk era. It served both as a school and a Sufi monastery, housing residents of the general populace.

Shaykhu ensured a rich curriculum, covering various legal schools, hadith studies, and Quranic recitations. Notable scholars of the time graduated from this prestigious institution.

The khanqah’s decline began when Sultan al-Nasir Faraj confiscated its surplus funds. Despite its eventual financial struggles, the Khanqah of Shaykhu remains a symbol of historical and educational significance.

The Madrasah of the Amir Sarghatmish

The Madrasah of the Amir Sarghatmish, constructed in 1356, is located northeast of the Mosque of Ibn Tulun in Islamic Cairo. Amir Sayf al-Din Sarghatmish al-Nasiri, a prominent Mamluk figure, commissioned this architectural masterpiece to promote Hanafi teachings.

Amir Sarghatmish, known for his piety and support for foreign Hanafi students, rose to influence during the reigns of Sultan al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun and Sultan Hasan.

The complex features a cruciform layout comprising a mosque, madrasah, and mausoleum. Its facade faces the street, emphasizing the mausoleum and madrasah, a characteristic of Mamluk architecture.

An elegant minaret with inlaid masonry graces the eastern corner of the facade. The portal, adorned with a pishtaq and pendative triangles, stands out. The dome above the mausoleum exhibits Persian influence, possibly reflecting Sarghatmish’s Iranian students.

Inside, the mosque’s mihrab wall boasts unique carvings, including birds and hands, a departure from traditional Mamluk art. The central courtyard features an octagonal fountain beneath a wooden dome, a common Mamluk design. Student housing, spanning three stories in the corners, offers courtyard and street views.

Eminent historian Al-Maqrizi praises the architectural splendor of the Madrasah of Sarghatmish and its impact on Cairo’s community. Poets have even composed verses about its beauty. This complex stands as a testament to Amir Sarghatmish’s dedication to education and Hanafi thought during the Mamluk era.

The Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan

The Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan, built between 1356 and 1363 during the Bahri Mamluk period in Cairo, is a monumental historic structure commissioned by Sultan an-Nasir Hasan.

Despite challenges posed by the Black Plague, the mosque stands as one of Cairo’s impressive monuments.

Sultan Hasan’s reign was marked by extravagance and shifting politics. He was briefly imprisoned and then embarked on constructing the grand mosque-madrasa complex, funded through various sources.

Craftsmen from across the Mamluk empire, including Anatolia, were drawn to the project, resulting in innovative and diverse architectural elements. Limestone from the Pyramids of Giza might have even been used in its construction.

The mosque’s exterior is characterized by stunning details, such as rows of windows, ornate muqarnas, and decorative stonework. Two towering minarets flank the mausoleum chamber. The entrance portal, a masterpiece of design, features intricate geometric patterns and Quranic inscriptions.

Inside, the central courtyard is surrounded by four monumental iwans, with the qibla iwan being the largest. This space was used for public prayers and teaching by the attached madrasas.

The mausoleum chamber, located behind the qibla wall, is lavishly decorated with marble, woodcarvings, and a painted inscription of the Throne Verse. A massive wooden dome with muqarnas pendentives crowns the mausoleum.

Despite its impressive size and grandeur, the mosque faced challenges throughout history. It was used as a fortified position during conflicts and experienced several demolition attempts. The Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hasan stands as a testament to Mamluk architecture’s innovation and the legacy of Sultan Hasan’s ambitious vision.

Madrasa of Umm al-Sultan Sha’ban

The Madrasa of Umm al-Sultan Sha’ban, a Mamluk-era complex in Islamic Cairo, was constructed in 1368-69 CE (770 AH) on the order of Sultan al-Ashraf Sha’ban in honor of his mother, Khawand Baraka, also known as Umm al-Sultan Sha’ban. This unique monument stands at the intersection of Tabbana Street and a side street, featuring a three-sided façade.

Sultan Sha’ban’s decision to build the madrasa was likely influenced by his mother’s wishes, as there were few instances of such grand monuments being erected for female relatives of Mamluk sultans. The complex includes a college (madrasa), mausoleum, water trough (hawd), and a primary school (maktab).

The exterior showcases impressive domes, with the minaret and the larger mausoleum dome prominently positioned at the corner for maximum visibility. These domes feature ribbed or fluted designs and inscriptions in Arabic. The entrance portal is a masterpiece with muqarnas carvings, multicolored stone, and intricate inscriptions.

Inside, a central courtyard is surrounded by iwans, with the qibla iwan being the largest. The mausoleum chambers contain tombs and unique round squinches in place of muqarnas pendentives. It’s believed that one room served as a workshop for creating Qur’an manuscripts.

The complex was funded through an endowment (waqf) that included urban and agrarian properties in Syria and Egypt. Restoration efforts, led by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, have preserved this architectural marvel.

Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq

The Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq, also known as the Mosque-Madrasa-Khanqah of Az-Zaher Barquq, is a religious complex in Islamic Cairo, Egypt. Built between 1384 and 1386 CE during the Circassian (Burji) dynasty of the Mamluk Sultanate, it comprises a mosque, madrasa, mausoleum, and khanqah dedicated to Sufi practices.

Located on Muizz Street, it forms part of Cairo’s Mamluk architectural heritage alongside the Complex of Sultan Qalawun and the Madrasa of al-Nasir Muhammad.

Sultan Barquq, the first “Burji” Mamluk sultan of Cairo, was a former Circassian slave who rose to power through the turbulent times following Sultan Sha’ban’s reign. Despite the change in regime, the architectural style of Barquq’s complex retains continuity with previous Mamluk buildings.

The exterior of the complex showcases meticulous design, with a prominent minaret, a visually striking dome, and a remarkable entrance portal featuring ornate carvings and inscriptions.

Inside, the complex offers a central courtyard surrounded by four iwans, reminiscent of the architecture found in the Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Hassan. Notably, the main prayer hall features a unique wooden ceiling adorned with patterns akin to those found in contemporary illuminated Qur’ans.

The mausoleum, located adjacent to the prayer hall, is crowned by a dome and was originally constructed with wood, later reconstructed using bricks. It houses the tomb of one of Sultan Barquq’s daughters.

The Mosque-Madrasa of Sultan Barquq serves multiple functions, including a Friday mosque, a madrasa teaching all four Sunni schools of thought, and a khanqah for Sufis. It also embodies the cultural and historical fabric of Egyptian society.

Despite some challenges, including thefts of valuable ornaments, the complex stands as a testament to Mamluk architectural excellence and Sultan Barquq’s enduring legacy in Cairo’s rich history.

Mahmud al-Kurdi Mosque

The Mahmud al-Kurdi Mosque, also known as the Jamal al-Din Mahmud al-Istadar Mosque, is a historic gem nestled in Cairo. Its origins trace back to Mahmud al-Kurdi, the ustadar (majordomo) of Mamluk Sultan Barquq, who commissioned its construction.

Situated just south of the Qasaba of Radwan Bey in the district of al-Darb al-Ahmar, this mosque has a rich history.

Completed in 1395, the Mahmud al-Kurdi Mosque underwent extensive restoration work by the Ministry of Antiquity from 1979 to 2004. During this process, the minaret received a fresh coat of white plaster.

What sets this small mosque apart are its unique architectural features. The dome, adorned with a horizontal chevron pattern, is an early example of stone domes replacing traditional brick and plaster ribbed designs. Supported by a drum with eight windows, the dome showcases elegant craftsmanship.

The minaret, with its distinctive round shape, deviates from the architectural norms of its time and later influenced Ottoman designs.

The mosque’s facade, window frames, and doors boast original inscriptions and intricate decorations. The metal doors, in particular, exhibit exceptional artistry, featuring geometric star patterns and arabesque carvings. Inside, the mosque’s layout, with two iwans, resembles a qa’a, reminiscent of reception halls in palatial architecture, suggesting a possible conversion from a house.

Amir Jamal al-Din al-Ustadar Mosque

Amir Jamal al-Din al-Ustadar Mosque, located in the historic Islamic Cairo district, holds a significant place in the city’s architectural and cultural heritage. Constructed in 1407, it stands as a testament to its patron, Emir Jamal al-Din al-Ustadar, who served under the Burji Mamluk Sultan An-Nasir Faraj.

The mosque primarily functioned as a madrasa, offering teachings from all four Islamic schools of jurisprudence.

The architectural style of this mosque bears a notable influence from the Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Barquq. Interestingly, Jamal al-Din’s turbulent career led to his eventual execution by Sultan An-Nasir. The Sultan even attempted to demolish the mosque, but its preservation was secured by erasing Jamal al-Din’s name from its inscriptions.

The building is organized around a rectangular courtyard featuring four unequal iwans, each dedicated to one of the four orthodox Islamic legal schools. An intriguing feature is the shallower iwan facing the qibla. Additionally, the complex houses a mausoleum, a sabil (fountain), an entrance area, and facilities for ablutions, all elegantly interspersed between the iwans.

Despite facing challenges, including damage caused by the 1992 Cairo earthquake, the mosque has been meticulously restored, resuming its role as a place of worship. It represents an architectural gem within the UNESCO-designated Historic Cairo, preserving the legacy of its enigmatic patron.

The Khanqah of Faraj ibn Barquq

The Khanqah of Faraj ibn Barquq stands as a remarkable testament to Mamluk architectural prowess in Cairo. Constructed between 1400 and 1411 CE, this religious funerary complex was commissioned by Sultan Faraj ibn Barquq, despite the tumultuous period of his reign marked by political instability and financial difficulties.

Sultan Faraj’s father, Sultan Barquq, had initially envisioned being laid to rest in the desert near the tombs of Islamic saints, prompting the allocation of funds for this ambitious project.

Situated in the Northern Cemetery, which was once a desolate expanse outside the city but is now part of Cairo’s historic necropolis, the complex was intended to encourage urbanization of the area.

It was envisioned as a khanqah, a residence and center for Sufis, featuring an expansive central courtyard, living quarters to the west, a mosque in the east, and two imposing mausoleums flanking the mosque.

This layout was a deviation from the usual city-constrained designs of the Mamluk era, with its nearly square floor plan, visible mausoleums, and two minarets that made it accessible to travelers along the road.

Notably, the complex boasts the earliest large stone domes in Cairo, representing a milestone in Mamluk architecture. The domes, found in the mausoleums, are adorned with marble paneling and intricate inscriptions, with the northern chamber housing the tombs of Sultan Barquq and Sultan Faraj.

The mosque area features a unique stone ceiling and a finely crafted minbar, donated later by Sultan Qaytbay in 1483.

Despite the challenges of its construction period, the Khanqah of Faraj ibn Barquq remains a testament to Mamluk architectural ingenuity and is a significant landmark in Cairo’s historical landscape.

The Mosque of Qanibay al-Muhammadi

The Mosque of Qanibay al-Muhammadi, a historical gem nestled in Cairo, stands as a testament to the architectural splendor of the Burji dynasty era during the Mamluk Sultanate.

This exquisite mosque, dating back to 1413 CE, is a captivating piece of Islamic Cairo’s rich heritage and can be found on Al-Saleeba Street, surrounded by the tranquil ambiance of the historic district.

The mosque derives its name from its patron, Prince Qanibay al-Muhammadi, whose intriguing journey is intertwined with the Mamluk dynasty’s intricate tapestry. Originally purchased by Sultan Al-Zaher Barqouq from a merchant named Muhammad, Qanibay earned the distinctive nisbah of “al-Muhammadi.”

He dedicated his services first to Sultan Barqouq and later to Shaykh al-Mahmudi, the deputy of Damascus. Qanibay’s significant role as a Dawudara, overseeing crucial correspondences and official communications during the Sultanate of Prince Faraj bin Barqouq, marked his enduring legacy.

Tragically, Qanibay met his demise during a tumultuous period when he and other princes rebelled against the ruling Sultan. Despite the turbulent end, his memory lives on through the Mosque of Qanibay al-Muhammadi, a place of serenity and reflection that serves as a testament to the historical richness of Cairo’s Islamic heritage.

The Mosque of Sultan al-Mu’ayyad

The Mosque of Sultan al-Mu’ayyad in Cairo, adjacent to the Bab Zuwayla gate, is a remarkable example of Islamic architecture. Constructed between 1415 and 1421, it served as both a Friday mosque and a madrasa for scholars from all four madhhabs.

Sultan Al-Mu’ayyad Shaykh’s journey from captivity to rulership is fascinating. Purchased as a youth by Sultan Al-Malik Az-Zahir Sayf ad-Din Barquq, he later became the governor of Tripoli under Sultan An-Nasir Naseer ad-Din Faraj.

During his imprisonment in the prison that once occupied the site, he pledged to transform it into a place of education. When he ascended to the throne and earned the name “Al-Mu’ayyad,” he fulfilled his promise by commissioning the mosque’s construction.

Despite the challenges of his reign, Sultan Al-Mu’ayyad left a lasting legacy with this mosque. It is the last great hypostyle mosque in Cairo, featuring a grand portal adorned with intricate carvings, including a remarkable bronze door from the Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan. The mosque’s prayer hall is richly decorated with marble columns, showcasing the opulence of its era.

Today, the Mosque of Sultan al-Mu’ayyad stands as a testament to his vision and the enduring beauty of Islamic architecture in Cairo, symbolizing the city’s historical and cultural heritage.

The Al-Ashraf Mosque

The Al-Ashraf Mosque, located in Cairo, is a historical complex that encompasses a mosque-madrasa, a mausoleum, and Sufi lodgings. Built during the Mamluk period by Sultan Al-Ashraf Al-Barsbay, this mosque is notable for its architectural design, featuring the use of marble and stained-glass windows.

Sultan Barsbay, who ruled from 1422 to 1438, undertook various construction projects in Cairo, despite his mixed legacy as a ruler. While his trade policies had economic repercussions, he also invested in religious buildings and educational institutions.

The Al-Ashraf Mosque, initiated in 1424, is a testament to his piety and commitment to supporting Islamic architecture.

Within the larger complex, the mosque’s interior boasts marble mosaic pavements, a central aisle flanked by raised iwans, classical capital-adorned arcades, and rows of windows. The mihrab and minbar are located on the southeast wall, with the minbar being intricately decorated. The tomb chamber, housing Barsbay’s cenotaph, is illuminated by colorful glass windows.

The Al-Ashraf Mosque served a dual purpose: providing a space for public prayer and religious instruction while also commemorating its patron, Sultan Barsbay. Mamluk rulers like Barsbay aimed to make religious monuments accessible to the public and promote piety, leaving a lasting legacy of architectural marvels in Cairo.

The Khanqah and Mausoleum of Sultan Barsbay

The Khanqah and Mausoleum of Sultan Barsbay, situated in Cairo’s historic Northern Cemetery, is a captivating Islamic funerary complex constructed in 1432 by Sultan al-Ashraf Barsbay. This architectural masterpiece boasts the distinction of having the first stone domes in Cairo adorned with intricate geometric star patterns.

Sultan Barsbay, who reigned from 1422 to 1438, left a lasting mark through his patronage of religious and architectural endeavors, despite his mixed reputation as a ruler. His reign was marked by relative stability and few conflicts, allowing him to focus on construction projects like the Al-Ashraf Mosque and this mausoleum complex.

The complex consists of Barsbay’s royal mausoleum, a mosque with a prayer hall, and two sabils. The mosque’s interior is a testament to craftsmanship, with colorful marble mosaic pavements, rows of arches, and Roman or Byzantine-style columns. While the mosque’s walls and mihrab remain modestly decorated, the windows allow ample light, creating a serene atmosphere.

Barsbay’s mausoleum, accessed through the mosque, dazzles with marble paneling, mother-of-pearl inlays, and intricate mosaics. The exterior of its stone dome is a pioneering example of interlacing geometric star patterns in Mamluk architecture.

Further south, the complex once included a khanqah and living cells for Sufi residents, emphasizing Barsbay’s commitment to supporting Sufism. Surrounding the area are tombs and smaller mausoleums for Barsbay’s family members and favored amirs, each with unique architectural features.

The Khanqah and Mausoleum of Sultan Barsbay stands as a testament to both the ruler’s piety and the architectural achievements of the Mamluk period, with its distinctive stone domes and intricate designs preserving the history and culture of Cairo.

The Mosque of Taghribirdi

The Funerary Complex of Amir Taghribirdi, also known as the Mosque and Madrasa of Taghribirdi, stands as a historical gem in Cairo. Constructed in 1440 during the Mamluk Sultanate, this complex pays tribute to Amir Taghribirdi, a significant figure of his time.

Amir Taghribirdi, distinct from his son, the renowned Islamic scholar Ibn Taghribirdi, achieved prominence as an amir under Sultan Barsbay for his leadership in battling the Crusader Kingdom of Cyprus.

His role led to his appointment as the grand dawadar, or executive secretary, under Sultan al-Zahir Jaqmaq, although his life was tragically cut short by his own mamluks.

The architectural marvel of the Mosque of Taghribirdi encompasses a mosque, a madrasa, and a Sufi convent, exemplifying the compact style prevalent in the late Mamluk era. Two inscriptions in the mosque’s foundation date its construction to October and November 1440.

Architecturally, the mosque features two facades, with the main entrance adorned in typical Mamluk ornamentation, including ablaq and marble details. The minaret, characterized by a square base, stands behind the sabil, while a tomb facade and a small dome embellished with stucco lozenge patterns are located to the right.

The mosque’s unique orientation, set at an angle of nearly 45 degrees to face Mecca due to its corner location, presents a symmetrical arrangement with windows and ingenious cubed spaces for light and air shafts, making it a distinctive architectural treasure.

The funerary complex of Sultan Qaytbay

The Funerary Complex of Sultan Qaytbay, nestled in Cairo’s Northern Cemetery, stands as a testament to the grandeur of late Egyptian Mamluk architecture.

Completed in 1474, this complex is often celebrated as one of the most exquisite and accomplished architectural marvels of its time, and its image even graces the Egyptian one-pound note.

Sultan al-Ashraf Qaytbay, who rose from the ranks as a Mamluk and later became the commander-in-chief under Sultan al-Zahir Timurbugha, left an enduring legacy as a ruler and patron of architecture.

His reign, which spanned from 1468 to 1496, marked a period of relative stability amid external threats and internal challenges. Qaytbay is renowned for his extensive architectural endeavors, including over 85 structures throughout Egypt, Syria, Palestine, and Mecca.

The construction of Qaytbay’s funerary complex began in 1470 and was completed in 1474, making it a remarkable achievement given its large scale and the desert location east of Cairo, which was developed as the main southern Qarafa necropolis. This vast complex combined charitable and commercial functions, showcasing Qaytbay’s foresight in securing his family’s financial future.

The centerpiece of the complex is the mosque, connected to Qaytbay’s mausoleum. The mosque’s entrance boasts elegant ablaq stonework and an elaborate portal, while the minaret above it features intricate stone carving.

Inside, the sanctuary hall is a masterpiece of stone carving, painted wooden ceilings, and colored windows. The central space is adorned with an ornate minbar, and the marble floor boasts elaborate patterns. This remarkable complex serves as a timeless testament to Qaytbay’s patronage of art and architecture.

The Mosque of Amir Qijmas al-Ishaqi

The Mosque of Amir Qijmas al-Ishaqi, also known as the Abu Hurayba Mosque, stands as a splendid testament to late Mamluk-era architecture in Cairo. Constructed in 1480-81, it resides in the historic al-Darb al-Ahmar district near the prominent Bab Zuweila, earning a reputation as one of the finest examples of late Mamluk architectural mastery.

Commissioned by Sayf al-Din Qijmas al-Ishaqi, a prominent Burji Mamluk amir who held prestigious roles such as amir akhur (overseeing royal stables) and amir al-hajj (managing the pilgrimage to Mecca), the mosque graced the main road between Bab Zuweila and the Cairo Citadel.

It later earned the moniker “Mosque of Abu Hurayba” due to the revered Sheikh Abu Hurayba’s burial in its domed mausoleum in 1852.

Architecturally, the mosque is a marvel of creativity, ingeniously designed to fit an irregular plot of land. Its exterior boasts intricate arabesque stone carvings, rows of muqarnas carvings, and stunning compositions of multi-colored inlaid marble, with a particularly remarkable swirling marble medallion above the entrance.

The interior follows a layout characterized by two main iwans to the west and east, flanking a central space covered by a wooden roof with a lantern. The mihrab and qibla wall exhibit exquisite white marble inlaid with intricate black bitumen and red paste, a unique and intricate decoration technique.

The wooden minbar features geometric star patterns with colored inlays, replacing the traditional deep carvings.

While well-preserved, the mosque is in need of restoration, and its exquisite metal door knockers, adorned with carved dragon heads, have been stolen in recent years. Despite its current condition, the Mosque of Amir Qijmas al-Ishaqi remains a remarkable testament to the architectural genius of the late Mamluk period.

The Amir Khayrbak Funerary Complex

The Amir Khayrbak Funerary Complex, also known as the Khayrbak Mosque, stands as a remarkable religious complex in the heart of Islamic Cairo, on Bab al-Wazir street in the Darb al-Ahmar district.

Initially established as a mausoleum in 1502 by prince Khayr Bak, it later evolved into a comprehensive complex featuring a mosque, madrasa, and annexation of the adjacent Amir Alin Aq Palace.

This architectural gem boasts a blend of Ottoman and Circassian (Burji) styles, characteristic of Mamluk architecture during the Middle Ages. Its exterior showcases a domed roof adorned with intricate floral motifs, an arched entrance adorned with muqarnas, and a minaret that, while losing its peak during the earthquake of 1884, was meticulously reconstructed in 2003.

Inside, the complex reveals a rectangular layout with an incised bowl featuring four ribs, surrounded by four iwans. Notably, the eastern and western iwans extend deeper than the qibla iwan on the southern side and its counterpart on the northern side, given the building’s rectangular shape. The walls of these iwans are adorned with a 1.5-meter marble mantle above the madrasa floor, embellished with a strip inscribed with verses from Surah al-Fath.

The mihrab, situated in the center of the southern wall, is framed by two smaller rings, spanning the entire area of the southern iwan. The Amir Khayrbak Funerary Complex stands as a testament to the architectural splendor of its era, combining elegance and functionality in its design.

The Mosque of Qani-Bay

The Mosque of Qani-Bay, situated in Cairo, bears the name of Qani-Bay al-Sayfi, also known as “al-Rammah,” who held the prestigious position of Grand Master of the Horse during Sultan al-Ghuri’s reign.

Erected between AD 1503 and 1504 (AH 908), this architectural gem graces a hill overseeing the hippodrome and the Mosque-Madrassa of Sultan Hassan. Its location was thoughtfully chosen, as it once overlooked the square where the Citadel’s horse market and stables stood.

The complex presents a magnificent main façade strategically designed to offer breathtaking views while engaging with the bustling activity below. Throughout its history, the complex has undergone restoration efforts, first in 1895 and more recently in the early 2000s.

Notably, the Mosque of Qani-Bay holds a place of honor, adorning the 200 Egyptian pound banknote, a testament to its cultural and historical significance in the heart of Cairo. This architectural masterpiece stands as a testament to the rich history and grandeur of the city.

The Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex

The Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex, also known as the Funerary Complex of Sultan al-Ghuri, stands as a monumental testament to Islamic architecture and history in the heart of Cairo, Egypt.

Sultan Qansuh al-Ghuri commissioned this grand complex between 1503 and 1505 CE, comprising two principal structures facing each other on al-Muizz Street, nestled within the Fahhamin Quarter of historic Cairo.

The eastern side of the complex encompasses the Sultan’s mausoleum, a khanqah, a sabil, and a kuttab. Meanwhile, the western side boasts a magnificent mosque and madrasa that continue to serve as a place of worship today.

Sultan al-Ghuri, the penultimate Mamluk sultan, reigned from 1501 to 1516. He was a complex leader, known for his cruel punishments and strict rule, yet he was also a patron of architecture, culture, and the arts.

The complex’s construction necessitated the demolition of surrounding properties, which stirred controversy. It was designed with meticulous attention to detail, from its marble mosaic adornments to its intricate calligraphic friezes.

Notably, the mausoleum’s dome, once the third-largest of the Mamluk era, faced structural challenges, leading to multiple rebuilds and ultimately its replacement with a wooden roof.

Today, the Sultan Al-Ghuri Complex provides visitors with a glimpse into Egypt’s rich historical and architectural heritage, showcasing a unique blend of Islamic influences and artistic excellence.

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Beautiful Mamluk mosques, madrasas, and khanqahs in Cairo, Egypt
