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Historic coptic orthodox churches in Cairo, Egypt


Cairo, Egypt, a city steeped in rich history and cultural heritage, boasts a remarkable array of Coptic Orthodox churches, each with its own unique story and significance. These historical treasures, dating back centuries, offer a glimpse into the enduring legacy of Coptic Christianity in the heart of the Egyptian capital.

From the iconic Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church, to the Church of the Virgin Mary in Haret Zuweila, and further to the St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church (El-Botroseya), Cairo’s Coptic churches stand as a testament to the enduring faith and architectural prowess of the Coptic Orthodox community.

In this exploration of Cairo’s historical Coptic Orthodox churches, we will delve into their captivating histories, architectural marvels, and spiritual significance, shedding light on the vibrant tapestry of Coptic Christianity woven into the city’s fabric.

If you want to read about the catholic churches of Cairo, or about the historical mosques, we have other articles.

Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church (Hanging Church)

Saint Virgin Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church, often referred to as the Hanging Church, stands as a timeless testament to Egypt’s rich spiritual heritage.

Its origins can be traced back to the third century, making it one of Egypt’s oldest places of worship. This ancient marvel is situated above a gatehouse of the Roman Babylon Fortress in Coptic Cairo, earning its nickname, the Hanging Church, as its nave appears to hang over a passage below. Accessible via twenty-nine steps, it has been called the “Staircase Church.”

The church’s historical significance is profound, hosting numerous important ceremonies for the Coptic hierarchy and serving as the burial site for patriarchs. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, with sanctuaries dedicated to Saints John the Baptist and George. Throughout its history, the church has undergone extensive restorations, including a recent one in 2011.

As the most famous Coptic Christian church in Cairo, the Hanging Church is a revered pilgrimage site and a place of spiritual reflection. Its importance extends beyond religious significance, with architectural marvels, ancient icons, and beautiful mosaics that tell a story of faith and perseverance throughout the centuries.

It also holds a special place in the hearts of Copts worldwide and continues to inspire visitors with its enduring beauty and historical treasures.

Church of the Virgin Mary (Haret Zuweila)

The Church of the Virgin Mary, nestled in the historic district of Haret Zuweila, near Cairo’s Fatimid section, boasts a rich and ancient heritage. While its exact origins remain veiled in antiquity, it is believed to have been built during the 10th century, with written records first mentioning it in the early 12th century during the consecration of a new bishop of Cairo.

Over the centuries, the Church of the Virgin Mary underwent multiple transformations and renovations, altering its original basilican structure. The church’s layout features a narthex, nave, side aisles, and a choir with three sanctuaries. The interior is adorned with ancient marble Corinthian columns, a striking ebony and ivory iconostasis, and a dome ornamented with pendentives.

One notable feature is a well before the southern sanctuary, revered for its supposed healing properties, attributed to the blessing of its water by Christ during the holy family’s flight to Egypt. The church houses numerous significant icons, including a 14th-century portrayal of the Virgin Mary seated on the back of Jesse, surrounded by prophets.

Saint Mercurius Church

Saint Mercurius Church, nestled in the heart of Coptic Cairo, is a significant testament to Egypt’s rich Coptic Orthodox heritage. Situated north of the Babylon Fortress, this church is among a cluster of historic religious sites, forming the Abu Sayfayn Cloister.

Named after St. Philopater Mercurius, known as Abu Sayfayn or “double sworded,” the church has deep historical importance. It served as the Seat of the Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria from 1300 to 1500 AD, making it a cornerstone of religious leadership during this era. Remarkably, it stands today with its original foundation intact, a rare feat in Cairo.

The church’s architecture is awe-inspiring, measuring 31.5 meters in length and 21 meters in width. Over the centuries, it hosted numerous Coptic patriarchs, witnessed consecrations, and became the final resting place for several church leaders.

Despite facing adversity, including demolition and fire, the Church of Saint Mercurius endured and was rebuilt under the stewardship of Patriarch Abraham. It features stunning details, including two Corinthian columns flanking the doorway, icons of Jesus Christ and the Holy Virgin, and an ebony sanctuary screen adorned with crosses and ivory squares.

The church’s choir boasts sixty-three icons by Orhan Karabedian, and the nave showcases a magnificent mosaic ambon supported by fifteen columns.

The Saint Barbara Church

The Coptic Orthodox Church of St. Barbara, nestled in the heart of Coptic Cairo, stands as a testament to Egypt’s rich religious heritage. Situated on the eastern part of the Babylon Fortress, this ancient structure dates back to the 5th or 6th century AD, making it one of Cairo’s oldest buildings.

However, like many Coptic architectural wonders, it has undergone several reconstructions, most notably in the late 11th century.

Originally dedicated to Abu Kir and Yohanna, the church gained prominence when it became the resting place for the remains of St. Barbara, leading to the construction of a separate sanctuary. Athanasius, a wealthy scribe and secretary of Abdel-Aziz Ibn Marwan, was the church’s initial builder, and remnants found during restorations suggest an early date as far back as the 4th century.

Throughout its history, St. Barbara’s Church faced fires and renovations, with extensive restoration work carried out between 1910 and 1922. The basilican structure closely resembles that of Abu Serga, with an entrance, narthex, long nave, aisles, and three sanctuaries.

The middle sanctuary, dedicated to St. Barbara, holds special significance. The church’s interior boasts marble columns, a semi-circular choir, and a medieval ambo dating back to 1300, which was rebuilt in 1911. The southern aisle features various icons depicting significant religious events.

St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church (El-Botroseya)

St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church, also known as El-Botroseya or the Petrine Church, stands as a sacred gem nestled within Cairo’s Abbassia district, near the revered Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral.

Its origins trace back to 1911 when it was constructed atop the tomb of Egypt’s prime minister, Boutros Ghali, who tragically met his demise in 1910. The church’s creation was a labor of love, supervised by Ghali’s own family.

The crypt beneath the altar is the final resting place of Boutros Boutros Ghali, the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations and a former Egyptian foreign affairs minister, who was interred there in February 2016.

The church’s design, a testament to religious and artistic significance, showcases the basilica style envisioned by architect Antonio Lasciac, Italo-Slovene by origin and the designated chief architect under Khedive Isma’il Pasha’s reign.

The central nave is adorned with marbled columns, each side graced with Italian paintings portraying the life of Jesus, his apostles, and saints. Venetian mosaics adorn the walls, including one depicting Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River.

Tragically, this church bears witness to the somber events of December 11, 2016, when a suicide bomber claimed the lives of many congregants, mostly women and children, leaving a profound mark on its history.

The Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church

Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church, also known as Abu Serga, stands as a testament to Egypt’s rich Christian heritage, dating back to the 4th century. This ancient Coptic Christian church, located in Coptic Cairo, holds profound historical and religious significance.

Traditionally believed to be the resting place of the Holy Family—Joseph, Mary, and the infant Jesus—upon their journey into Egypt, Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church has a special connection to the story of the Holy Family.

It is said that Joseph worked at the nearby fortress, and the crypt beneath the church is believed to be where the Holy Family sought refuge. This crypt, although occasionally flooded when Nile levels rise, remains a sacred and historically important site.

Throughout the centuries, the church has been a significant religious center. Many patriarchs of the Coptic Church were elected here, with the first recorded election being that of Patriarch Isaac in the 7th century. It also served as the episcopal church of Cairo and replaced the former See of Babylon.

Despite experiencing fires and the passage of time, Saints Sergius and Bacchus Church has been continuously rebuilt and restored, preserving its early Coptic architectural style. It remains adorned with precious and ancient icons, especially along its southern wall.

Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral

St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral, located in Cairo’s Abbassia District, stands as an enduring symbol of faith and history for Coptic Christians. Consecrated on 25 June 1968, during the papacy of Pope Cyril VI of Alexandria, this cathedral serves as the ecclesiastical seat of the Coptic Orthodox Pope.

Dedicated to St. Mark the Evangelist, one of Jesus’ apostles and the founder of the Coptic Orthodox Church, the cathedral holds relics from his life. For decades, it held the distinction of being the largest cathedral in Africa and the Middle East until the inauguration of the new Nativity Cathedral in 2019.

The cathedral’s historical significance is deeply rooted. It occupies land granted to the Coptic Church in 969, replacing territory lost during the construction of Cairo’s Palace of Al-Mu’izz li-Din Allah. The area was home to ten Coptic churches during the twelfth century, but persecution during the rule of Qalawun in 1280 led to their destruction.

The General Congregation Council’s successful campaign in 1943 ensured the Coptic Church’s continued control of the land.

Architecturally, St. Mark’s Cathedral represents a remarkable example of architectural evolution, with contributions from renowned Coptic civil engineer Michel Bakhoum. It can accommodate up to 5,000 worshippers and boasts seven churches, including the historic Church of St. Rewiss.

The cathedral’s significance is further enhanced by the presence of relics of St. Mark, and its inauguration in 1968 was a momentous occasion attended by dignitaries, including Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie, symbolizing unity across faiths.

The Church of the Virgin Mary at Zeitoun

The Church of the Virgin Mary at Zeitoun, often referred to as The Apparition Church, stands as a beacon of faith and wonder in Cairo. This Christian church, constructed in 1924, is a testament to devotion and divine encounters.

Built by Tawfik Khalil Ibrahim in memory of his father, this church is a miniature replica of the renowned Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey. Designed under the guidance of Italian architect Leomingelli, it exudes architectural grandeur.

The church’s significance deepened in 1968 when astonishing apparitions were reported. On April 2, luminous scenes and ethereal sightings captivated onlookers. The Virgin Mary, clad in white and holding an olive branch, was seen kneeling beside the church’s largest dome.

Spiritual phenomena accompanied these apparitions, including the presence of doves, rapid-falling stars, flashes of light, fragrant incense, and luminous clouds.

These extraordinary events endured for three years and garnered the attention of both the Coptic and Roman Catholic Churches, with both officially recognizing their authenticity.

Today, the Church of the Virgin Mary at Zeitoun continues to be a place of pilgrimage and devotion. Every year on April 2, thousands of faithful gather to honor Mary, seeking her blessing and intercession.

The Church of the Holy Virgin in Babylon El-Darag

The Church of the Holy Virgin in Babylon El-Darag, also known as Babylon of the Steps, stands as a testament to the rich history of Coptic Christianity in Cairo. Dating back to the 11th century AD, this Coptic Orthodox church has witnessed centuries of devotion and spiritual significance.

Throughout its history, the Church of the Holy Virgin in Babylon El-Darag served as a place of great importance for the Coptic Church. It was occupied by several Coptic patriarchs from the 11th to the 15th centuries, with seven of them finding their final resting place within its sacred walls, including Pope Zacharias.

This church it is believed to be one of the places where the Holy Family sought refuge during their time in Egypt. Additionally, tradition holds that it was from this church that the apostle Peter sent his epistle (1 Peter 5:13).

The architecture of the church follows the typical layout of Coptic churches, featuring a narthex, nave, choir, northern and southern aisles, and three sanctuaries. These sanctuaries are dedicated to various saints and biblical figures, including the Virgin Mary, and house precious relics such as those of saints Demiana and Simon the Tanner.

Saint Mary Church (Haret Elroum)

The Saint Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Haret el-Roum, also known as the Church of the Virgin of Relief, is a historic and revered Coptic Orthodox church located in al-Ghūrīya, Cairo, near the Convent of Saint Theodore. This church holds immense significance in the history of Coptic Christianity.

From 1660 to 1800, the church served as the Seat of the Coptic Orthodox Pope of Alexandria. Pope Matthew IV of Alexandria made a momentous decision in 1660 to transfer the papal seat from Ḥārat Zūwayla to Ḥārat al-Rūm, where it remained until 1800 when Pope Mark VIII moved it to Saint Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in Azbakeya.

Throughout the centuries, the Saint Mary Church became increasingly important as the spiritual center of the Coptic Church. Several Coptic Popes found their final resting place within its hallowed walls, attesting to its profound significance.

The church has witnessed multiple renovations and restorations over the years, with the most notable work completed by Ibrahim El-Gohary in 1794. Despite suffering damage from a fire during the reign of Pope Mark VIII, the church was diligently restored and rebuilt, preserving its historical and spiritual value.

The architecture of the church features a characteristic layout of a narthex, a nave, choirs, and multiple sanctuaries dedicated to various saints and figures. Its sacred halls are adorned with religious icons and intricate artwork that reflect the rich heritage of Coptic Christianity.

Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Church (Heliopolis)

St. Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church, nestled in the district of Heliopolis in Cairo, holds a unique place in the hearts of Coptic Christians as the first established parish in the area. Located on Cleopatra Street, near the Cleopatra Hospital, this church has a rich history dating back to its early days.

The church’s origins can be traced back to 1917 when the idea of establishing a church in Heliopolis first took root. Under the leadership of Pope Cyril V, the cornerstone was laid on June 16, 1922.

Prayers commenced in a temporary location in January 1925, continuing until 1930 when the construction was completed. The church’s inaugural priest, the late Fr. Ibrahim Luke, faithfully served until his passing in 1950.

Adjacent land was acquired in 1948 to expand the church’s facilities, including the construction of a church hall and chapel. Pope Cyril VI presided over the opening of these new additions on June 5, 1964, with the consecration of the altar bearing the name of Saint Menas.

St. Mark’s Church has been a hub for Coptic spiritual guidance and education, thanks in part to leaders like Father Daoud Lamei. His prolific production of videos and books on Coptic Orthodox teachings, along with his televised sermons, has reached a global audience.

Over the years, several Coptic Popes have graced St. Mark’s Church with their presence, including Pope Joseph II, Pope Cyril VI, and Pope Shenouda III, marking significant occasions and reinforcing the church’s spiritual significance in the Coptic community.

The Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint Menas

The Coptic Orthodox Church of Saint Menas stands as a testament to Egypt’s rich religious heritage, dating back to the sixth century. Nestled in the northern part of Coptic Cairo, in a region known as Fum al-Khalig, this ancient church carries great geographic and historical significance.

Fum al-Khalig, also known as Al-Hamra, falls under the jurisdiction of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Old Cairo, Manial, and Fum Al-Khalig. This area, though technically north of Old Cairo, is still closely tied to the rich history of Coptic Christianity in the region.

St. Menas Church is believed to be one of the earliest Coptic Orthodox churches in Cairo, situated near the ancient churches of Old Cairo, making it a vital piece of Coptic architectural history.

Throughout its long history, the church has witnessed periods of destruction and reconstruction. In the eighth century, it suffered damage during the reign of Caliph Hisham Ibn Abdel Malik Ibn Marwan but was soon rebuilt.

In 1164 AD, the church underwent renovations, replacing marble columns with sturdy masonry pillars that still grace the church today.

While sections of the original eighth-century building have faded with time, the church continues to serve as a place of worship, divided into sanctuaries, nave, and aisles. Visitors can admire depictions of the Holy Coptic Bible on its walls.

St. Menas’ relics, once housed here, were largely transferred to the Monastery of St. Mina in Mariut, near Alexandria, in 1962, with only a few remaining in the church’s narthex.

St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church Massarra

St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church Massarra, situated in Cairo’s Shubra District, holds a significant place in Egypt’s religious history. Founded during the papacy of Pope Cyril V of Alexandria and consecrated in 1925, it stands as a testament to the enduring faith of the Coptic Orthodox community.

As the oldest church in Shubra, St. Mary’s has played a vital role in the area’s spiritual life since its inception. The church’s establishment was the result of the dedication of a group of Christians who, on March 31, 1922, formed an association with the aim of building the first church in Shubra.

The cornerstone was laid in November 1924, and the church was consecrated in April 1925, with services commencing even as construction continued.

Over the years, St. Mary’s has undergone expansions, including the addition of new chapels and a dome. The parish has also built various facilities and outbuildings to support its ministries, ranging from educational centers to cultural spaces.

Inside the church, a rich collection of icons portrays significant events in St. Mary’s life, as well as depictions of Jesus Christ and His disciples. Regular masses are held on Sundays and Fridays, accompanied by religious education programs such as Bible study and Sunday school.

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Historic coptic orthodox churches in Cairo, Egypt
