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Bundala National Park


Bundala National Park serves as a significant sanctuary for biodiversity and a prime destination for eco-conscious travelers in Sri Lanka. The park is especially famous as a vital wintering ground for migratory birds, drawing birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts from around the globe. This travel guide aims to provide you with key insights into the park, ensuring you have a well-rounded experience during your visit.

Overview of Bundala National Park

Bundala National Park, covering approximately 62 square kilometers, is situated in Sri Lanka's Southern Province. The park achieved its status as a national park in 1993, but its importance as a wildlife sanctuary dates back to 1969. Further elevating its significance, UNESCO designated it as a biosphere reserve in 2005. Bundala's recognition on both a national and international level underlines its ecological importance.

The landscape of Bundala is a diverse blend of dry, thorny scrublands, five lagoons, and intricate networks of sand dunes and beaches. This complex mosaic of habitats makes Bundala a unique spot in Sri Lanka's ecological makeup. One of the distinguishing features of the park is its role as a wetland area, which is significant for water conservation and flood control.

What sets Bundala apart and makes it famous are its distinct ecosystems that cater to a wide array of fauna, particularly birds. It is one of the most important wintering grounds for migratory birds in Sri Lanka. This has earned the park a reputation as a birdwatcher’s paradise. The park also serves as an essential habitat for aquatic bird species, both endemic and migratory.

The park’s significance extends to its role in scientific research and education, being a subject of numerous local and international studies on ecology and conservation.

While the park is not as large as some other national parks in Sri Lanka, its compact size actually adds to its allure. It allows for a more focused and easily navigable wildlife experience.

Flora and Fauna


In Bundala National Park, the plant life is adapted to the park's various environmental conditions. The park predominantly features thorny scrubs and bushes, which are particularly well-suited for arid conditions. These plants are hardy and can survive extended periods without rain. Species such as Palu (Manilkara hexandra) and Weera (Drypetes sepiaria) are commonly found in these dry zones. In addition to the scrublands, the park also has open grasslands. These grassy areas contribute to the diverse plant life of Bundala, providing another layer of vegetation that adds to the complexity of the ecosystem. The flora in Bundala is not just varied but serves as a crucial component in maintaining the unique biodiversity of the area.


Bundala National Park is renowned for its rich biodiversity, particularly its bird population. However, it's not just birds that you'll find here; the park is also home to a variety of mammals and reptiles.


Bundala is often referred to as a birdwatcher's paradise, and for good reason. It hosts around 197 species of birds, which include both endemic and migratory species. Some of the notable migratory birds that visit are the greater flamingo, Eurasian spoonbill, and various types of pelicans. These birds travel great distances, some from as far away as Siberia, to escape harsh winters and enjoy the relatively milder climate of Bundala.


While the park is mainly known for its bird population, it also provides a habitat for several mammals. These include elephants, spotted deer, and wild boar. Jackals and mongoose can also be seen roaming freely within the park's boundaries. The park's diverse landscape offers a wide range of habitats that cater to different mammal species, making it a key site for wildlife observation.


One of the unique features of Bundala is the presence of both saltwater and freshwater crocodiles. It's one of the few places in Sri Lanka where you can see both types in the same location. In addition, the park is home to several snake species, including the common cobra and Russell’s viper.

The park’s various ecosystems provide ideal conditions for an array of fauna, making it a prime location for those interested in wildlife. From birds and mammals to reptiles, Bundala National Park offers a well-rounded wildlife experience.

Attractions and Things to Do

Bundala National Park offers a variety of activities and attractions to make your visit both exciting and educational. Here's a detailed look at the things you can do:


Birdwatching is one of the major activities that draw people to Bundala. Given the variety of bird species, both migratory and endemic, the park provides an unmatched birdwatching experience. Specialized birdwatching tours are available, led by experienced guides. Binoculars and guidebooks are often provided on these tours, making it a complete educational experience.

Jeep Safaris

Jeep safaris are another popular activity, allowing you to explore the park in a more comprehensive way. These are usually organized tours that last a few hours. You have the choice of morning or late afternoon safaris, as these are the times when animals are most active. During the safari, experienced guides accompany you to explain the ecosystem and help you spot wildlife you might miss otherwise.


Bundala National Park is a great location for nature and wildlife photography. The park's different landscapes provide a broad canvas for photographers. From capturing the migratory birds in their natural habitat to photographing the serene lagoons at sunset, the opportunities are abundant.

Walking Trails

While the park is best explored by jeep, there are designated walking trails for those who prefer to explore on foot. These trails give you a chance to get closer to the smaller details of the park's ecology, like unique plants or smaller animal species.

Lagoon Tours

Some operators offer boat tours of the park's lagoons, which are rich in aquatic life. These tours provide an alternative perspective of the park and are an excellent way to observe water birds and aquatic plants.


There are no accommodations within the park itself, but a range of options exists in nearby towns. Choices range from budget guesthouses to hotels.

Entrance Fees and Regulations

The park charges an entrance fee that varies depending on whether you are a local or foreign visitor. Additional charges apply for vehicles and guides.

Location and How to Get There

To get to Bundala National Park, you have several options depending on your starting point. If you're coming from Colombo, you can take a direct bus to Hambantota and then use local transportation to reach the park. The journey by bus usually takes around 3-3.5 hours on the Southern Expressway.

If you prefer a more comfortable journey, hiring a private vehicle is also a good option.

Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit Bundala National Park is between September and March. This period aligns with the migratory season when a wide variety of birds arrive at the park from colder regions such as Siberia.

Tips and Advice

  • Safety First: Always listen to the guides and follow park regulations to ensure your safety and the well-being of the wildlife.
  • Early Start: Aim to start your tour early in the morning or late in the afternoon for better wildlife viewing opportunities.
  • Stay Hydrated: Bring enough water to stay hydrated throughout your visit.
  • Pack Essentials: Alongside water, bring sunblock, insect repellent, and a hat to protect yourself from the elements.
  • Footwear: If you plan to explore walking trails, wear comfortable and durable footwear suitable for rough terrains.
  • Cameras and Binoculars: For a fulfilling birdwatching experience, carrying a good camera with a zoom lens and binoculars is advisable.
  • Be Patient: Wildlife spotting requires patience. You may need to wait quietly for some time till the animals appear.
  • Maintain Silence: Keep noise levels down to avoid disturbing the animals and to enhance your chances of spotting wildlife.
  • Dispose of Waste Properly: Always carry back your trash or dispose of it in designated areas to maintain the park’s cleanliness.
  • Local Guides: Consider hiring a local guide. Their expertise can enhance your understanding of the park's flora and fauna.
  • Booking in Advance: Especially during peak birdwatching season, it is advisable to book your accommodations and safari tours in advance.

Nearby Attractions

  1. Hambantota: About 14 kilometers from Bundala, Hambantota is a major town in the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. Known for its deep-water port and planned industrial areas, it serves as a convenient base for exploring Bundala and other nearby attractions.
  2. Yala National Park: Yala is another must-visit wildlife reserve in Sri Lanka. It is known for its leopard population and offers a different safari experience compared to Bundala.
  3. Kataragama Temple: This sacred pilgrimage site is around 34 kilometers away from the park. Devoted to the deity Kataragama Deviyo, the temple attracts both local and foreign visitors.
  4. Mirijjawila Botanic Garden: Located around 19 kilometers from Bundala, this botanic garden aims to conserve the flora of the country’s dry zone. It's a good place to learn about local plant species.

Bundala National Park offers a unique opportunity to explore a diverse ecosystem. With its rich flora and fauna, it's a haven for nature lovers and photographers alike. Whether you're an avid birdwatcher or just someone looking to escape into nature, Bundala Park is sure to leave a lasting impression.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here

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Bundala National Park
