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Mirijjawila Botanical Garden


Mirijjawila Botanical Garden, also known as the Dry Zone Botanic Gardens, is a relatively new addition to Sri Lanka's list of botanical gardens. Located in the southern part of the island, it serves as an essential hub for biodiversity. The garden spans over 300 acres and aims to conserve the flora and fauna of Sri Lanka's dry zone. In this travel guide, we'll explore more about this stunning garden and everything it offers.


Inaugurated in 2013, Mirijjawila Botanical Garden is a result of the Sri Lankan government's commitment to protect native species and enhance the country's botanical offerings. The dry-zone location was selected to offer a different experience from the island's other botanical gardens, which are mainly in wet-zone areas. The garden has grown rapidly since its inception, with ongoing developments to improve its infrastructure and expand its plant collections.

Features of Mirijjawila Botanical Garden

Mirijjawila Botanical Garden offers a unique experience that goes beyond a typical botanical garden visit. At the heart of the garden is a serene lake that not only provides a tranquil setting but also attracts a wide array of bird life. The lake's presence enhances the visual experience, whether you're walking by its shore or watching birds skim the water's surface. Reeds and lilies growing near the lake's banks add another layer of natural beauty.

The garden features well-defined walking paths that guide visitors through its different sections. These paths are not just functional; they are designed to be part of the overall experience. As you stroll along these routes, you'll encounter vibrant colors and unique viewpoints that make every step a delight. The plants along the way are well-marked with placards, offering not only identification but also interesting facts, adding an educational element to your visit.

One of the standout aspects of Mirijjawila is its carefully curated flower beds, showcasing a diverse range of plant species. The artistic arrangement and vibrant colors create a visually stunning experience. Complementing the natural elements are various sculptures and artworks scattered around the garden. These installations create interesting focal points and blend seamlessly into the landscape, harmonizing art and nature.

Birdwatching spots are also designated, usually located in quiet corners, perfect for setting up with a pair of binoculars.

Flora and Fauna

The garden primarily focuses on conserving the dry zone plants and wildlife native to Sri Lanka. Its diverse environment allows it to house various types of trees, shrubs, and medicinal plants, as well as aquatic life and bird species.


Mirijjawila Botanical Garden is home to an array of plant species, particularly those suited to the dry zone climate. Among the many trees you can find are indigenous varieties like Satinwood and Ebony, which are key to local ecosystems. The garden also showcases native fruit trees, adding another dimension to its flora.

The focus is not solely on native species. A variety of international plants are present as well, allowing for a broader perspective on botany. The ornamental section of the garden houses flowering plants that display a wide array of vibrant colors, appealing not just to botany enthusiasts but also to casual visitors.

One of the unique features is the medicinal plant area, which focuses on species used in traditional Sri Lankan medicine. Each plant is labeled with its common name and medicinal uses, making it an educational experience for visitors interested in herbal remedies.


While plant life is the primary focus of Mirijjawila Botanical Garden, the garden is also home to a variety of fauna, particularly birds and aquatic life. The central lake acts as a magnet for bird species like kingfishers, herons, and egrets. The water body also supports various types of fish, making it a vibrant aquatic ecosystem.

Apart from birds and aquatic life, visitors may occasionally spot other animals, like squirrels and lizards, that have adapted to the dry zone environment. The garden is not just a place to conserve plant life; it plays a role in supporting various animal species by providing a balanced ecosystem.

Sections and Zones

Organized thoughtfully into distinct sections and zones, Mirijjawila Botanical Garden enables visitors to experience its wide range of offerings in a focused manner. Each of these areas serves a specific purpose and features a unique set of plants or wildlife, thereby creating its own micro-ecosystem.

Ornamental Section

Here, you will find flower beds filled with vibrant blooms, both native and foreign. The ornamental section focuses on aesthetics and showcases a variety of flowering plants that are visually pleasing. It's an area where color and form take center stage, making it a favorite among visitors who enjoy the beauty of flowers.


If you are interested in trees, the arboretum is the section to visit. It contains a variety of both indigenous and introduced tree species, each labeled for easy identification. The focus here is on showcasing the diversity of tree life, and the section is designed to help visitors appreciate the unique features of different trees.

Wetland Area

Situated close to the central lake, the wetland area features aquatic plants and provides an ideal habitat for bird species that frequent water bodies. This section serves as a valuable resource for those interested in aquatic ecosystems and offers ample birdwatching opportunities.

Medicinal Plant Garden

Dedicated to the traditional medicinal plants of Sri Lanka, this section is both informative and educational. Plants are labeled with their common names and their uses in traditional medicine. It's a great place for those looking to gain insights into the local practices of herbal healing.

By dividing the garden into these distinct sections and zones, Mirijjawila Botanical Garden provides visitors with a well-rounded experience. You can choose to explore a single section in depth or take a more comprehensive tour to appreciate the garden's full diversity.

Things to Do

Mirijjawila Botanical Garden is more than a place to admire plants and wildlife; it offers a range of activities that can make your visit both enjoyable and enriching. Whether you're an avid nature lover or simply looking to spend a day in a serene setting, here are some activities to consider.

Take a Guided Tour

Guided tours are available for those who want an expert's insights into the garden's diverse plant and animal life. These tours provide a deeper understanding of the garden’s ecosystems, making your visit more educational.


With designated spots for birdwatching, the garden attracts not just casual visitors but also ornithology enthusiasts. Equip yourself with binoculars and a field guide, and you might spot species like kingfishers and herons.

Nature Photography

The stunning landscapes, coupled with the vibrant plant life and native fauna, make the garden a haven for photographers. From capturing the intricate details of a flower to framing a bird in flight, the garden offers endless opportunities for nature photography.\

Enjoy a Relaxing Walk

One of the simplest yet most rewarding activities you can do at Mirijjawila Botanical Garden is to take a relaxing walk. The well-defined paths guide you through the various sections, allowing for a leisurely exploration at your own pace. It's an excellent way to soak in the beauty of the garden, and you can choose either a short route that takes you through key attractions or a longer one for a more extensive experience.

Location and How to Get There

Mirijjawila Botanical Garden is located near Hambantota. It is around 242 km away from Colombo, the capital city. It will take you a little over 3 hours to get there on the Southern Expressway. Public transportation is available but limited, so hiring a taxi or driving is advisable.

The garden is only a 10-15 minute ride from Hambantota.

Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit the garden is during the dry season, from May to September. During this time, the weather is more suitable for outdoor activities.

Tips and Advice

  • Plan Ahead: Confirm opening hours and special events to maximize your visit.
  • Wear Comfortable Clothing: Choose light fabrics and walking-friendly shoes.
  • Follow Garden Rules: Stay on paths and do not disturb plants or wildlife.
  • Make Use of Signage: Look for informational placards to enhance learning.
  • Carry Binoculars for Birdwatching: Enhance your birdwatching experience.
  • Check for Guided Tours: Consider taking a tour for a more educational visit.

Nearby Attractions

  1. Hambantota: This major port city serves as a gateway to various attractions in the southern region of Sri Lanka. Known for its modern infrastructure, it also offers several recreational activities and serves as a convenient base for exploring nearby sites.
  2. Bundala National Park: Located near Hambantota, this park is a prime destination for bird-watching. It's also home to a variety of other wildlife, including elephants and crocodiles.
  3. Kataragama Temple: A short drive from Hambantota will take you to this pilgrimage town, which is sacred to multiple religions. The temple complex comes alive, especially during the annual Kataragama festival.
  4. Yala National Park: Also accessible from Hambantota, this national park is one of Sri Lanka's most visited wildlife destinations. A safari here offers the chance to see leopards, elephants, and an array of bird species.

Mirijjawila Botanical Garden offers a unique experience with its focus on the dry zone flora and fauna of Sri Lanka. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a birdwatcher, or someone looking for a serene environment, the garden has something for everyone. If you are traveling near Hambantota, be sure to visit this magical destination.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here

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Mirijjawila Botanical Garden
