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Mihintale is a mountain peak in Sri Lanka that holds immense historical and religious value. The iconic site where Buddhism originated in Sri Lanka, this site is significant for many reasons. In this travel guide, we'll provide you with all the information you'll need to plan your trip to this historic site.

Overview and Details

Mihintale is located near the ancient capital city of Anuradhapura in Sri Lanka. This sacred mountain peak is often referred to as the "cradle of Buddhism" in the country. While it serves as a pilgrimage site, it is also a popular travel destination with a unique blend of history, spirituality, and nature.

The mountain rises to an elevation of about 1,000 feet above sea level. The landscape varies from rocky outcrops to flat terraces that host religious and historical sites. Steps have been carved into the surface of the rock to make climbing easier.

Key Components of the Complex

The Mihintale complex consists of multiple religious and historical sites that span across various flat terraces on the mountain. Here are some of the key components:

Stupas and Temples

  • Maha Stupa: Also known as the Mahaseya Dagoba, this large stupa is situated on the highest plateau of the Mihintale hill. It is a hemispherical structure that houses relics and is an important place of worship.
  • Kantaka Chetiya: This is one of the earliest stupas in Sri Lanka, and it features unique carvings and stonework.

Historical Structures and Ruins

  • Ambasthala Dagoba: This stupa is built on the spot where Mahinda is said to have first met King Devanampiyatissa.
  • Mihintale Hospital Ruins: This offers a glimpse into the ancient healthcare system. It is considered one of the world's oldest hospitals and has various sections, such as a medical bath and patient quarters.

Natural Features and Ponds

  • Naga Pokuna: This is a pond carved into the stone and named for its serpent figure carvings.
  • Kaludiya Pokuna: A black water pond surrounded by serene nature, often visited for its tranquility.

Meeting Points and Rocks

  • Aradhana Gala: Also known as the Invitation Rock, this is where Mahinda stood to call out to King Devanampiyatissa.
  • Sela Cetiya: A smaller stupa located near the summit where important gatherings took place.


The history of Mihintale is closely tied to the birth of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Its significance dates back to the year 247 BC, a year that marked one of the most significant events for the entire island nation.

The Meeting that Changed a Nation

The most pivotal moment in Mihintale's history is the meeting between King Devanampiyatissa and the Buddhist monk Mahinda Thero, who was the son of Emperor Ashoka of India. According to historical accounts, King Devanampiyatissa was on a deer hunt when Mahinda called out to him from the top of the Aradhana Gala. 

Mahinda Thero disclosed his identity and mission to spread Buddhism. The king, convinced by Thero's teachings, adopted Buddhism, marking the birth of Buddhist philosophy and practice in Sri Lanka.

Construction and Expansion

After this significant meeting, Mihintale quickly transformed into a religious and educational hub. King Devanampiyatissa took active measures to construct stupas, monasteries, and other religious edifices on the hill. The first stupa built was the Ambasthala Dagoba, on the exact spot where the king and Mahinda met.

Monastic Community

Mihintale soon became home to a large monastic community. This community not only focused on spiritual practices but also contributed to education and healthcare. The Mihintale Hospital Ruins bear testimony to the ancient medical practices that were ahead of their time.

Later Years

Over the centuries, various Sri Lankan rulers and devotees have contributed to the preservation and enhancement of Mihintale. Additional structures were built, and existing ones were renovated to maintain their sanctity and historical value.


As one of the primary seats of Buddhism in Sri Lanka, Mihintale stands as a lasting symbol of the religion's establishment and growth in the island nation. The historical moment when King Devanampiyatissa met Mahinda and subsequently embraced Buddhism is often cited as a pivotal point in Sri Lankan history. This event not only marked the spread of a new religion but also set the stage for a new cultural landscape.

In terms of cultural importance, Mihintale is closely tied to the annual Poson Poya festival. This event reenacts the historic meeting between the king and the monk, symbolizing the spiritual birth of the nation. It draws thousands of pilgrims and visitors, making it a key event in Sri Lanka's cultural calendar.

Mihintale's relevance extends to archaeology as well. The area is dotted with ancient inscriptions, ruins, and other historical artifacts that offer a glimpse into the lives and practices of ancient Sri Lankan society. The Mihintale Hospital Ruins are particularly noteworthy, as they are believed to be among the world’s oldest healthcare facilities, providing valuable insights into early medical practices.

Furthermore, the architectural and artistic aspects of the site—ranging from the stupas to the ancient ponds and stone inscriptions—stand as a testament to the skills and philosophies of ancient Sri Lankan civilization. Each layer of stone and each artifact tells a story, making Mihintale a living museum that continues to be of immense educational value.

What to Expect

Visiting Mihintale offers a unique experience that combines historical insight, spiritual enrichment, and a moderate level of physical activity due to the climb. Here are some things you can expect during your visit:

The Climb

Be prepared for a bit of a hike. While the climb is not extremely challenging, it does require a moderate level of fitness. There are stone steps to assist you, but the path can be uneven at times. You'll ascend through various levels of the mountain, each offering different attractions.

Religious Sites

You'll encounter various stupas, temples, and other places of worship. These include the Maha Stupa, Kantaka Chetiya, and Ambasthala Dagoba. Visitors are encouraged to approach these sites respectfully, taking off shoes and hats before entering.

Historical and Architectural Wonders

Beyond religious sites, you'll also find places that showcase Sri Lanka's ancient history and architecture. The hospital ruins provide a window into early healthcare practices, and the many stone inscriptions found around the site give insights into the social norms and laws of the time.

Nature and Wildlife

The surroundings of Mihintale are not just rocky terraces and steps; there are also natural elements to appreciate. The site is home to various species of birds, monkeys, and possibly the occasional deer. Natural features like Naga Pokuna and Kaludiya Pokuna are serene spots where visitors often take a moment to relax.

Local Vendors and Souvenirs

As Mihintale is a popular tourist destination, you'll also find a variety of vendors selling religious artifacts, snacks, and water. These are mainly concentrated at the base of the mountain and the entrance.

Interaction with Pilgrims

Given its religious significance, Mihintale draws a steady stream of pilgrims, especially during the Poson Poya festival. It's common to see devotees engaging in prayer, lighting oil lamps, and offering flowers. This provides an authentic glimpse into the spiritual practices and customs of the local Buddhist community.

Accessibility and Facilities

Mihintale provides a range of facilities to ensure that visitors have a comfortable experience. 

  • At the base, you'll find parking spaces for those arriving by private vehicle. 
  • Public restrooms are available near the entrance, and they are generally kept clean. 
  • For those in need of refreshments, several vendors sell bottled water and local snacks. 
  • Signage is posted throughout the area to guide visitors to key attractions, and information boards offer context and historical background on the significant landmarks. 
  • Seating areas are scattered across the site for visitors who need to rest.

Location and How to Get There

Mihinatale is located 16 kilometeres from Anuradhapura. Public buses operate frequently between Anuradhapura and Mihintale, offering a cheap way to travel. The bus journey is short and usually takes around 30 minutes. 

Taxis or private cars are another option for those who prefer a more convenient and comfortable journey. It will take around 25 minutes.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Mihintale is from February to June, when the weather is relatively dry. However, June is the busiest month due to the Poson Poya festival.

Tips and Advice

  • Dress Appropriately: Mihintale is primarily a religious site, so modest clothing is advisable. Covering your shoulders and knees is respectful, especially when entering places of worship.
  • Footwear: Choose comfortable, sturdy shoes suitable for climbing. You'll need to remove your shoes when entering religious sites, so slip-on types may be convenient.
  • Visit Early or Late: To avoid the heat and crowds, consider visiting either early in the morning or late in the afternoon.
  • Respect Local Customs: You'll likely encounter pilgrims and locals engaged in religious practices. Maintain a respectful distance and avoid interrupting them, especially during prayers.
  • Photography Rules: While photography is generally allowed, there are restrictions in some areas. Always look for signs or ask if you're unsure.
  • Time Your Visit: If possible, plan your visit to coincide with the Poson Poya festival to witness Mihintale in its full cultural and religious splendor.
  • Guided Tours: While the site has information boards, hiring a local guide can provide deeper insights into the history and significance of Mihintale.

Nearby Attractions

  1. Sri Maha Bodhi: This is one of the oldest living human-planted trees in the world. It is a highly revered site that attracts thousands of pilgrims year-round.
  2. Ruwanwelisaya Stupa: One of the largest stupas in the world, this iconic structure is significant for its religious and historical value. The dome-shaped monument is an important pilgrimage site and is admired for its architectural grandeur.
  3. Jetavanaramaya: Once the third tallest structure in the world, this stupa is significant for its sheer size and historical importance. Built in the 3rd century, it was a center of learning and is still an important religious site today.
  4. Isurumuniya Temple: Known for its rock carvings, notably the "Isurumuni Lovers," this temple is set near a beautiful pond. The temple itself is carved into a rock and offers a blend of history and natural beauty.
  5. Abhayagiri Vihara: This is a significant monastic site in Anuradhapura that once served as a major center for Buddhist scholarship and practices. 

Mihintale offers not just religious but also historical and cultural insights into Sri Lanka. Its significance cannot be overstated, and it provides a unique experience that combines spirituality, history, and natural beauty. Whether you're a history buff, a spiritual seeker, or just a traveler looking to explore, Mihintale will provide a memorable experience.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here