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Batticaloa Fort


Batticaloa Fort is a significant landmark in Sri Lanka. Located in the Eastern Province, this fort has been a focal point of trade, defense, and culture throughout history. It serves as a window into the past, showing a blend of different colonial influences. In this travel guide, we'll provide you with all the details you need to know about this majestic fort.

Historical Background

The origins of Batticaloa Fort trace back to the year 1628, when it was built by the Portuguese. It was initially a small but sturdy fortress designed to protect against local rebellions and invasions. The fort was strategically located near the Batticaloa Lagoon, providing natural barriers and enabling easy access for ships.

In 1638, the Dutch, after an extended siege, captured the fort from the Portuguese. Under Dutch control, the fort underwent significant modifications. They expanded the fort's walls and improved its overall infrastructure. Batticaloa Fort became an important trading post for spices and other commodities under Dutch rule. It also served as a key administrative center for the Eastern Province.

The British took control of the fort in 1796, marking another phase of its history. The fort remained an administrative hub, but the British made several changes to its architecture to suit their needs. During the British period, the fort was also used as a prison and a rest house.

The fort's history provides a fascinating timeline of colonial influence in Sri Lanka. Each occupying force left its mark not only on the fort's physical structure but also on its role in the broader social and political landscape of the region.

Architectural Highlights

Batticaloa Fort is distinct in its architectural features, owing much to its rich historical background. Constructed primarily of granite and coral, the fort stands out for its durability and resilience. The walls are particularly thick and sturdy, ranging between 4 to 6 meters in some sections, which reflects its initial design for defense against both local uprisings and foreign invasions.

The fort has a unique shape, resembling a four-pointed star. This was a common design among Dutch forts and is thought to offer strategic advantages in defending against attacks. Each point of the star originally had a bastion, though not all have survived the test of time.

Inside the fort, a variety of structures exist. There is an array of colonial-era buildings, which were used as administrative offices, barracks, and armories. Most of these are still standing, albeit with various renovations and modifications over the years. One interesting feature is a small chapel located within the fort's walls, reflecting the religious influences of the colonial powers who once controlled the area.

The ramparts, accessible through narrow staircases, offer a view of the surrounding landscape, including the adjacent Batticaloa Lagoon. These were strategically designed to allow defenders to keep a watchful eye over the surrounding area.

Despite various changes and restorations over the years, the fort retains an aesthetic that speaks to its original design principles. The straight lines and angles contrast with more decorative elements like arched windows and doorways, providing a fascinating glimpse into the architectural styles that were prevalent during different periods of its long history.

Cultural Significance

The cultural impact of Batticaloa Fort is notable. It stands as a symbol of the diverse influences that have shaped Sri Lanka. Over the years, it has been a meeting point for different communities. Today, it serves not just as a historical monument but also as a venue for cultural events. Art exhibitions, local festivals, and educational tours are common occurrences here.

Exploring the Fort

A visit to Batticaloa Fort promises an engaging experience that combines scenic beauty with historical insights. The fort is expansive enough to require a good couple of hours for a thorough exploration. Once inside, you will encounter a blend of well-preserved historical sites and picturesque viewpoints.

Walking Paths

The fort is laced with walking paths that take you around its main features. These are well-marked, making it easy for visitors to navigate the area. These paths lead you to key spots like the ramparts, bastions, and colonial-era buildings.

Information Boards and Guides

For those keen on understanding the historical background of the fort, information boards are strategically placed at various points. These boards offer concise explanations about the fort's history, its architectural features, and its role over the years. Hiring a local guide can further enrich your experience. Guides offer more detailed stories and facts and even show hidden corners that are often missed by regular tourists.

Viewing Points

Batticaloa Fort offers a number of vantage points, mainly on the ramparts. From here, you can get a good view of Batticaloa town and the adjacent lagoon. These spots are ideal for photography. So, carrying a camera is highly recommended to capture these beautiful scenes.

Inner Structures

Within the walls, you will find various structures that served different purposes over the years. The small chapel is particularly worth a visit. It reflects the religious history of the fort and offers a quiet space for contemplation. There are also old buildings that were once used as armories, barracks, and administrative offices. Many of these structures have undergone renovations but still maintain an air of historical significance.


One of the aspects that make Batticaloa Fort particularly appealing is its photogenic nature. The fort's unique star-shaped design, detailed architecture, and scenic viewpoints offer a diverse range of subjects for photographers. Whether capturing wide-angle shots of the fort layout or focusing on architectural details like arched windows and stone carvings, the site is a treasure trove for both amateur and professional photographers. Ideal lighting conditions can be found in the early morning and late afternoon, offering softer light for a more dramatic effect. 

Location and How to Get There

Batticaloa Fort is situated in the heart of Batticaloa town. It is easily accessible by road. If you are coming from Colombo, the easiest way to reach the fort is by taking the Colombo-Batticaloa highway. Public transport options like buses and trains are also available. You can also take a domestic flight to Batticaloa. 

Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit Batticaloa Fort is between November and April. During these months, the weather is generally pleasant. Avoid the monsoon season, which occurs between May and October, as heavy rains can hamper your experience.

Tips and Advice

  • Clothing and Footwear: Opt for comfortable clothing and durable footwear, as you'll be doing a lot of walking.
  • Guided Tours: Consider hiring a local guide for an enriching and more detailed understanding of the fort’s history.
  • Photography: Bring your camera to capture scenic views and architectural details. Be mindful of areas where photography may be restricted.
  • Weather: Check the weather forecast prior to your visit. Rain can make some areas slippery and less accessible.
  • Safety: Follow all guidelines and notices put up by the authorities for your safety, especially around the ramparts and older structures.
  • Time Management: Allow at least two to three hours for a comprehensive exploration of the fort.

Nearby Attractions

  1. Batticaloa Town: This is the main urban area closest to the fort and offers a range of shopping and dining options. It's also a great place to experience local culture and daily life.
  2. Batticaloa Lagoon: Located adjacent to the fort, this lagoon is known for its scenic beauty. Boating and fishing activities are popular here.
  3. Kalkudah Beach: This beach is renowned for its calm waters and sandy shores. It is an ideal spot for relaxation and water sports like snorkeling.
  4. Pasikuda Beach: Known for its long, shallow coastline, Pasikuda Beach is excellent for swimming. This beach is also famous for luxury resorts and water activities such as jet skiing and windsurfing.

Batticaloa Fort offers a unique experience that combines history, culture, and architecture. Whether you are a history buff, an architecture enthusiast, or simply a curious traveler, the fort will be a great experience for you. Make sure you visit this fascinating historical site if you are traveling in Batticaloa.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here

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Batticaloa Fort
