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Wales Park


Wales Park is an urban park located in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Also known as the Prince of Wales Royal Park, it offers both locals and tourists a space for relaxation and outdoor activities. The park also has historical and cultural importance, making it a must-visit location in Kandy. In this travel guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make the most of your visit.


Wales Park has a rich history that dates back to the British colonial era in Sri Lanka. Constructed in the late 19th century, the park was originally intended as a private leisure ground for British officials residing in Kandy. Named after the Prince of Wales, it was part of a broader effort to introduce British landscaping styles to Sri Lanka.

During this period, Kandy was an important administrative and cultural center. The establishment of the park was seen as an enhancement of the city's social infrastructure. Post-independence, the park was opened to the public, transforming into an urban space enjoyed by all.

In recent years, the local government has undertaken efforts to renovate and preserve the park. Renovations include refurbishing walking paths, adding new benches, and improving the pond. Today, the park serves not only as a recreational area but also as a historical site that reflects the colonial past and ongoing development of Kandy.

Features of the Park

Wales Park is distinguished by its array of well-designed elements that offer both aesthetic and functional value to visitors. The space has been carefully planned to include a mix of natural and man-made features that enhance the overall experience.


One of the standout features of Wales Park is its meticulously maintained gardens. The garden areas are marked by a variety of flower beds that display both local and imported flora. From roses to orchids, the range of flowers adds vibrant colors to the park. The layout of the gardens is organized in geometric patterns, offering a visually pleasing experience as you walk through.


Central to the park's layout is a large pond. This body of water adds a calming effect to the environment. The pond has been designed with a small island at its center, accessible by a wooden bridge. The island itself has seating arrangements, providing visitors with a unique vantage point to view the park and the city of Kandy beyond.

Scenic Views

Due to its elevation, Wales Park provides impressive views of the surrounding areas. The park overlooks Kandy town and offers distant glimpses of Kandy Lake and the hills that surround the city. Signage at vantage points helps visitors identify key landmarks visible from the park.

Children’s Play Area

For families with young children, Wales Park includes a designated play area. Equipped with swings, slides, and other play equipment, this area is a safe and fun space for children to enjoy.

Fountains and Statues

To add to its aesthetic appeal, the park features several fountains and statues. These elements bring artistic flair to the space and serve as popular spots for photographs.

Wildlife and Flora

The park is home to a variety of local birds, such as sparrows, kingfishers, and crows. The pond in the park is a habitat for turtles and several types of fish.

Bird watchers will find the park a good spot for observing local species. The trees in the park serve as nesting spots.

The pond life is mainly fish and turtles. Feeding the turtles is a popular activity.

Local trees and a variety of flowers contribute to the park's natural beauty. The gardens are well-maintained and offer a range of colors.

Things to Do

Wales Park offers a variety of activities that cater to visitors with different interests. Whether you're looking for a tranquil setting to unwind or engage in activities for an active day out, you'll find it here.


One of the most popular activities at Wales Park is boating on the central pond. Rowboats are available for rent near the pond. Life jackets are provided, and the boating experience is generally suitable for people of all ages. It's an excellent way to enjoy the serene setting of the pond and explore its small island.


For those looking to spend a peaceful day outdoors, Wales Park offers a few designated picnic spots. These areas are usually near the flower gardens and provide the perfect backdrop for a relaxed meal. Visitors often bring packed lunches or snacks and make a day of it, enjoying the green surroundings and clean air.


If you're a photography enthusiast, Wales Park is a haven of opportunities. The well-maintained gardens offer a variety of colorful subjects, while the pond and its island provide unique landscape shots. The park's elevation and vantage points also make it an ideal location for capturing sweeping views of Kandy and the surrounding hills.

Bird Watching

For bird lovers, the park offers more than just common urban species. Early mornings are the best time to spot a variety of birds. Bring your binoculars and enjoy observing them in a relatively undisturbed environment.

Exercise and Jogging

For the health-conscious, Wales Park has several walking paths suitable for jogging. The paths are flat and well-maintained, making them ideal for a morning or evening run. The scenic beauty of the park adds to the overall experience, making exercise feel less like a chore and more like a pleasure.

Feeding the Turtles

The pond at Wales Park is home to a community of turtles, and feeding them has become a popular activity for visitors. Special feeding zones are marked, and food appropriate for the turtles can be purchased from nearby vendors.

Relax and Observe

Sometimes, the best activity is to simply sit and take in the surroundings. The park has several stone benches positioned to offer excellent views. Whether you want to people-watch, read a book, or simply enjoy the tranquility, there are plenty of spots to do so.

Hiking and Strolling

Although the park isn't very large, it has a couple of well-defined trails that allow for a pleasant walk. One such path circles around the flower gardens, providing a leisurely stroll amid colorful blooms. Another walking path skirts the pond, giving visitors a chance to take in the tranquil waters and perhaps spot some of the resident turtles or birds. These trails are well-maintained and flat, making them suitable for visitors of any age or fitness level. Whether you want to go for a brisk jog or a leisurely stroll, these trails offer a suitable venue.


Wales Park offers a range of amenities to enhance your visit. Stone benches are strategically placed throughout the park for visitors to sit and take in the scenery. Clean and well-maintained restrooms are available for public use. For those interested in boating on the pond, a boat rental service is located near the water. These facilities make it easy for visitors to have a comfortable and enjoyable day at the park.

Location and How to Get There

Wales Park is located in Kandy, about 1.2 km from the city. Public transport options include buses and tuk-tuks. Parking is available for those who prefer to drive.

Best Time to Visit

The park is open year-round. However, the best time to visit is during the dry season from December to April.

Tips and Advice

  • Arrival Time: Aim to arrive early, especially during weekends and public holidays, to secure convenient parking and avoid crowds.
  • Footwear: Wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking, as you'll likely be exploring various trails and areas within the park.
  • Refreshments: While there are some vendors near the park, bringing your own water and snacks is advised for a more comfortable visit.
  • Litter: Help maintain the park's cleanliness by using designated bins for any litter.
  • Local Laws and Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with local regulations, including boating rules and park hours, to ensure a hassle-free visit.
  • Children's Supervision: Keep an eye on children, especially around the pond and the play area, to ensure their safety.
  • Weather Forecast: Check the weather beforehand to better plan your activities, especially boating and picnics.

Nearby Attractions

  1. Kandy Lake: Located just 2 km away from Wales Park, Kandy Lake is a serene body of water in the heart of the city. You can enjoy boat rides or simply walk along the lake's perimeter for a peaceful experience.
  2. Temple of the Tooth: This historic Buddhist temple houses the Tooth Relic of the Buddha. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in Sri Lankan history and Buddhism.
  3. Royal Botanical Gardens: Situated in Peradeniya, about 5 km from Wales Park, these gardens showcase a wide variety of local and international flora. It's a favorite among nature lovers and those interested in botany.
  4. Kandy City Center: This modern shopping complex offers a range of retail shops, entertainment, and dining options. It's an excellent place for those looking to do some shopping or catch a quick meal.
  5. Udawattakele Forest Reserve: Located north of Kandy Lake, this forest reserve offers a natural escape right in the city. It features walking paths and is a great location for bird-watching and nature walks.

Wales Park offers a variety of activities for all age groups. With its well-maintained gardens, scenic pond, and walking paths, it serves as a peaceful getaway in the heart of Kandy. Make sure to drop by this wonderful park and spend a few hours if you are traveling in Kandy.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here