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Bopath Ella


Bopath Ella is a remarkable waterfall located in Sri Lanka's Ratnapura District. Known for its distinctive Bo-leaf shape, the site attracts a diverse range of visitors, from nature enthusiasts to adventure seekers. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information to make your visit to Bopath Ella as enriching as possible.

Details About Bopath Ella


Bopath Ella is a 30-meter-high waterfall located in the village of Devipahala, within the Kuruwita Divisional Secretariat of Ratnapura District. The waterfall is a key component of the Kuru Ganga, a tributary of the Kalu Ganga River. It attracts numerous visitors each year due to its unique Bo-leaf shape and its cultural significance.

Unique Shape

The waterfall is divided into three main segments that together resemble the leaf of the Bo tree, a plant that holds religious importance in Buddhism. The top section is narrow, widening as the water descends and ultimately separating into multiple streams before converging into a pool below.

Origin of the Name

The shape of the waterfall is the inspiration behind its name. In Sinhalese, "Bo" refers to the sacred Bo tree, "Path" means leaves, and "Ella" means "waterfall." The combination of these terms results in "Bopath Ella," accurately describing the waterfall's distinct form.

Geological Features

The waterfall is part of a complex geological structure primarily made up of hard, crystalline metamorphic rocks. These rocks have been eroded over centuries by the constant flow of water, resulting in the waterfall's distinctive shape. Due to the nature of the rock formations, the flow of the waterfall can change direction depending on the volume of water, especially during the rainy season.

Flora and Fauna

The area surrounding Bopath Ella is a haven for nature enthusiasts, teeming with a diverse range of flora and fauna. Among the trees, you'll find species like jackfruit, nutmeg, and rambutan, which not only add to the scenic beauty but also serve as habitats for various wildlife. Monkeys often swing from the branches, and if you're lucky, you might spot a mongoose scurrying through the undergrowth. The trees are also home to an array of bird species, including kingfishers and parrots, which add a burst of color and melody to the surroundings.

Aquatic life thrives in the waters around the waterfall, and you can spot freshwater fish dart through the streams. Water lilies and reeds float peacefully in the shallower areas, providing a natural aesthetic touch.

Activities to Do

Swimming and Water Activities

One of the most popular activities at Bopath Ella is swimming. The pool at the base of the waterfall offers a refreshing experience, particularly during hot days. It is shallow enough for a leisurely dip but also deep enough for more experienced swimmers to enjoy.

Hiking and Nature Walks

For those interested in exploring the natural environment, various hiking trails surround the waterfall. These trails differ in length and difficulty, catering to a wide range of physical fitness levels. Nature walks are another option for those who prefer a less strenuous activity. During these walks, you can absorb the tranquil atmosphere, observe local flora and fauna, and listen to the soothing sounds of nature.

Photography and Videography

The unique shape and natural beauty of Bopath Ella make it an excellent location for photography and videography. Whether you are an amateur or a professional, the waterfall offers countless angles and viewpoints. The best times for capturing stunning visuals are early morning and late afternoon when the sunlight strikes the water in a magical way.


The grassy areas around the waterfall provide perfect spots for picnicking. Many families and groups bring along packed meals and enjoy an outdoor feast. The clean and scenic environment adds to the overall experience, making it a great way to relax and unwind.

Location and How to Get There

Bopath Ella is situated in the Ratnapura District of Sri Lanka, specifically in the village of Devipahala.

Getting there is relatively straightforward. If you're traveling from Colombo, you can take the Colombo-Ratnapura main road and then follow the signs directing you towards Kuruwita. From Kuruwita, Bopath Ella is approximately a 3-kilometer drive.

Public transportation options are also available, including buses and tuk-tuks, to take you close to the waterfall. However, please note that the last stretch may require a brief walk.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Bopath Ella is from December to March, during the dry season. The weather is more predictable, and the water levels are safer for swimming.

The monsoon season from May to September makes the waterfall more intense but less safe for activities like swimming.

Tips and Advice

Check Weather Forecasts: Before planning your trip, always check the weather conditions. Heavy rainfall can make the trails slippery and the water levels unpredictable.

Footwear: Wear sturdy and comfortable shoes suitable for hiking. The terrain can be uneven, and good footwear will ensure a more enjoyable experience.

Local Guidelines: Pay attention to any signs or advisories from local authorities. This includes safety precautions, fishing regulations, and swimming areas.

Carry Essentials: Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, water bottles, and some light snacks. 

Timings: Early mornings and late afternoons are generally less crowded. Consider visiting during these times for a more serene experience.

Waste Management: Always carry a small bag for trash and dispose of it responsibly. Keeping the area clean is a shared responsibility.

Guided Tours: For a more informative experience, consider hiring a local guide. They can provide insights into the flora, fauna, and folklore surrounding Bopath Ella.

Nearby Attractions

  1. Sinharaja Forest Reserve: This is a biodiversity hotspot and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Known for its rich and unique plant and animal life, it's an excellent location for eco-tourism activities like birdwatching and nature walks.
  2. Laxapana Falls: Situated about a two-hour drive from Bopath Ella, Laxapana Falls is another stunning waterfall in Sri Lanka. With a height of 126 meters, it's one of the tallest waterfalls in the country. The area around Laxapana Falls is also good for hiking, offering various trails that provide fantastic views of the waterfall and surrounding landscape.
  3. Adams Peak (Sri Pada): This is a popular pilgrimage and hiking destination. The peak offers stunning views and is considered sacred by multiple religions. 
  4. Kitulgala: Known as a white-water rafting destination, Kitulgala is about an hour's drive from Bopath Ella. Apart from rafting, it offers other water-based activities and is also a birdwatcher’s paradise.
  5. Ratnapura Gem Mines: Ratnapura is often referred to as the "City of Gems." You can take guided tours and even purchase directly from local merchants. It provides a unique glimpse into the gem industry of Sri Lanka.

Bopath Ella offers more than just a visually stunning waterfall. From its unique flora and fauna to activities that cater to different preferences, it promises an enriching experience. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, an adventure lover, or someone looking to relax, Bopath Ella definitely has something to offer you.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here