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Delft Island


Delft Island, known as Neduntheevu by locals, is a beautiful island located in the Jaffna Peninsula. With unique natural attractions, historic landmarks dating back to the colonial era, and a way of life that remains untouched, Delft Island offers an intriguing blend of natural and cultural attractions. This travel guide aims to provide you with all the information you need to make the most of your trip to this hidden gem in Sri Lanka.

Overview of Delft Island

Delft Island features a predominantly flat landscape that spans over an area of around 50 square kilometers. Its unique geological composition includes terrains made up of coral and limestone, differentiating it from the main island of Sri Lanka. The coastal areas boast sandy beaches with shallow waters, perfect for water activities like snorkeling.

The island has a close-knit community of approximately 5,000 residents, the majority of whom are ethnically Tamil. Tamil is the primary language spoken on the island, although you can find individuals who speak English and Sinhalese as well.

Neduntheevu's economy is predominantly based on fishing and agriculture. Fishing is often done using traditional methods, and visitors can observe fishermen using catamarans and fishing nets. The island is also famous for its Palmyra crafts. Local artisans, especially women, create beautiful Palmyra products like baskets, hats, and mats.

Notable Attractions

Delft Fort

Originally constructed by the Portuguese in the 16th century, the Delft Fort later underwent modifications by the Dutch colonizers. The ruins consist of walls primarily made from coral and limestone, offering a unique architectural experience. While much of the structure has succumbed to time, the standing remnants—including old cannons—give a vivid idea of its former strategic importance. Many travelers find it a fascinating spot for photography and to learn about the island's colonial history.

Baobab Tree

The Baobab Tree on Delft Island is a sight to behold. Believed to have been planted by Middle Eastern traders who visited the island centuries ago, this tree stands alone in a barren field, creating a surreal and striking contrast with its surroundings. It has a massive trunk and gnarled branches, resembling something out of a fantasy novel. While you can't climb the tree, visitors can walk around it to appreciate its grandeur and also learn about its significance from local guides.

Pigeon House

The Dovecote or Pigeon House is a cylindrical stone tower with multiple small compartments, resembling a multi-story building in miniature. The structure was traditionally used for rearing pigeons, both as pets and for agricultural purposes. These birds were once a critical part of the island's ecosystem and agriculture, used for the natural fertilization of fields. A visit to the Pigeon House offers insight into the island's past farming practices and its innovative methods of sustainable agriculture.

Wild Horses

Delft Island is known for its population of wild horses, which are descendants of animals left behind by the Portuguese, Dutch, and British colonizers. These horses are often seen grazing in the fields or galloping along the sandy shores. Visitors can watch these magnificent creatures from a safe distance and learn about their history and significance to the island. Tours are available that focus specifically on locating and observing these wild horses, providing an exclusive and educational experience.

Growing Rock

An unusual feature of the island is the so-called Growing Rock. Composed of coral, this rock is a subject of local folklore. Many residents believe that the rock grows a little each year, although there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. The Growing Rock has become a point of interest for both local and international visitors intrigued by such myths and legends. Whether or not you believe the story, it's a curiosity worth visiting, and it adds an extra layer of mystery to this already captivating island.

Water Activities


The shallow waters surrounding Delft Island offer excellent snorkeling opportunities. The coral reefs are home to a variety of marine life, including colorful fish and sea turtles.


If you're interested in a more laid-back water activity, consider going fishing with the local fishermen. It's an authentic way to understand the island's fishing culture and perhaps even catch your dinner.

Boat Tours

Various boat tours are available, offering an alternative perspective of Delft Island and its surrounding waters. These tours usually include visits to smaller, uninhabited islands and provide chances to see dolphins and whales.


Local Cuisine

The island's cuisine is primarily seafood-based, with fish curry and crab curry being popular dishes. Coconut is also widely used in cooking. Trying the local food is a must for a complete cultural experience.

Religious Practices

The majority of Delft's population is Hindu, and there are several Hindu temples scattered around the island. Visitors are welcome but are advised to dress modestly and follow the temple etiquette.

Traditional Crafts

The island is known for its intricate Palmyra leaf crafts. Items like baskets, hats, and mats are handmade by the local women. These crafts make for great souvenirs and also support the local economy.



Several guesthouses offer simple, clean, and affordable accommodation. These establishments usually provide basic amenities and often include meals as part of the package.


For travelers looking for an authentic experience, homestays are available. This option allows you to immerse yourself in local culture and cuisine.


For the adventurous, there are designated areas where camping is permitted. Make sure to bring all necessary supplies, as there are limited facilities.

Tips and Advice

  • Sunscreen: The island can get very sunny, so make sure to bring sunscreen. Choose one with a high SPF to ensure you're adequately protected.
  • Water and Snacks: Food and water options can be scarce. Carry enough bottled water and portable snacks to stay hydrated and energized throughout the day.
  • Transportation: Public transportation options like auto-rickshaws are limited. Consider renting a bicycle or plan your activities in advance to optimize travel time.
  • Be Eco-friendly: Delft Island has a sensitive environment. Carry a reusable water bottle and bags to minimize your plastic footprint.
  • Boat Timings: Ferry services to and from the island operate on a fixed schedule. Make sure to check the timings and arrive early, as seats can fill up quickly.
  • Bring Cash: Most vendors don't accept credit cards. Bring enough cash to last your whole stay.
  • First Aid: Medical facilities can be limited on the island. Pack a small first aid kit with things like band-aids, antiseptics, and pain relievers for minor emergencies.

How to Get There

The most common way to reach Delft Island is by ferry from the Kurikadduwan Jetty in Jaffna. The journey takes about 1 hour. Make sure to arrive early, as the ferry has limited capacity and operates on a first-come, first-served basis.

Best Time to Visit

The ideal time to visit Delft Island is between October and April, when the weather is generally dry and pleasant. The monsoon season, which occurs from May to September, can make travel more challenging due to heavy rains and rough seas.

Nearby Attractions

1. Jaffna: Located about 50 kilometers away, Jaffna is the closest major city and offers its own set of attractions, including the Jaffna Fort and the Nallur Kandaswamy Temple.

2. Nainativu Island: Another island worth visiting is Nainativu, known for its Nagapooshani Amman Temple and the Buddhist shrine, Nagadeepa Vihara. The island is accessible by a short boat ride from Jaffna.

Delft Island offers an experience that is both unique and enriching. From historical landmarks to natural wonders and from local crafts to wildlife, the island presents an intriguing blend of attractions. So, if you visit Jaffna, make sure to stop by this enchanting island. It is sure to hold a special place among your travels in Sri Lanka.

This post first appeared on Wonders Of Ceylon, please read the originial post: here

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Delft Island
