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Feline Lucky

This week has been full of adventures and misadventures. 

Having gone for my constitutional stroll last Thursday, I began to feel far more capable of handling whatever life had to throw at me in the week to come. 

On Saturday Christopher and I went for a walk into town and had a lovely repast at one of our favorite local coffee shops, which has recently changed hands and now serves that absolute BEST chips/fries in town! 

It was truly lovely to be able to have a date day out on the town again, the weather was nice and warm and I even took off my cardigan not long into our stroll, and didn't even consider putting it back on, even when we were sitting still in the shade. That is truly my favorite comfortable temperature. 

On our way home we bumped into a friend who kindly offered us a lift home, since we were going the same way, and it was lovely to catch up with him, even if it was only a brief encounter. 

On Sunday I was feeling a bit drained, but still strong enough to head to church!
Christopher and I enjoyed seeing out church family again after having been apart from them for so long during these last cold weeks. It was wonderful to be able to catch up! 

I truly love the warmer weather. 

After returning home, my head had started announcing its dissatisfaction of my activities and I had to take a nap, which lasted most of the day, but it was well worth the fatigue to have enjoyed the weekend so. 

Monday was another good day, albeit an exhausting one. We were up with the birds at 6:30 and off to work by 7am, I got a lot done in the hour before our colleagues arrived, and Christopher went to collect the order of bread that would be made into sandwiches for those who come to Food4Futures on Tuesdays. 

It would turn out to be a 10 hour day for us, as while the sandwiches were being made, clothes were being sorted and laid out for a big clothing distribution the next day. Christopher and I were motoring away in the office, getting all of our admin work done, while the others were motoring away on the floor getting everything ready for the next day.

After a brief break for lunch, we all got stuck in helping finish sorting out the clothes and shoes which would be going to those in need.

Tuesday I stayed home, I was absolutely exhausted from the day before, but I still wanted to get a little bit of house work done. I meant to tidy the bedroom and do some washing before I crashed. 

And I was successful, mostly. I woke up with the beginnings of a migraine, which increased in its intensity as the day progressed, until finally I was unable to go on, I took strong painkillers and begged for sleep to take me out of the pain. I got my wish and awoke refreshed enough to make a nice warthog and mutton stew with veggies and dumplings, which is one of my favorite comfort food, right alongside Mac 'n Cheese! 

All was going well, until just around bedtime... I was settling in for the night, the cat, Dog and Bunny had all been fed, and all was right with the world... until I heard it:

The telltale yowling of a feline negotiation about to go sour. Diplomacy is not often the hallmark of a tom cat, and my tom cat and a neighborhood tom cat were beginning to demonstrate a breakdown in communication. Or perhaps they were understanding each other perfectly, but just not saying very nice things...

Anyway, I recall too many occasions where I have had to contend with a cat with an abscess after a fight, after having a tom cat for 15 years, the grumpy old man has earned a reputation. So, without further ado, out I went to intervene. I found the two before fisticuffs ensued and unceremoniously hefted my black orb into my arms as the rival tuxedo dashed off into the darkness. 

Having been thwarted, and still in fight mode, The ball of rage in my arms decided to take out his frustration on my left hand, which hurt like the dickens! 

Having pried fang and claw from my hand and called for Christopher to take the creature off my hands, I went off inside, incarcerated the criminal and went to assess the damage. 

His one good fang had sliced neatly through my skin and into the meat of my hand, which his claw dug into my thumb and his not so goo fang poked a small hole near the cut. My hand had begun to swell and the bruising is terrible. I washed it and dressed it all while trying not to trip over a very apologetic cat who know he had hurt me and was trying desperately to let me know that he wasn't aware of what he was doing at the time. 

I know this was all my own fault, since his instincts were already triggered by the fight that was about the ensue, so I don't blame him at all, I only wish I did have to become so away of what an important role ones supporting hand plays in the grand scheme of things... Although I am right handed... I am discovering that I use my left hand quite a bit! 


This post first appeared on Chasing Summer Seas, please read the originial post: here

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Feline Lucky


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