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Video Summaries About Group Money Collection, Sleep Divorce, and Job Hopping


If your eyeballs are too tired to read, these new video summaries communicate the basic facts of their source articles. If you want to know more after watching a video, click through to the original written article for a deeper dive into the subject.

How to Collect Money From a Group for a Vacation Rental

Don’t assume that everyone will chip in the right amount of money on time when you’re planning to get a vacation rental for a group. Set a budget and pick a central point of contact who can keep records, handle the booking, and collect the money in a timely fashion.

See complete details, including a list of apps that help groups collect money, in the full article How to Collect Money From a Group for a Vacation Rental.

Sleep Divorce Travel Tips to Keep Couples Happy on Vacation

Your every-day sleep arrangements can go out the window when you travel with a partner who you cannot share a bed with due to snoring or other incompatibilities. Instead of suffering sleep deprivation on vacation, try these strategies to maintain your sleep divorce on the road.

See all the workable ideas for managing sleeping arrangements in Sleep Divorce Travel Tips to Keep Couples Happy on Vacation.

6 Overlooked Ways to Make Moving Easier When Job Hopping in Your 20s

Moving is hard work and inconvenient, but there are things you can do to be ready to move quickly when taking a new job to build your career. People in their 20s often have a greater capacity to job hop and increase their income, but people of any age can use the tips shared in 6 Overlooked Ways to Make Moving Easier When Job Hopping in Your 20s.

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This post first appeared on Move Travel Home, please read the originial post: here

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Video Summaries About Group Money Collection, Sleep Divorce, and Job Hopping
