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Travel Bloggers How Often Do You Write About Safety?

Travel Bloggers How Often Do You Write About Safety?

Travel bloggers love to share their experiences with the world. Their readers or viewers get to learn about places that they dream of visiting. Travel is exciting and stimulating, but sometimes people go on a trip without giving much thought about their safety. 

Other people are worriers like me who sketch out numerous worst case scenarios before doing anything. 

Travel bloggers don’t need to make travel hazards and crime the focus on their content. They want to talk about how great travel is, but they should mention best travel safety practices periodically for the benefit of their followers. 

And I’ve got a resource that travel bloggers can consult for free to help them evaluate safety risks in the destinations that they visit.

If you are a travel blogger and want to point your followers toward a travel safety guide, let them know about Travel Safety: What to Do Before and During Your Trip.

The whole guide is free to read online right here at Link to it when you want to connect your followers with useful information. People can also download it from Amazon Kindle. 

Top Safe Travel Strategies: How to Avoid Crime and Accidents When You’re Trying to Have Fun

It’s free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers too. 

In the guide I write about how criminals, like pickpockets and scammers, target tourist hotspots, and how to counter their efforts to steal from you. Vigilance and the right purse or bag go a long way to reduce your appeal as a victim.

I also caution people about staying safe if they get intoxicated on vacation. You should be careful because you are vulnerable to attack or simply having an accident when you’re not sober. It’s best to avoid intoxication when you’re not close to your accommodations.

There is also good advice about limiting the chance of getting food poisoning. 

And travelers may not have thought about how to secure their hotel rooms from employees who have access. 

A few precautions really could make the difference between having a blast on vacation or something awful happening.

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This post first appeared on Move Travel Home, please read the originial post: here

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Travel Bloggers How Often Do You Write About Safety?
