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Expedia Member Discount Labor Day Travel Deals

Expedia Member Discount Labor Day Travel Deals

On August 21, Expedia opened up 20% Labor Day travel deals to its members. All you have to do is book your trip before September 24, 2023.

Search for Expedia Labor Day travel deals right now. (affiliate link)

In most places, summer is far from over in the weeks following the Labor Day weekend. The days will be a little shorter, but you can still expect warm weather.

Advantages of Post-Summer Season Travel

Unless you’re tied to a school schedule, you can avoid the crowds by traveling in the weeks after Labor Day. Many tourist locations will still be open through September or October. With the peak of the summer tourist season in the rearview mirror, the throngs of tourists will have abated.

Less crowded conditions promote a better overall experience. Lines will be shorter, and it might be easier to access better accommodations and amenities. Some people prefer to visit popular summer destinations in the pre or post-season for precisely these reasons. On top of this, you could save some money too.

Why Hotels Offer Labor Day Travel Deals

Hotels and resorts offer late summer season deals to make the most of the time left before their slow seasons start. This means you could get the most value for your travel dollars. You might get a nicer room with a better view or be able to afford more days away on vacation.

You don’t have to say goodbye to summer yet.

Expedia members save 20% or more on bookings made between now and September 24, 2023.

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This post first appeared on Move Travel Home, please read the originial post: here

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Expedia Member Discount Labor Day Travel Deals
