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Sleep Divorce Travel Arrangements for Couples

Sleep Divorce Travel Arrangements For Couples

Travel is a special activity for couples. They get to share each other’s company away from the day-to-day chores and responsibilities of home. But travel presents a special problem for couples who have decided on sleep divorce. You need to make sleep divorce travel arrangements for couples, or sleep deprivation and deep annoyance with your partner will ruin your trip.

What Is Sleep Divorce?

This is the term for couples who choose to sleep in separate bedrooms. People, who otherwise love each other and want to share their lives, choose this because one or both of them find it impossible to get a good night’s sleep in the presence of the other.

Snoring is the leading cause of sleep divorce. If your partner’s snores sound like someone dragging a chest-of-drawers across a concrete floor, then your only realistic option for decent sleep is retreating to a separate room. I’ve been sleep divorced for several years now. It was necessary because my husband’s snoring is chronic, loud, and intolerable. The sleep deprivation was ruining my life.

Some couples choose sleep divorce for other reasons.

  • One person might like a cold room whereas the other person likes a warm room.
  • One or both of them might toss and turn continually and disturb the other person.
  • Some people sleep apart because they have different work schedules or prefer different sleep schedules.

Bottomline, sleep divorce allows couples with sleep incompatibility to maintain healthy sleep and avoid resenting each other.

Taking a trip, however, disrupts your carefully segregated sleep environments. This can be a real source of anxiety when you think about travel because, if you share a room with your partner, it will mean no sleep and no fun.

You need a plan. Your sleep divorce travel arrangements for couples strategy will depend on the reason you sleep separately and your travel budget.

Different Preferred Sleeping Temperatures

If you chose sleep divorce because you like to sleep in different temperatures, you might be able to share a room while traveling. The person who likes a warm bed could bring a sleeping bag and snuggle up inside it in the bed while the partner only sleeps with a sheet. This way you might keep the room temperature at a cooler setting while the warm-bed sleeper relies on the sleeping bag for extra heat.

Partner Rolls and Flops Around All Night

In situations when a partner shifts positions frequently through the night, you should book travel accommodations with two beds. Many hotel rooms offer the option of double beds. Usually, each bed is queen sized.

Even though you’re in the same hotel room, you each get a bed. Your partner’s flopping won’t affect you while you repose undisturbed in your own bed.

Partners Have Different Sleep Schedules

Only some of the sleeping hours of early birds and night owls overlap. If your budget allows, you could get separate bedrooms, but you might not need to pour your dollars into two rooms.

The itinerary of your trip might force both of you to get up at the same hour anyway.

What you mostly need are tools for preventing the disturbance of your partner. Both of you might like a sleeping mask. It blocks the light from your eyes and reduces the chance you’ll get woken up if someone turns on a light.

Explore Sleeping Masks

You could also travel with a laptop and headphones and use them to watch television or waste time on the internet while your partner sleeps. This approach eliminates the need to have a large and loud television on. You can entertain yourself quietly on the laptop with all noise contained to your headphones or earbuds.

Explore Headphones and Earbuds


This is the hardest issue when it comes to sleep divorce travel arrangements for couples. You need a wall to block the thunderous noise of your beloved partner suffocating through the night.

If the situation does not allow you to have separate bedrooms, you should explore noise-blocking options, also known as earplugs.

Earplugs can help you get some shut-eye while your partner snores. Many earplug products cater to your plight.

Shop for Sleeping Earplugs

You may want to try the earbud headbands. They cover your ears with fabric that holds earbuds in place. You select the soothing music or white noise that you want the headband to play to block out the snoring noise.

Find Bluetooth Noise Canceling Sleeping Masks

Ideally, couples forced into sleep divorce due to snoring will have separate rooms on vacation. A hotel suite will work, or you could consider a vacation rental. A two-bedroom vacation rental on weekdays can have a comparable price to renting two hotel rooms or a family suite, and you get a whole house.

Sleep Divorce Travel Arrangements for Couples

My husband and I usually get a family suite or vacation rental house when we travel. Knowing that I can sleep well means that I can enjoy my trip to the fullest and be refreshed by the experience.

Sleep divorce couples will need to budget more for their travel to maintain their blissful sleep boundaries. You could view the money as well spent. Good sleep is essential for good health, and you don’t want sleep-deprived grumpiness to ruin your vacation.

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This post first appeared on Move Travel Home, please read the originial post: here

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Sleep Divorce Travel Arrangements for Couples
