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Fun Real Estate Memes About Home Buyers and House Hunting

Fun Real Estate Memes About Home Buyers And House Hunting
Sometimes you do everything you can, more than you wanted to, but the sellers still reject your offer.

First-time home buyers and even people who’ve been through the home buying process once or twice have to maintain a sense of humor. Everything about buying a house falls somewhere on the spectrum of annoying to impossible. Real estate memes help you chuckle at the challenges and keep your eyes on the prize.

Real Estate Memes Home Buyers Will Laugh or Perhaps Cry About

Oh, the things you will see when house hunting. I once looked at a home that had a pit dug in the backyard that was filled with motor oil. It was a nice neighborhood too. On another occasion, my husband and I looked at a house with a tree growing out of the roof.

You’ve crunched the numbers and have a viable plan for purchasing a home. Then you go house hunting and discover that homes in your price range look like the orcs of Mordor had a party in there. Stay true to your courage and keep shopping. Living with your parents isn’t exactly Rivendell either.

How to Find Houses With Lower Prices When Houses Cost Too Much

You’ve got your down payment. You’ve found a house you like. You were preapproved before you started house hunting, but preapproval is not the same as approval. Preapproval is based on your income and credit score. Home loan approval is based on your income, credit score, AND the appraised value of the home. In comes Ming the Merciless the appraiser who sees only evil and decay in the entire universe.

I struggled with the concept of closing costs when I was a first-time home buyer. I was so focused on the home’s price, I didn’t have a concept about all of the other costs bundled into the final amount from title insurance and escrow accounts…and if you’re really unlucky mortgage insurance.

Good luck house hunting!

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This post first appeared on Move Travel Home, please read the originial post: here

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Fun Real Estate Memes About Home Buyers and House Hunting
