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Is This a Picture of a Lake Monster at Hubbard Lake?


At 8,850 acres, Hubbard Lake in Northern Michigan is big enough to excite the imagination. The 7-mile stretch of open water invites thoughts that a primeval serpent dwells in the waters. During my recent vacation to Hubbard Lake, I spent time taking pictures, mostly of birds, but maybe of a lake serpent? Did I take a picture of a lake monster at Hubbard Lake?

Although someone with an untutored eye might wonder if these are the coils of a long fish or water serpent peeking above the waves, I know that this is not a picture of a lake monster. I see this formation all of the time on almost any lake.

I first realized how waves can play tricks on the eyes when watching a Monster Quest episode about Memphré in Lake Memphremagog on the border of Vermont and Quebec. Some pictures purporting to reveal a lake monster, to my eye, were obviously waves looking like a serpent’s coils. Other pictures, however, reveal an inexplicable curiosity that could be an unknown lake monster.

How to Take a Picture of a Lake Monster

Upon arriving at Hubbard Lake on June 4, 2023, I was enjoying the view with my husband and had my camera in my lap. A lone boat went by on the lake and created a wake. As the wave from the passage of the boat rolled toward shore, I recognized the classic serpent coil moving across the water. I rushed to uncap my camera and capture a shot that mimicked the look of a lake monster.

You can see these waves that look like long objects cruising through the water on almost any lake with motorboat traffic.

To take a picture of a fake lake monster:

  • Choose a calm day. You don’t want the winds to be strong. A breeze is fine.
  • Choose a time of day when the sun is low in the sky. This means morning or evening. You need the angle of the sun to interact with the wave from a boat’s wake in a way that casts a dark shadow. The shaded side of the wave creates the dark object that could look like a big aquatic animal.
  • When a boat goes by, observe the waves from the wake.
  • Take pictures when you see the dark edges on the waves.

Birdwatching at Hubbard Lake

A less ludicrous alternative to trying to take a picture of a lake monster, is bird photography. These animals are challenging yet rewarding subjects for a photographer.

The birdwatching was good at Hubbard Lake. I saw ducks, geese, loons, and kingfishers. The loons at Hubbard Lake were especially pleasing to me. I had a good view of them from my waterfront vacation rental. Loons are tremendous birds. They dive and hunt fish underwater for considerable lengths of time.

Inarguably, the most compelling thing about a loon is its iconic call. The soulful vocalizations of these birds are divided into three types of loon calls:

  • Wail
  • Tremolo
  • Yodel

The loons at Hubbard Lake were especially vocal at dusk and after dark. I truly relished the otherworldly joy of relaxing in the peaceful darkness, listening to their loony conversations and arguments.

Vacation Rentals at Hubbard Lake

An authentic north woods lake vacation awaits people at Hubbard Lake. The nearby Huron National Forest creates a large swath of unpopulated acreage, which promotes a serene quietude.

Search for a Vacation Rental at Hubbard Lake:

The server at the nearby tavern and ice cream parlor said that the busy season did not kick in until the second week of June. This was in response to my question about the area being so quiet. She assured me that the lake gets busy and tourists are numerous in the area. She said that things get pretty sleepy again after Labor Day.

All of this means that Hubbard Lake offers a quiet getaway in May or during the fall. If you visit during the peak season of June through Labor Day, expect a busy scene in a beautiful natural setting.

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This post first appeared on Move Travel Home, please read the originial post: here

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Is This a Picture of a Lake Monster at Hubbard Lake?
