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Do you snore? 6 Travellers tips

Are you a snorer? If so, you know that not only can it be embarrassing or disruptive to those around you. This is especially true if like many of our housesitters you are travelling. What is more snoring can also have negative impacts on your sleep quality. Read these travellers tips to help you manage your snoring for your own comfort and that of others.

Do you snore in your sleep?  6 Travellers tips to try

Snorers aren’t always aware of how disruptive they can be to others

Although there are medical causes of snoring like nasal congestion and anatomical blockage, some people find lifestyle remedies to help reduce their nighttime noise. In this blog post, we will explore 6 remedies that may make a difference if you’re looking for an easy way to improve the sound level in your bedroom. From positional optimizations, while sleeping to dietary changes, these tips could give much-needed relief from your loudest nights.

Top Travellers Tips

1. Sleeping on your side instead of your back

Studies have proven that it can be effective for mitigating sound, although results will vary depending on the individual. If you find yourself rolling onto your back in the middle of the night despite your best efforts, you can adjust to sleeping on your side by using anti-snore pillows for side sleepers specifically designed for that position. These pillows are a great and easy way to encourage yourself to sleep on your side and overcome snoring issues related to sleeping in more traditional positions. Sleeping on your side can also help reduce snoring because it helps to keep your airways open and reduces the likelihood of your tongue and throat tissues collapsing and blocking your breathing. This position also helps to prevent the soft tissues in your throat from vibrating, which is a common cause of snoring.

2. Elevating the head of your bed

By raising the upper half of your body, you can open up your airways and reduce the vibration that causes snoring. You can use additional pillows to adjust the angle of your head or invest in a new adjustable bed frame with a customizable headrest feature. A study from 2017 even suggests that using an elevated sleep position decreases overall nighttime movements, leading to increased comfort both for you and your sleeping partner! So try elevating your head tonight – you may be surprised at how much better your next night’s sleep will be without any disruptive snores!

Travelling on public transport can make snoring inconvenient for fellow travellers

3. Losing weight if you’re overweight

Every additional pound of weight gain leads to extra tissue around the throat, which can worsen snoring and make it more frequent. Losing weight, even just small amounts, can reduce this disruption and help you to get a better night’s sleep if you suffer from snoring. It’s important to start off slowly with your weight-loss journey, as changes that are too drastic or sudden are often ineffective. You may want to talk to a dietitian who specializes in sleep-related eating disorders, as they can help you come up with a plan that’ll enable gradual but permanent change without overworking your body.

4. Avoiding alcohol and sedatives before bedtime

Did you know that drinking alcohol or taking sedatives before bedtime increases the chances of snoring in your sleep? Both alcohol and sedatives can relax muscles in the throat, which collapses, narrowing the upper airway passage and consequently triggering snoring. To keep snoring at bay, be sure to avoid those nighttime indulgences for at least a couple of hours before going to bed. Regular alcohol use is also known to increase snoring frequency and severity, so it’s best to limit your nightly tipples and stay sober as often as possible when heading off to dreamland.

Avoid your evening tipple if you snore and want to stop

5. Using nasal strips or decongestants

Nasal strips and decongestants are two common remedies for nasal congestion. Nasal strips work by physically opening up the nasal passages, making it easier to breathe. They are easy to use, non-invasive, and can provide quick relief for people with mild to moderate congestion. On the other hand, decongestants work by reducing the swelling of the nasal passages and decreasing mucus production. They are available in various forms, such as pills, liquids, and sprays, and can provide relief for longer periods of time. However, decongestants may have side effects, such as increased blood pressure and heart rate, and should not be used by individuals with certain medical conditions.

6. Throat exercises

Throat exercises are a non-invasive and natural way to help reduce snoring. These exercises can help to strengthen the muscles in the throat, which in turn can help to prevent the airway from collapsing during sleep. By strengthening the throat muscles, the airway is kept open, reducing the likelihood of snoring. Throat exercises can include singing, playing wind instruments, or specific exercises that target the muscles in the throat. One common exercise is to repeat certain vowel sounds, such as “a,” “e,” “i,” “o,” and “u,” several times a day. Another exercise involves pressing the tongue to the roof of the mouth and sliding it backward. These exercises are easy to do and can be done at home without any special equipment.

Travellers tips on preventing snoring

In conclusion, there are several travellers tips or remedies we can recommend for reducing snoring, ranging from simple lifestyle changes to more invasive medical procedures. Sleep position adjustment, weight loss, and avoiding alcohol and sedatives before bed are easy and natural ways to reduce snoring. Nasal strips and anti-snoring mouthpieces provide relief by opening the airway, while throat exercises can strengthen the muscles in the throat. Ultimately, the best approach to treating snoring will depend on the individual’s specific needs and the underlying cause of their snoring. Consulting a healthcare professional can help determine the most effective and appropriate treatment option for each person.

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Further reading about housesitting, housesitters and travel by housesitting

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The post Do you snore? 6 Travellers tips appeared first on Housesit Match.

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Do you snore? 6 Travellers tips


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