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Bon Spirituality
Bon Spirituality first shown on Tour Travel TibetBon spirituality has three phases: Old Bon, Yungdrung Bon, and New Bon. Yungdrung Bon, also known as Eternal Bon, aims to preserve the teachi… Read More
Sichuan Tibet Railway
Sichuan Tibet Railway first shown on Tour Travel TibetThe length of the existing Qinghai-Tibet railway is 1956 KM. Even the shortest train ride from Xining takes 24 hours to reach Lhasa. Alt… Read More
Tibetan Festivals
Tibetan Festivals first shown on Tour Travel TibetTibetan Festivals in first Lunar Month The Great Prayer Festival (Mon-lam) This is the greatest religious festival in Tibet. Originated by T… Read More
Nyingchi Lhasa Expressway
Nyingchi Lhasa Expressway first shown on Tour Travel TibetOther than pine multiple tunnels and Barla Mountain Tunnel, the national road 318 lines of Lhasa to Linzhi high-grade Highway was st… Read More
Mount Shishabangma
Mount Shishabangma first shown on Tour Travel TibetShishabangma peak (85’46’55 east longitude, 28’21’07 north latitude), one of the peaks in the middle of the Himalay… Read More
Tibetan People And Life On Tibet
Tibetan People and Life on Tibet first shown on Tour Travel TibetPeople and life of Tibetans, Tibet- Qinghai serve as a home to Tibetan, Monba, Luoba, and a few other people. Tibetan People… Read More
Dongkar Phiwang Castle
Dongkar Phiwang Castle first shown on Tour Travel TibetDongkar Phiwang Castle part of is the Ancient Guge Dynasty. One of the eight major monasteries built by Rinchen Sangpo. Dating from the… Read More
Sakya Sect
Sakya Sect first shown on Tour Travel TibetTibetan Buddhism, In 1073 BC, Tibetan Lama Kongchog Gyalpo built Sakya Monastery and advocated his own Esoteric disciplines and called it “Sa… Read More
Lhasa, Der Regierungssitz Des Tibet
Lhasa, der Regierungssitz des Tibet first shown on Tour Travel TibetLhasa, der Regierungssitz, liegt im südlichen Zentrum des Autonomen Gebiets Tibet. am nördlichen Ufer des Lhasa… Read More
Flughafen Shigatse Heping (Frieden)
Flughafen Shigatse Heping (Frieden) first shown on Tour Travel TibetDer Flughafen Shigatse dient sowohl militärischen als auch kommerziellen Zwecken. Es ist 43 Kilometer vom Stadtgebiet… Read More
Flüge nach Tibet first shown on Tour Travel TibetJeder Flug von anderen Städten in China nach Tibet ist bequem. wie von Chengdu, Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Xining, Kun… Read More
Der Flughafen Nyingchi Mainling
Der Flughafen Nyingchi Mainling first shown on Tour Travel TibetDer 2006 erbaute Flughafen Nyingchi Mainling ist heute einer der wichtigsten Flughäfen für den tibetischen Tourismus… Read More
Phuntsok Ling Monastery
Phuntsok Ling Monastery first shown on Tour Travel TibetPhuntsok Ling Monastery is 4,100 meters above sea level in Phuntsok Ling Township, Shigatse Lhatse Prefecture. It was built in 1615 un… Read More
Barley Wine
Barley Wine first shown on Tour Travel TibetMade from the highland barley, the main food produced in Tibet, Highland barley wine (also called Chiang in Tibet) is the wine favorite to Tibetan… Read More
Flüge Von Peking Nach Lhasa
Flüge von Peking nach Lhasa first shown on Tour Travel TibetAls Hauptstadt Chinas verfügt Peking über viele internationale Flugrouten. Es ist ein beliebtes Ziel für inter… Read More
How To Book Tibet Tours
How to Book Tibet Tours first shown on Tour Travel Tibet6 Steps to Book a Tibet Tour with us. Step 1. Send us an inquiry Step 2. Get proposal itinerary and quotation Step 3. Free Di… Read More
Gyangtse Dama Horse Racing Festival
Gyangtse Dama Horse Racing Festival first shown on Tour Travel TibetThe Gyantse Dama Horse Race Festival has been celebrated since the 15th century, and it occurs when the meadow becomes ver… Read More
Lhasa Railway Station
Lhasa Railway Station first shown on Tour Travel Tibet Lhasa Railway Station, one end of Tibet Railway, is about 5 miles (8 kilometers) away from Potala Palace. At an altitude… Read More
Butter Tea
Butter Tea first shown on Tour Travel TibetButter tea of the type made by Tibetans is made by boiling the tea leaves repeatedly. The best quality tea is boiled for around half the day and ta… Read More
Songtsen Gampo
Songtsen Gampo first shown on Tour Travel TibetAt the young age of thirteen, Songtsen Gampo took the throne and sent a minister to Nepal to arrange a marriage alliance with Princess Bhrikuti… Read More

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