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Mapogu Co-Working Restaurant & Cafe Jimbaran Bali Reviewed 2023

Mapogu Co-Working Restaurant & Cafe Jimbaran Bali Reviewed 2023

For our family dinner we regularly try new places. We’ve seen Mapogu several times in Jimbaran, it’s a huge building in the corner of Goa Gong. You can’t really miss it. From the outside I expected Mapogu to be an upscale and expensive place. But when you enter this is not entirely true, upscale yes, expensive no. The menu is also nice.

Their website:

Internet Speed Test for Mapogu Co-Working / Restaurant

There were 5 people working at the Co-working space when we arrived at Mapogu, It is nice and a calm place. The internet test shows 18.6 Mbps down and 19.2 Mbps. This tells you something about the speed. Remote work can be done with these kinds of speed, some might be used to the internet much faster.

There were 4 or more possible hotspots to connect and at least 2 hotspots on 5G.

Mapogu spaces and interior

First impression was wow, this is nice and spacious. Tall ceiling and a modern clean look. Upon entry we immediately asked if we can just eat here, and we wanted to eat upstairs. No problem! First had to look around so I could take some pictures to share with you!

Lots of natural light can come in and it has a pleasant atmosphere. Because it’s a coworking space as well I was looking at the electricity sockets as well. You can find them alongside the wall, you would need however some extension/splitter if you are with multiple people. Not sure it Mapogu can provide this.

From the balcony upstairs you can see the GWK. That’s the tall statue. If you are interested or curious in it, I’ve got a whole review of GWK for that.

the Second floor also looks nice and spacious. From the picture you can see on the left booths that there are some sockets for your devices.

The booths provide 3 sockets per booth. Besides that, very comfortable seating!

Other places to sit and work or eat/chill are on the balcony, or the inside place.

So for interior design and comfort plus with lots of seating choice, I can only say wow! They can accommodate small and bigger teams to work in comfort. There is also a room with TV for presentations. I didn’t go in there but you could ask for it.


The Menu, as promised not all that too expensive. I mean 3 tacos for 80k! We took 2 rice bowls and a Fish & Chips though.

The Mapogu BBQ beef bowl

The taste of the meat very nicely done. Not spicy, but with some sweet soy, and garnished with sesame seeds. The vegetables still had the crunch and mixed in perfectly with the rice bowl.

Cheesy Korean Fried Chicken

The chicken, nice and crunchy is with some spicy sauce. Other than that also a very well made dish! It wasn’t dry, which often happens in these dishes.

Fish and chips

Most places in Bali would not even know how to make that fish like that. The fried it with the batter very well. The fish itself tasted very good! even the fries weren’t weak like most establishments would deliver.

Food rating

We we’re very surprised with the food! pleasantly I mean. The taste was very good, the texture on par with higher end places. This place offered a nice gastronomic experience.

I think it could be because there weren’t many guests or customers, that our service was great, and that the kitchen had no super rush in creating food for us.


We didn’t take something fancy, just a tea and a probiotic drink. Both were as expected. Nothing out of the ordinary here.

Mapogu as a co-working space

It might be interesting to note that you are expected to pay IDR 100,000 (US $6,25) per 2 hours. There is no membership. A full day working of 8 hours would be around US $25 worth of food and drinks. I think it’s fair though, since you can have a comfortable place to work.

Food wise Mapogu is defiantly worth trying! Go for a dinner when most digital nomads went home already. We were with only 5 other people there. For Co-working, I can see and understand the appeal of working there, but I won’t try that, I am not the target audience for that.

Oh yeah, if you are wondering, this isn’t a sponsored post

Oh yeah to promise it isn’t an expensive spot: this is about US $23 (or 20 euro)

This also includes the service charge, which is the tip in Bali!

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This post first appeared on Going Through Asian Cultures, Food, And Travel Tips, please read the originial post: here

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Mapogu Co-Working Restaurant & Cafe Jimbaran Bali Reviewed 2023
