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Miha invited me to Rex (+386 64 191 918; [email protected]) for his 40 b’day. I arrived around 20h to Eipprova street. Ones cool area in Trnovo close to city center became hipster area. But stil it has his charm. I brought Miha few dark beers from Craft shop – beer shop near by. Around 10-15 people gathered there. Met some people after 10 years, some people from high school and few new aquatances. I enjoyed nice chat there.

Miha 40 rd, rex

Half way through the night we ordered something to eat (kitchen is open until 22h). They offer burgers, hot dogs, friewd stuff, slads, dessert. I chose Rex burge, basic option. 9,9 € (45 days aged 100% Slovenian Angus beef, homemade BBQ sauce, caramelized red onions, GRAPOLO tomatoes, homemade tomato chutney, lettuce). All burgers are served with crispy fries and 2 pieces of onion rings. Changing fries is possible with an additional payment of €2.00 (sweet fries, chips, potato chips with skin).

Rex burger

Everybody was satisfied with food they got, but it was nothing special. Also they had good option of beers but in few hours they start to run out of most of them. After midnight we departed. Most of group went on to Zorica and later to Metelkova. I went home,

Rex Bistro on Cankar’s street 6 looks like it is owned by some people

This post first appeared on Dr Jam Travels, please read the originial post: here

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