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A Colorado wildcatter found a huge new North Slope oil field. Now it’s buying up new federal leases in Alaska.

Alaska is obviously someplace that the question of green travel deserves attention. There are lots of explanations why visitors are enthusiastic about Alaskan tours.

A Visit To Alaska

Quite often reading hometown news is a lot more interesting than elaborate travel magazine narratives. Per group pressure most people will consider this worth taking a look at because it tackles topics travelers are typically interested in. One thing that stands out are pieces that consist of complete content. This summary is related to points to contemplate for visitors taking a look at traveling to Alaska, the 49th State.

A Colorado wildcatter found a huge new North Slope oil field. Now it’s buying up new federal leases in Alaska.

was written by Nathaniel Herz, Alaska’s Energy Desk – Anchorage , 2019-12-12 01:00:43

be sure to visit their website, source link is at the end of the article

A map of Wednesday’s lease sale shows North Slope Exploration’s winning bids, in blue. (Courtesy Bureau of Land Management)

Armstrong Oil and Gas, the Denver-based independent oil company, is pushing into a big new swath of federal oil leases on the North Slope, after making one of Alaska’s biggest discoveries in years.

North Slope Exploration, a newly-formed company managed by Armstrong, was the biggest bidder in a federal lease sale Wednesday in the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska, the Indiana-sized area west of Prudhoe Bay.

North Slope Exploration bid roughly $10.5 million to win more than 80 leases, in a swath across the middle of the reserve. They total roughly 1 million acres, an area larger than the state of Rhode Island.

ConocoPhillips and another company, Emerald House, each bid on a few more tracts, and the total area bid on by companies was the most since 2004.

Critics blasted the sale as a “carbon bomb” that would worsen global warming while granting companies cheap access to federal resources. But the Trump administration, which has pushed aggressively to increase oil production on the North Slope, praised the results.

“This, we believe, reflects the continuing interest in developing resources in the largest single block of federally managed lands in the United States,” said Ted Murphy, a top Alaska official with the Bureau of Land Management, which conducted the lease sale.

The reserve had been neglected by industry for years until a pair of major new discoveries were announced in 2017 in a rock formation, the Nanushuk, that extends across the reserve. Companies had drilled dozens of wells into the Nanushuk but largely missed its potential until those two fields were found — one by ConocoPhillips that it’s calling Willow, and another by Armstrong known as Pikka.

The search for Pikka was recounted in a recent Wall Street Journal profile of the company’s chief executive, Bill Armstrong, which described him as the last of a dying breed — one of the “wildcatters” who search for new and undiscovered oil fields.

While wildcatters were the “longtime stars” of the industry, today’s oil companies are now spending less on exploration and are discovering fewer new deposits, the profile said. It labeled Armstrong “the last prospector” — a quirky Texan who wears jeans and Armani shirts, and dribbles a basketball around an indoor court in his Denver office. Armstrong didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday.

Trump administration critics quickly attacked the lease sale results on both environmental and fiscal grounds. The left-leaning, Washington D.C.-based Center for American Progress noted that Alaska is already the country’s fastest warming state, and pointed out that the leases were sold for an average of roughly $11 an acre.

“Oil speculators are getting a sweetheart deal and taxpayers are getting the shaft,” Senior Fellow Matt Lee-Ashley, who worked in the U.S. Interior Department during the Obama administration, said in a statement. “Today’s bargain basement lease sale is just the latest example of the Trump Administration selling off America’s public lands for pennies on the dollar.”

Lee-Ashley also noted that the bid amounts undercut predictions about how much oil revenue will come from development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, to the east.

The Congressional Budget Office, when lawmakers passed the 2017 tax reform package that opened the refuge’s coastal plain to development, said it expected $1.8 billion in gross revenue from leasing over the following decade.

With roughly 1.6 million acres available for leasing, as the Trump administration has tentatively proposed, meeting the CBO’s projections would require the average price per acre to exceed $1,000.

Read Original A Colorado wildcatter found a huge new North Slope oil field. Now it’s buying up new federal leases in Alaska. Article Here

Going To Alaska

In many cases the more valuable information does not come from sweeping academic reports but real world viewpoints highlighting individuals and small communities. However, actually frequently it’s the prominent institutions that provide the more interesting and instructive narratives. Without a doubt there is also a place for travel and tourism statistical research or policy assessment. Well written articles about a vacation in the State of Alaska including A Colorado wildcatter found a huge new North Slope oil field. Now it’s buying up new federal leases in Alaska. assist us to take a look at the broad potential of sustainable tourism.

Whether it is a result of influencers or social movements more often than not the public favor sustainable tourism and want to think of themselves as responsible vacationers. Alaska is a region where responsible travel and tourism is crucial.

Among the list of popular must see attractions for visitors heading to Alaska includes

Chugach National Forest. Only a third as big as Tongass National Forest, in Southeast Alaska, Chugach is nevertheless the second-largest national forest in the country and an extraordinary combination of forests, rivers, lakes, mountains and glaciers. Roughly the size of New Hampshire, Chugach incorporates a geographic variety that’s truly unique among national forests. The 5,940,000-acre forest is distributed across three distinct landscapes, stretching from the Kenai Peninsula east across Prince William Sound to encompass the Gulf Coast around the Copper River Delta, then east from there as far as the Bering Glacier. Wildlife is definitely abundant especially for anyone who make the effort to hike far from the roads and highways. Black and brown bear live in the majority of of the forest, foraging upon open tundra slopes and within intertidal zones. At the end of summer season, bears could very well be seen feeding upon spawned-out salmon along streams and rivers. Record setting moose live in the Kenai Peninsula and the Copper River Delta. Dall sheep sometimes appear on Kenai Peninsula mountainsides, mountain goats are found on steep hillsides along Prince William Sound, the Copper River Delta and occasionally above Portage Valley. Boaters and kayakers on Prince William Sound often see Dall porpoises, harbor seals, sea otters, sea lions, Orcas and humpback whales. More than 214 species of resident and migratory birds occupy Chugach National Forest. Seabirds, like blacklegged kittiwakes, nest within sea cliff colonies by the thousands. Ptarmigan scurry over alpine tundra, bald eagles perch on coastline snags and Steller’s jays forage in the underbrush. The Copper River Delta protects one of the largest concentrations of nesting trumpeter swans in North America together with the total population of dusky Canada geese. Nesting waterfowl are joined in springtime and autumn by countless numbers of migrating shorebirds. Chugach provides a variety of fishing options; anglers can cast for rainbow, lake and cutthroat trout and also Dolly Varden, Arctic grayling and all 5 species of Pacific salmon. Many of the fisheries are easy to reach; roadside lakes and rivers abound giving anglers an opportunity to fish without needing a boat. Chugach’s most noted fishery is the red salmon run of the Russian River in which anglers are often standing elbow-to-elbow along the river bank in July and July. Chugach is one of the few spots left in the world where glaciers spill out of the mountains and into the seas. When combined with the Bagley Icefield from which it originates, Bering Glacier is bigger than Switzerland. Columbia Glacier is one of the biggest tidewater glaciers in the world while Portage Glacier and its Begich-Boggs Visitor Center is actually one of the more popular stops for vacationers in Alaska.

A Visit To Chugach National Forest in the State of Alaska

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A Colorado wildcatter found a huge new North Slope oil field. Now it’s buying up new federal leases in Alaska.


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