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10 Things to Do With Your Boo on Valentine’s Day

10 Things To Do With Your Boo On Valentine’s Day

The key to building a strong relationship is meaningful shared time together. In fact, making an effort to create lasting memories builds up positive regard and shows the other person that you are invested in the relationship for the long term. Of course, coming up with ideas for such activities can be tough, especially if you’re not the most romantic or creative person by nature. That is why I have put my thinking cap on and devised the suggestions below. Read on to find out what they are, and take the first step to strengthen your relationship with your SO.

1. Switch It up With an Afternoon Tea

Afternoon tea is a one fun activity that you can share with your partner that can work particularly well. I think it’s because its something of a treat and an occasion, and that can show the person that it is prepared for how much you care.

If you are unfamiliar with this very British tradition, afternoon tea is a light meal that comprises of delicate finger sandwiches, small sweet treats such as scones, and a delicious pot of freshly brewed loose leaf tea. Although if your S.O. is a confirmed coffee drinker, you can make an exception for them.

You also have the choice of laying this on in your own home and making all the item yourself by hand or taking you S.O. out to a hotel for this treat instead.

Luckily, you will find that it isn’t too difficult to whip up a batch of scones, and put together a few sandwiches either. Although, it is worth knowing that in many of the larger city hotels they do a brisk trade in afternoon tea, and attending one in opulent surrounding can make things all the more special for you both as a couple.

2. Romantic Weekend Away

Of course, there are other options when deciding on what activity to do with your SO to celebrate and build your relationship. In particular, organizing a romantic weekend away can work very well. Although the key here is to match it to your partner’s needs.

What this means is that you need to think about what kind of person they are and what type of activity and environment they will most enjoy. For example, someone that loves spending time in the countryside may much prefer a short break in a cozy B&B or cabin where you can hike during the day, and then snuggle up by the fire in the evening.  

However, a person that enjoys being in the ‘thick of it’ may prefer a city break, with shopping, and the opportunity to visit cultural sites, or even take in a performance at the theatre, instead.

3. Couples Massage

Next, if you are looking for something that is more relaxing for your OH and yourself to share, why not consider something like a massage? The best thing about this is that you can now get a couples massage which means you both get the treatment as the same time, making it a much more of a shared experience, rather than one having to wait outside for their turn.

In particular, a couple massages can be an excellent choice for those whose SO is stressed out and in need of a little relaxation and pampering. Don’t be afraid to combine them with other treatments, or even go for a meal after as well, just to make it as special as possible for you both.

4. Get Crazy In the Kitchen 

There is nothing like heading out for a nice meal to show your other half how much you care for them. Happily, even the smallest towns often have restaurants or bistros where you can book their most romantic table.

Of course, if you are looking for something that is a bit more out of the ordinary, there are other culinary adventures you can take together. One in particular that you may like to try is attending a restaurant that offers a unique dining expense such as the ones that serve their entire menu in the dark. The idea of this being that the lack of your visual senses enhances your taste and smell and make the eating the food even more intense. Something that can make the experience much more exciting and fun for you both.

5. Create Something Together

Something that can work partially well as an activity that is meaningful for couples is the opportunity to create something together. In fact, there are now many classes, and day experiences design to do just this. The idea being that working together on something helps to improve communication and develop a feeling of emotional intimacy.

The good news is that there so many classes to choose from that no matter what your SO is into, you will be able to find something suitable. For example, you may wish to try a cheese making class together, a DIY course or even something unusual like an ironing mongery day, where you can create your own gate or home decoration to take with you when it’s all over as a souvenir.

6. A Charming Night In

Stayin in may not sound like the perfect meaningful or romantic night to treat your partner too, but it can actually be both.

Of course it vital that you put some serious effort into your plans, and that means just sticking on a half watched box set, and ordering in a pizza won’t cut it. Instead, think about making a grand gesture by decorating the garden with lights and serving an alfresco meal, or why not create a cozy fort in the living room where you can cuddle up, and enjoy some homemade treats?

7. An Adventure

The things about adventures are that they can build some of the closest bonds. In fact, when you get outside of your own comfort zone, you need to display faith in both yourself and the other person that is there with you, making the fantastic bonding experience for couples.

Activities that full under this category including going on a white water rafting or kayaking trip, attending a bush survival weekend, or evening planning a camping and hiking trip.

In fact, the latter can work exceptionally well because it is the perfect chance for you both to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern day life, and everyone else, allowing you to just spend some time together alone in nature. Something that can be particularly good for building and strengthening a relationship.

8. Picnic in the Park

It’s an oldie but a goody! Yes, a picnic in the park can be truly special, if you put in the effort to make it so. You need to start with just the right location. That means finding somewhere picturesque and quiet where you can talk freely and be yourselves.

In fact, a botanical garden often works well for this because they are beautiful most of the year round, and large enough that you can get some space for yourselves. Extra bonus points for anywhere with a pretty pond or water feature!

Think carefully about what you will pack in the picnic as well. You’ll want some tasty high-end food that is easy to eat, so go for bite-sized items such as fruit pieces, individuals tartlets, and small cakes.

You’ll want to provide some refreshments as well, and Bellinis are an excellent choice for a summer day if you are looking for something with a little kick. Although, you can find some superb virgin cocktails here if you want to stay away from alcohol during your romantic picnic.

9. A Challenge

Do you know what one of the best ways to bring you and your SO together as a couple is? It’s a challenge, a fun one of course! This is because with a challenge you get to work together on solving a problem, and this is something that can help bring you closer.

Happily, there a range of challenges you can choose from including sports-based tasks like batting cages and driving ranges, to something more out of the box like an escape room. A room in which many clues are placed, and you have to work as a team to solve them and get out before the time runs out.

Of course, if you can’t afford to pay to go to an organized escape room, or can’t find one in your area, you can always come up with your own at home as well. Something that kits like this can help you with.

10. Plan your Future

Lastly, and perhaps the most ultimate and meaningful couples activity to do together is to sit down and think about what you both want in your future.

In fact, this can be a practically useful exercise because it can help you to see where your similarities and differences are, an as well as provide a basis for you to start planning out some of your joint goals.

Of course, not everyone is great at talking about their dreams for the future, or their feelings, so instead of making it super serious, why not do it in the form of a bucket list and use online resources like Pinterest to help you?

Actually, doing it this way can provide you with fantastic insight into what your SO wants in life, and it can be a pretty fun activity to do as well. After all, you are essentially coming up with future meaningful activities to look forward to doing together.

Photo by Manuel Moreno

This post first appeared on TheUrbanRealist, please read the originial post: here

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10 Things to Do With Your Boo on Valentine’s Day
