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What To Keep In Your Truck – Life-Saving Advice From Veteran Truck Driver

What To Keep In Your Truck – Life-Saving Advice From Veteran Truck Driver

Winter is the season when truck drivers make lots of money.

Yet, winter life on the road brings dangers and hazards for the big-rig drivers.

So, it brings the well-known question – What to keep in your truck?

In order to stay safe and sound, truck drivers should take advantage of the winter life-saving tips from veteran truck drivers.

Knowing what to keep in your truck before you hit the road is crucial.

First of all, what truck drivers should pay attention to always, especially in winter, is to keep their trucks in its fittest possible state. Truck drivers shouldn’t let anything to chance.

So, before you find out which are the essentials that you have to keep in your truck during winter, first you will have to make sure that your truck has passed regular servicing and maintenance.

Later on, the second thing that truck drivers should do after they ensure that their truck is in the perfect driving condition is to make their own survival kit!

Further, in this article, you can read and learn winter life-saving tips from veteran truck drivers.

So, let’s find out what to keep in your truck during winter!


Water is definitely one of the most important essentials that over the road truck driver should carry with him when on the road.

Depending on the space that truck drivers have available in their truck cabin, they can take water in gallon jugs, or they can take smaller bottles.

Tip from a veteran truck driver on what to keep in your truck: Veteran truck drivers recommend a gallon per person.


Yet, if you have more space available, and at the same time you are heading over a long route, then you can take between 5 to 10 gallons.

Having water in your truck during winter is essential.

Truck drivers should not forget that fact!


When it comes to food, we all know that from full-on meals up to tiny little snacks, truck drivers should carry it all.

So, what to keep in your truck?
Regardless of the season- but especially in winter, truck drivers should have essentials in their truck such as are:

  • Meals that can be served hot;
  • Canned food;
  • Dried foods;
  • Protein bars, and so on;

Thereupon, the winter icy conditions coupled with the freezing temperatures can affect many different things. That is why truck drivers should always have food in their truck- and eventually a cooking device, such as a 12-volt oven.

Boots, Spare Clothes, and Extra Socks

Boots, spare clothes, and extra socks can be handy in winter situations.

By having the right boots, truck drivers can handle all types of winter situations. That way, water, mud as well as snow won’t represent any problem.

Moreover, on the other hand, we have the spare clothes that can keep truck drivers warmer in cold weather.

Tip from a veteran truck driver on what to keep in your truck:  Always have extra socks and spare clothes by your side!


Layers are the key! So be careful what to keep in your truck!

Winter conditions in the USA every now and then can get really bad, so straight proportionally truck drivers should help themselves to keep warm.

And what a better way to heat yourself than by putting on some more layers of winter clothes.


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What to keep in your truck? Well, the shovel is one of the things that you definitely have to have in your truck during winter.

The shovel is of a great importance for truck drivers in winter.


Yet, it remains to be the most overlooked items. So, if you were wondering what to keep in your truck- make sure to never forget a shovel.

The prime purpose of the shovel is to dig, lift or move bulk materials. In this case, truck drivers can use it to dig snow.

Having a shovel in your truck can get you out of bad snow related situations.

Blanket or Sleeping Bag

Do you know how many times truck drivers have found themselves stuck on the highways during winter? Can you guess now what to keep in your truck?

So, what you can do when preparing your emergency kit, is to get a blanket or sleeping bag.

By having these two items you will definitely stay warm in any situation you might find yourself in.

Tip from a veteran truck driver on what to keep in your truck:   It is vital for truck drivers to keep themselves warm during winter!

Emergency Battery Pack For Your Electronics

How many batteries should you keep in your emergency kit?


Having an extra cache of batteries and portable power sources is a must for truck drivers.

What truck drivers should do is to consider battery powered requirement if it happens that they find themselves in an emergency power outage.

Tip from a veteran truck driver on what to keep in your truck: Always have an emergency battery pack to charge your phone.


Flashlights are truck drivers’ best friend when they find themselves in unwanted situations. So what to keep in your truck in order to help yourself in any unwanted situation?


In addition, flashlights can help truck drivers to navigate easily through the darkness.

Truck drivers can as well use flashlights for signaling as well.

So, over the road truck driver should keep one in his truck!

Tool Kit

Toolkits are yet one more essential that truck drivers should carry with them all the time, especially in winter.

Due to the weather conditions, it might happen that your truck needs additional vehicle repairs. So, if you find yourself in such situation, then you could make use of the toolkit to temporarily fix your truck and get to a better location.

Truck drivers have the option to purchase pre-made toolkit, or to make it by themselves.

A wind-up radio

In general, a wind-up radio converts electricity from the mechanical energy of winding mechanism. This winding mechanism might come in the form of small electric generator.


So, additionally, truck drivers might be in need of one, especially in winter.

By simple winding truck drivers can get to know what the state of the road is, and whether the conditions have improved.

A First Aid Kit

Accidents are not wished, but they do happen in daily life. So, definitely, the answer on what to keep in your truck includes a first aid kit!

By keeping a first aid kit, truck drivers can help respond effectively to common injuries, emergencies, or accidents. After all, the importance of first aid is hard to overestimate.


In case truck drivers find themselves in some accident, thanks to the first aid kit they can ensure that the right methods of administering medical assistance are provided.

Jumper cables

The jumper cables are electric cables that are used to connect two road vehicles.

Thereupon, the jumper cables are of a great importance and help especially in winter time when you might find your truck not starting well.

So, what truck drivers can do in such situations is to make use of the jumper cables and call for a help from a colleague of yours to start the truck.

Ice Scraper

The ice scraper is the most used tool by truck drivers during winter.


Generally, ice scrappers are tools that are used by truck drivers to remove ice, frost, and snow. These tools are composed of a plastic blade and handle. Preferably these tools come with a brush.

Without ice scrapers, truck drivers would be faced with a difficulty to keep the windows clear.

Auxiliary Fuel Tanks

Auxiliary fuel tanks come in various shapes and sizes, such as are the following ones:

  • Toolbox and fuel tank combos;
  • Larger replacement fuel tanks;
  • In-bed auxiliary fuel tanks;
  • DOT legal refueling tanks;

Long distances, high fuel prices as well as harsh elements can lead truck drivers in becoming stranded due to running out of fuel.

Thereupon, auxiliary fuel tanks are just one more “must have item” in your truck all the time, especially in winter.

Truck drivers should be constantly prepared to face the challenges that winter brings with the help of auxiliary fuel tanks.

When truck drivers have an auxiliary tank in their truck, then they won’t face the urge to rely on a truck stop station since they have a backup option.

Signal Device

Unfortunately, signaling devices might be the last chance for truckers who are stuck on the road in winter.

That is why all truckers should get informed about all types of signal devices. Starting from the high-tech modern electronics up to the primitive techniques.


Although, it might be the case that the most under-practiced winter survival tip, but signaling should be taken more seriously.

Tip from a veteran truck driver on what to keep in your truck: Road flares represents a good option for truck drivers who want to increase their visibility on stormy and snowy nights.

Extra Medication

Since the chances of getting stranded in winter are high, truck drivers should make sure not to run out of their necessary and essential medication.


Here is the essential extra medication that each truck driver should have in his survival kit:


This medication will relieve your pain. It is both used for fever reduction and thinning the blood.

In addition, the aspirin is helping people in the recovery from a heart attack.


When speaking about pain relief medicine one must not forget the ibuprofen. This medication is reducing the inflammation and swelling.

At the same time, it is a fever reducer too.

Cough Control

Winter weather do bring influenza, sinus infections as well as allergies.  In order to fight these conditions truck drivers should have on their disponibility cough control medications.

These medications come in liquid as well as pill form.


When truck drivers are feeling discomfort and are fighting with an SHTF situation, then they would take a use of a little laxative pill.

Laxatives are a must for truck drivers because they usually have body discomfort due to the type of food that they are consuming.

Moreover, the food that truck drivers are eating can lead them to constipation- and if this condition is not treated on time it has the power to kill.


Many truck drivers do overlook vitamins. Yet, vitamins are the most important thing that they should have in their survival kit.


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What makes vitamins to be an essential part of truck drivers’ survival kit is the fact that truck drivers due to the food and water they are consuming often are faced with a vitamin deficiency.

The body and the immune system have the need of vitamins and minerals in order to function normally!

Rock salt

When winter storms hit, truck drivers are faced with twisted and treacherous roads.

So, if truck drivers have to escape a bad spot on the road, then they can get a bit of traction thanks to rock salt.

Thereupon, having a rock salt in your truck is one more essential that can help you survive winter weather and to get to the final destination without any problem.

Air compressor

The fact that cold weather can lead to a loss of tire pressure is widely known. So, truck drivers should always carry an air compressor with them.

Truck drivers can maintain a good tire pressure at all times only with the help of air compressor.

Survival tips

Here are few important survival tips that truck drivers could count on during winter:

Prepare your vehicle

Make sure you keep your gas tank at least half full, and you have prepared an auxiliary fuel tank.

Be easy to find

Use GPS tracking devices or tell someone where you are going and the route you will take.

Stay in your vehicle

Walking in a storm can be very dangerous because you might become lost or exhausted. So, in these type of situations staying in the truck is the best solution for truck drivers.

Avoid Overexertion

Shoveling snow or pushing your car takes a lot of effort in storm conditions. Truck drivers should not put themselves at risk of a heart attack or injury.

That work can also make you hot and sweaty- wet clothing loses insulation value, which can lead to hypothermia.

If stuck

If a truck driver finds himself stuck on the road then he should tie a fluorescent flag (from your kit) on the antenna or hang it out the window.

At night, keep your dome light on so that rescue crews can get to you.

Don’t expect to be comfortable

Getting stuck in the middle of load transportation during winter is not comfortable at all.

So, what truck drivers have to have on their mind in that kind of situation is that the only thing that they have to do is to survive until they are found.

Fresh Air

What to keep in your truck- well it might be silly when you first hear it, but keeping a fresh air in your truck cab has a lot of benefits. Keep in mind that it is better to be cold and awake than comfortably warm and sleepy.


All in all, driving a class 8 truck from one point to another through several states is not an easy task at all. It is crystal clear that truck drivers are faced with a real challenge- which is to face snow storms successfully, to stay safe and sound and to transport the loads on time to the final destination. Does it lead them to the question- what to keep in your truck?

I do hope that these winter life-saving tips that you had the chance to read this article will be of your great use if you find yourself in an unwanted situation. But in one thing I’am completely sure, these winter life-saving tips will help you stay compliant with the following regulatory bodies: FHA, ETA, ATA, FMCSA, OSHA, as well as TSA.

So, get these items, make your survival kit and stay safe and sound this winter!

The post What To Keep In Your Truck – Life-Saving Advice From Veteran Truck Driver appeared first on Fueloyal.

This post first appeared on Semi Truck Accidents – 10 Best Tips For Safely Sharing The Road With Truck Drivers, please read the originial post: here

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What To Keep In Your Truck – Life-Saving Advice From Veteran Truck Driver
