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In the greenhouse with flowers


In the greenhouse full of flowers

Today was the day that I promised myself in the morning, that I would go to the cemetery. After dinner, we check the weather broadcast on the phone before we decided to to go. On the way, we stopped by a store to buy some flowers and soil. It was about 20 minutes away on a bikes, and it just stopped raining. We reached the shop, which turned out to be a great greenhouse of beautiful flowers. As you can see in the pictures. As we were in the greenhouse, a huge storm broke out, which lasted about 40 minutes. It thundered and flashed around us, the downpour was not over. By shortening the story, it stopped raining, we got on bicycles loading the flowers, we did not drive five minutes as it began to rain again, this time without interruption. We drowned to the dry thread, but the action of the flowers in the cemetery was successful. We do not have pictures of gravestones with beautiful flowers, it has not stopped. On the way back we stopped only for a small black coffee, my wife felt very cold. It's already nine o'clock and it's still raining. Tomorrow we may have the opportunity to go to Ogrodzieniec, hopefully it will not rain.

This post first appeared on Travel Blog, please read the originial post: here

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In the greenhouse with flowers
