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Dining in Malagá: a seafood love affair (photo diary + location details)

Dining In Malagá: A Seafood Love Affair (photo Diary + Location Details)

Sometimes when you visit a place for a short time, there isn’t much real value you can offer to a reader by the way of comparison. And though I lived in Malagá, Spain over four years ago, when I revisited it recently, I couldn’t remember any of my places-to-eat at all! Luckily, however, my dining experiences were pretty perfect, and I am somewhat of a Spanish food aficionado. So, I would like to offer you a photo diary of some delicious food places in Malagá. Hope you find this useful, as ever.

Museo de Malagá

La Recova, Pje Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores de San Juan, 5, 29005 Málaga (click here for Google map location)

La Peregrina Centro, Calle Madre de Dios, 17, 29012 Málaga (click here for Google map location)

Los Mellizos Málaga, Calle Sancha de Lara, 7, 29015 Málaga (click here for Google map location)

Playa de La Malagueta

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Dining in Malagá: a seafood love affair (photo diary + location details)
