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Some Ideas: Heart-Centered Open Focus

You are worried: how can you drop your feelings? Or ask them to accompany you to some event or activity. The more you repress, the more nervous you will feel; the more nervous you feel, the more you will repress. For instance, a salesperson needs to be an outgoing, assertive, positive, and self-motivated person who takes initiative and is persuasive and articulate. And if you go on saying no to each and every thing, chunk by chunk you are disappearing. Maybe somebody has more, somebody has less, somebody has black and somebody has red, but that doesn't matter much. Allow it. No longer do we need to accept the narrative of faulty genes as our fate. But first you have to train your body to give those cues.Initially, you need to physically move your body to get your answers. Then, if you like what is probable you can either relax or do what is necessary to make that happen. It is not bubbling up from the heart. It holds you back. In that moment don't bring in the human element of control. But the secret is that hope can be more than a feeling. People are just obsessed with sex twenty-four hours a day. They make beautiful ideals and then they force the ideals on you. It can make you depressed, it can make you angry, but depressed and angry, you never change. The goose goes on becoming bigger and bigger and bigger, and fills the whole bottle. They improve our mood. If you can learn to be a little wild, your problems will begin to disappear. In his old age, when he was dying—on his deathbed and still enjoying, laughing hilariously—a disciple asked, You puzzle us. So much suffering in the world is not natural; it is a very unnatural state of affairs. Don't create this division of subject and object. A good way to do this is through mental scripting to create new patterns and approaches in your mind that you can then play out in real life. If you have been too long in the mountains, how can you take your skis off first? The woman has chosen the most beautiful, but the most mountainous, dangerous path of emotions, sentiments, moods. Think of the guide as a wise teacher, someone who has faith in the foundation they have provided and trusts that the student will be able to weather what life brings. And from that very moment your life is a life of celebration—because you need not do anything that harms you, you need not do anything that makes you miserable. Even if you remind him, he will laugh. The theory is very famous, the James-Lange theory. Sit down under the tree again and gradually let go of the experience and return to your everyday consciousness.Making Quick DecisionsFor quick, everyday decisions you obviously can't take the time needed to go on mental journeys or have an ongoing dialogue with your expert. Then whatever you are doing you have to depend on just your energy source. But many people don't know or they want so many things that they can't get it all, or anything, because they lack focus. Then those feelings had translated into change in the everyday world.The key to building up your confidence and self-esteem and overcoming fears, anxieties, self-doubts, and limiting beliefs is to focus on what you can do, know you can do it, and see yourself doing it. But that's what people are doing. This technique is especially useful when you either hope something will happen or are afraid something will and aren't sure. Just write down whatever comes to you. The exercise is divided into two parts that will help to get your ideas flowing and help you to apply the process in a real situation.To get your creative juices flowing choose the first common objects that come to mind: things in your office, home, on the street, or natural objects. In providing a secure and open space for your children to explore, you will also learn about yourself and the possibilities that each of us contains when we are free to express our authentic Selves. In fact, to see your own husband or wife in a dream is a rare phenomenon. Most of the other employees in the company were single men who thrived on the long hours. When you are done, return to your everyday state of consciousness.Now take the information you have acquired to create an activities list for yourself. That's because everything in the universe is made up of molecules of energy that come together to form material objects, including you and your thoughts. You say, Okay, if this brings transformation then I will accept myself. It is a kind of control that happens spontaneously with witnessing. But as you go down the layers get thicker and thicker, and whiter and whiter. To get started, all you need to do is choose one self-love practice and one building connection practice. This seems strange because ordinarily we think, A feeling type—how can he go into nonfeeling? When you are angry, one can rely on it that your anger is not false, not cold; it is hot and alive. Such skills and abilities can run the gamut from job or hobby skills to social skills. A whole hour's effort! She said, That is good, but still not good enough. Eventually, I no longer needed to use this technique for increasing energy since the process became so automatic, but in the beginning I applied the technique again and again to feel more energized in different situations.The power energy increasing technique can be very useful for everyone. But that is the only exception—which may be simply a myth, which may be just a retrospective idea. When you are finished, place a small picture of yourself in the center of this image. All the priests have been condemning you. That is ordinarily called love. For all of these techniques find a place where you can get relaxed and comfortable. He is repeating the story of Turgenev, because living in the negative he feels great; his ego feels satisfied. Just watch and the donkey will go. The result is a radically new perspective: we can be active participants in our own well-being. One starts learning how to cut off feelings and slowly the heart is simply bypassed; one goes directly to the head. If you choose you will die. A lightbulb? This is what I would call real life. They searched desperately for any method, any medicine that would help Mulla to sleep, because the whole family was going crazy. What's more, pets fulfill our human need for touch. The deeper love of the heart is just like a breeze that comes into your room, brings its freshness, coolness, and then is gone. Man has completely forgotten how to feel; even when he says I feel, in fact he thinks he feels. Molding and shaping takes many forms and occurs when a parent-figure consistently projects their own wants, needs, or desires onto their child—such as telling their child to avoid certain friends or focus on certain classes in school. The so-called religions will disappear, and because the so-called religions will disappear there will be, for the first time in the world, an opportunity for an authentic religiousness to exist. Did I go to school in New York? You become full of anger; every fiber of your being is throbbing with anger. Just see yourself going back as you take an elevator or train back in time. The emperor said, If we keep a bow stretched continuously it will lose elasticity, it will not be of any use then. Out of your own joy, you bless the whole of existence. The three types of images suggested here are a color image, animal image, and expert image. (See Meditations and Exercises for Transformation for a description.) After the third day you will enjoy the exercise so much that you will start looking forward to it. He said, I don't believe all these things. Just find a single principle that suits you, that feels in tune with you, and that is enough. The techniques in this book will help you channel and guide this power, but feel free to use other images and procedures to achieve the same end. It is others' opinion about you that creates the ego. Some things will resonate, others won't; the objective is to use the tools that work best for you. The other may not be the cause of all the suffering, but a process has been triggered. Third, cognitive self-care involves being aware of your thoughts, challenging and correcting any habitual negative thinking, affirming personal strengths, and engaging in activities that feed and develop your brain, such as reading and learning new things. But the situation has changed. The future is probable because when you look ahead you will see likely alternatives. In India, the most ancient text about sex, Vatsyayana's Kama Sutra, says that if you make really wild love, once a year is enough! It will look almost impossible for the modern mind—once a year? The idea that there is a God who cares for us seems to be simply a joke. In other words, it's not your fault. If your goal is getting a bigger office, see yourself sitting in it and talking to clients. Now ask your question. It's a story that gets to the root of chronic pain, stress, fatigue, anxiety, gut dysregulation, and nervous system imbalances that have long been dismissed or ignored by traditional Western medicine. And the same remote controller can work to make you happy. If they follow the rituals prescribed by the priest, he will save them. The whole day you work hard, you chop wood, then in the night you go into your deepest sleep. Concentrate on focusing inward. Just think: the woman you have fallen in love with goes to a doctor and gets her sex changed, starts growing a beard and mustache—will you still love her? And because it is your own finding, not some ritual imposed upon you, you will love going deeper into it. Watch the body. You have missed a great opportunity again.

This post first appeared on Black Green Screen, please read the originial post: here

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Some Ideas: Heart-Centered Open Focus


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