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Workplace Violence 2019


Workplace violence has haunted us for decades, from shootings, bomb threats, harassment, and much more. Our goal is to help you understand the warning signs of someone being potentially violent. We also want to show you how quickly and dangerous these circumstances could be should they transpire. All businesses should be acquainted with and aware of these warning signs of potential workplace violence. Every employee should do their best to prevent any form of workplace violence, no matter the industry.  Where there is awareness, there is prevention.

Warning Signs That One Is Troubled or Potentially Violent.

•  Blaming others for their mistakes •  Making inappropriate statements
• Poor personal hygiene • No regard for the health and safety of others
• Inability to focus• Prejudice personal treatment
• Unpredictable change in attitude or energy • Pushing others limits to “see what they can get away with”
• Social isolation • Flawed decision making
• Refuses to acknowledge poor job performance • Being a dictator
• Disrespect for authority • They are never wrong
• Immoderate lateness/absenteeism • Escalated amount of mistakes or errors
• Does not handle criticism • Making inappropriate statements
• Fascinated with violence • No regard for the health and safety of others
• Makes threats • Prejudice personal treatment
• Threatening behavior • Pushing others limits to “see what they can get away with”
• Impulsive • Flawed decision making
• Easily frustrated • Being a dictator
• Temper tantrums • They are never wrong
• Sulking/crying  

It is essential to know the physical signs of potential workplace violence as well. When a person has the potential to be violent, body language can speak louder than words in several situations. Though most are not aware, in most cases, there are tell-tale signs that one will commit a violent act, whether through words, body language, or strange behavior.

Physical Warning Signs That One Is Actively Becoming Violent

•    Pale/flushed skin •    Staring
•    Sweating •    Loud talking
•    Violating your personal space •    Voice changes
•    Extreme fatigue signs •    Violent indications
•    Shaking or trembling  

Classifications for Workplace Violence

Type I: Criminal intent: Here the offender has no personal relationship with the business or employees.

Example: Acts of terrorism, bullying, stalking, harassment

Type II:  Customer/client: When the perpetrator has a relationship with the business or employees and becomes violent while being assisted by the company.

Example: Customer, patient, inmate or student.

Type III: Worker-on-worker: An employee or past employee of the business that threatens a current or past employees. In 2014, worker-on-worker fatalities accounted for approximately 15 percent of all workplace homicides.

Type IV:  Personal relationship: The offender has a personal relationship with the intended victim.

Example: Domestic violence victims receiving threats while at work.

Type IV of violent encounters accounted for about 7 percent of all workplace homicides in 2014.

Unfortunately, some employees have increased chances of being involved in workplace violence due to their profession. Do you have a high-risk job?


Below Are Jobs That Are Labeled under the “High-Risk” Classification for Workplace Violence.

•    Taxi drivers

•    Retail workers

•    Letter carriers

•    Workers who deal with money in the public

•    Workers who deliver passengers and goods

•    Workers that work alone

•    Those who work in “high crime” rated areas

•    Those who work in healthcare and social services

Two million American workers have reported being a victim to workplace violence. The average number of workplace homicides annually is four-hundred. All the more reason safety should be one of your top priorities. Security equipment, security guards, and emergency plans are all examples of security. Security decreases the probability of violent acts in the workplace. It also ensures that if something were to happen, it could be reported immediately to law enforcement officials.

Training for Workplace Violence

Training regarding safety will always be an essential factor in the workplace. It is imperative that the employees are and feel safe, as safe, comfortable environments are more likely to run smoother. There are a number of resources available to help employers arm their staff with knowledge and the skills to help prepare them for an emergency situation.

Work Violence Prevention for Nurses – This website has a training course for nurses. It is a free course designed to help/inform healthcare professionals understand the nature of violence in their workplace.

Prevention Programs – This website offers an ongoing amount of programs for workplace violence prevention for many different businesses and organizations.

As previously stated, training is imperative. Being that employers are held accountable for their employee’s security on the clock, this information should be taken in to account immediately. Training exercises can help reduce the risk of a violent incident happening on your working grounds. Liability also happens to be an essential reason to have security and proper training. Employers can be held liable in court if the court finds the employer did not have security and protection plans in place to “prevent” the attack especially if the business is dealing with “dangerous” customers or clients such as inmates or the mentally ill. You do not want your company vulnerable to lawsuits. Furthermore, employees and customers have the right to feel safe at work and when they come into your place of business. If they don’t, it doesn’t exactly give your business a vigorous name.

Workplace Violence That Has Already Affected 2019.

January 1, 2019 – A bystander and one of the shooters were injured in gunfire exchange at a Shell gas station in St.Louis. The bystander was taken to the hospital and is in stable condition. The shooter was taken to the hospital and is in critical condition.

January 2, 2019 – There was a shooting in a parking lot in St. Matthews in Louisville Kentucky. No one was injured. Law enforcement officials do not have any lead at the moment.

January 2, 2019 – At a Loomis Grocery Store in Loomis, California, two individuals (man and woman) went inside a grocery store to shoplift. A security guard approached the two, to stop them. They became violent and pulled out a knife with intentions to stab the security guard. A good Samaritan stepped in and stopped the two individuals from hurting the security guard. No one was injured.

January 2, 2019 – A man is in the hospital in critical condition as he was shot by a downtown hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The police are investigating the shooting.

Tips for staying safe in the workplace

Keep your employees safe from workplace violence

The post Workplace Violence 2019 appeared first on Community Response Systems.

This post first appeared on Community Response Systems, please read the originial post: here

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Workplace Violence 2019
