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Intersat Blog

We have also brought affordable Broadband Internet via Satellite to rural Africa.
Ku-band is quite popular for its usage in satellite broadcast communications, and can be commonly found in remote regions of the world. Providers of satellite connectivity in Africa especial… Read More
VSAT or a Very Small Aperture Terminal is a type of two-way ground station that can both transmit and receive data from satellites. A VSAT is known to be less than three meters tall, and is… Read More
Looking for reliable broadband services is not as easy as most people make it sound. Whether you are looking for broadband Internet in Africa or you are looking for broadband services in oth… Read More
Stay Connected To The World In Africa
Africa is a vast continent with many remote places. In people’s mind, Africa remains as a wild place full of animals, backward tribes and some good people think that it is an un-spoilt… Read More
How Internet In Africa Works
The discovery of the worldwide web is a turning point in the history of mankind. In spite of all the prejudice against the Africans because of their skin color and labels of primitivism asso… Read More
Why To Use Internet In Africa?
An internet service is finest of most of the innovations, which the world is able to encounter today. With the help of internet service, we are able to communicate, work and live to a larger… Read More
Make Internet Connection Speed Up
Make internet connection speed up: A standout amongst the most profitable advances that individuals appreciate today is the Internet. Numerous appreciate the colossal joy o… Read More
Providing Internet By Satellite...
Providing internet by satellite connectivity is not new in Africa and has only been growing over the last decade. Read more at… Read More
VSAT Service In Africa
VSAT Service in Africa: Internet is the medium that empowers people to interface with each other. It has turned out to be such an imperative part of one’s life that it… Read More