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Welcome to DefinIT Insights, your go-to resource for all things IT. Explore our collection of articles covering everything from the latest trends in Managed IT Services to expert insights on maximizing technology’s potential to improve your business.
Data is the lifeblood of businesses, driving decision-making, innovation, and customer engagement. From customer records and financial transactions to intellectual property and operati… Read More
The computer support specialist job outlook could increase by 9% between 2020 and 2030; faster than most other industries. In fact, over 72,000 new specialists could enter the workforc… Read More
How To Choose An IT Support Company
Downtime in a business from IT failures can have a catastrophic effect on a company. Gartner recently put a figure on this, and that number came to a jaw-dropping $5600 per minute!… Read More
Many companies tend to underestimate the importance of keeping their data safe and secure. Even if you're not a data or a technology company, you can't afford to neglect your data s… Read More
7 Benefits Of Managed IT Solutions
The global managed services market could grow by a compound annual growth rate of 12.7% between 2021 and 2028. More businesses are recognizing the need for managed IT solutions. In… Read More
Over 80% of CEOs say technology is the biggest disruptive threat to their organizations. With IT consulting Orlando services, technology can become an asset. You can find new ways t… Read More
In IT, the principle of least privilege (PoLP) alludes to the idea that any interaction, program or client should be given just the absolute minimum advantages (access or authorizat… Read More
In the course of the most recent couple of years, we have seen a few tech organizations, for example, Buffer, Todoist and Help Scout, to give some examples, change to a completely d… Read More
Backup Basics There’s an old saying in IT that goes something like this: “You never realize how important backups are until you need one and don’t have one.” U… Read More
Great Team Collaboration Made Easy
The secrets to great team collaboration really aren’t all that mysterious. Read on to find out why. You know those stock images of people working together? The ones where everyo… Read More
How Search Engines View Your Website
Visitors often see your website almost as a piece of graphic art. They notice the color scheme, the layout, the pictures, and the videos. As humans, we like things that look pretty&md… Read More
What’s one of the first things you notice about a new computer? How fast it is, right? You may marvel at the pristine HD screen or laud the concert-venue worthy sound that pou… Read More
Five Ways To Fail At Social Media
Want to succeed at your business’s social media efforts? Of course you do. And you’re not alone in trying. According to a report on Mashable, 81 percent of small an… Read More
Is Managed IT For You?
Do you need Managed IT Services? What are they, and what’s in it for you? You might be surprised at the answers. You’ve bought a new computer. You can turn it on, c… Read More
Team Collaboration Made Easy
The secrets to great team collaboration really aren’t all that mysterious. Read on to find out why. You know those stock images of people working together? The ones where eve… Read More
ROI Is King.
How can small businesses apply the concept of return on investment (ROI)?In the French-speaking world, roi literally means king. But in the business world, ROI — return on inv… Read More
How To Backup Your Computer
This Article Will Cover: Backup Basics What a Backup Is What a Backup Is Not Why Backups Are Essential What You Should Back Up Available Backup Options How to Back Up Y… Read More

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