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HIIT Workouts | Build Muscle at Home

HIIT refers to fast-paced workouts ie. High-intensity high-interval training. If you are interested in doing more workouts in less time to get faster results then a Hiit workout may be a solid addition to your workout routine. HIIT workout means interspersing periods of hard effort with lighter recovery periods.

You’ll see lots of workout routines and work-rest intervals used in HIIT workouts, but there’s no fixed way you require to structure your workout. However, true HIIT is totally different from HIIT’s most general-population exercisers. According to “true” HIIT, you need to keep your work periods really short and your rest periods longer. Rest periods are usually two to three times the duration of your work period. It’s great training for athletes to improve themselves.

HIIT Workouts

HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is a form of exercise that helps in boosting metabolism and strength building in a much shorter time. You can simply understand that working for 40 seconds and resting for 20 is significantly different from working for 20 and resting for 40. It’s much better for improving endurance and shorter ones better for power.

Also, the intensity of the work periods matters a lot. With HIIT workout, it’s also important to push yourself hard and get the most benefit from it. You should try and maintain a consistent level of effort while doing workouts. Below mentioned are some HIIT workouts you should do:-

1. Hand-Release Push-Ups

For Hand release push-ups, start with a push-up position. And, lower your body from all the sides down to the floor. Lift your hands off the ground for a second and then exhale when you press your body all the way back up. If you need to modify this workout, just drop to your knees.

2. Plyo Push-Ups

Get in a push-up position, by lowering your body to the floor.  Start a big push off the floor and lift your hands off the ground.  For modification, you can drop to your knees.

3. Russian Twists

HIIT workout strengthens our core with necessary Russian tips. Firstly, sit on the floor, with your heels touching the floor. Also, lift yourself and keep your hands at your chest. Then, twist yourself from side to side.

4. Single-Leg Burpees

Firstly, lower your body into a squat position and place your hands on the floor. Remember, place your hands in front of your feet directly. Now, jump your feet back with only one foot and lower your body to the floor. Keep your feet back to your hands and then jump into the air with the same foot. Don’t touch your other feet to the floor. And, go into the next rep without touching down. Repeat the same for 30 seconds from both sides.

5. Supermans with Lateral Raises

For this HIIT workout, lie on your stomach and lift your legs and arms off the floor. Arms reach should be straight in front of you. Then, keep your legs up by squeezing your back and glutes. Lastly, pull your elbows down towards your waist and then return to the starting position. Then, repeat the same sets after a short interval.

6. Lateral Lunges with Hops

In this HIIT workout, start by stepping your right leg out to your side for a lateral lunge. Remember, to keep your right leg straight. Then, move your right leg up to a 90-degree angle and hop on your left leg. Repeat the same on each side.

7. Tuck-Ups

For truck-ups, lie on your back with arms straight over your head. Then crunch your legs into your chest in such a way that you lift your back off the ground. Grab your legs, and balance with the help of your glutes. Now, return to the starting position and repeat the same.

8. Mountain Climbers

For a mountain climber workout, you need to start in a high plank position with your shoulders over your wrists. Then, quickly roll each knee into your chest. Use your knees one by one as if you’re running.

HIIT Cardio

HIIT is a combination of brief and very-high intensity bursts of cardio exercises followed by rest breaks. You can use HIIT workout with cardiovascular forms of training like running or cycling to strength training.

HIIT cardio workout is a combination of workouts, cardio moves like butt, kickers, and skaters with traditional strength-training moves like plank and reverse lunges.  In this way, you’ll challenge yourself cardiovascular as well as work on your muscles to get stronger. For athletes, HIIT cardio is the best way to enhance physical performance.

Butt Kicker

  • Firstly, stand tall
  • Then, the core is engaged with your hip-width apart and your hand placed on each other at the small of your back.
  • Jog in that place and kick your heels high to tap your butt.

Reverse Lunge

  • For a reverse lunge, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and keep your core engaged.
  • Now, get back to your left foot and bend both knees to sink into a lunge, core engaged. Remember to keep your hips tucked, and back straight.
  • Then, return to your starting position by pushing off your left foot and step forward.
  • Repeat the same with another side. Continue the reverse lunge with alternate sides.

In case, If reverse lunges hurt your knees, try to do static lunges. For this, you need to begin with your feet in a staggered stance and then bend both knees to 90 degrees and drop into a lunge. You have to do all the reps on one side, then repeat reps from the opposite side.

Pop Squat

  • For a pop squat, stand on your feet and keep your hands at your chest and core engaged.
  • Now, jump your feet wide and sit back in a wide squat. Bend your both knees and engage your glutes until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Tap the ground with your left hand.
  • Then, jump your feet back together and return to the starting position. Do it in a place and then jump wide immediately. And, again drop into another wide squat, this time tap the floor with your right hand.
  • Continue to do the pop squats by using alternative hands for tapping the floor each time.

For the lower impact, do a classic squat and without the hop.

Downward Dog to Toe Tap

  • Start in a Downward Dog position and then begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Then, pike your hips and lift your knees so that your body forms an inverted V-shape. And your head in a relaxing position between biceps. Remember, your arms, legs should be straight, back flat, and core engaged. However, you may feel a stretch in the backside of your legs.
  • Now, with the starting position, lift your left hand and reach back to tap your right foot’s toes. Allow your torso to rotate naturally in that direction.
  • Then, place your hand back at the initial position where you started. And immediately roll into a high plank. Remember, to keep your wrist under your shoulders, your legs straight glutes, and your core engaged.
  • Now you need to push back yourself into your Downward Dog position. This time lift your right hand and bring it back to tap the toes on your left foot.
  • At last, continue to alternate between opposite toe taps from your high plank and Downward Dog. Try to do the movement smoothly and continuously.

Remember, to keep your core engaged so that your hips don’t drop down when you come into a high plank position.


  • For skater HIIT cardio workout, Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lift your left leg and jump to the right.  Keep your right leg straighten and follow.
  • When you land on your left foot, swing your right foot behind you. Also, keep your right foot off the floor. Now, bring your right hand down and swing your left arm behind your back.
  • Now, swing your right leg to the left and jump. Then, lightly land on your right foot. Again, allow your right foot to swing behind you, and your left hand to come down toward the floor and your right arm to swing behind your back.
  • At last, continue to skate from one side to another side.
  • For the lower impact of this workout, you can skip the jump and continue by just taking a wide step to each side.

Forearm Plank

  • For the forearm plank, place your forearms on the ground and elbows directly underneath your shoulders. Your hands should face forward so that arms remain parallel to each other.
  • Then, extend your legs behind you and your feet should be hip-width apart.
  • Now, tuck your tailbone and butt, core engaged.
  • At last, hold this position for a few seconds.

To make sure that your core is engaged, think about pulling your belly button up to the ceiling.

Weekly HIIT Plan

HIIT Workout is for all the people who range from local gyms to professional athletes. The great thing about HIIT workouts is that they can be done anywhere with no specific gym equipment. However, HIIT is a training technique in which you need to put your 100% effort through an intense and quick burst of exercise. It is followed by short and active recovery periods.

HIIT exercises increase your metabolism which leads to burning more calories, lose more fat, and achieve cardiovascular fitness levels in a short duration.  HIIT conditions and trained in both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems. Before starting any HIIT plan, you should be ready to exercise for at least 20-30 minutes at 70-85% of the estimated heart rate, without exhausting yourself or having problems.  Because HIIT is physically demanding and it’s important to gradually build up a training program so that you don’t overdo it. Because overdoing may lead you towards various side effects.

Have a look at HIIT workout plan for a week. You can do variations according to your fitness level. If you are a beginner, and you need more than 2 minutes of rest in between sets, by all means, take more, but don’t wait for more than 4 minutes. Because it will be difficult for you to do working sets if you let your heart rate drop.

HIIT Workout Exercises

  • 50 jump rope or jumping jacks
  • 10 Push-ups
  • 10 plank punches
  • 10 knee to elbow (each side)
  • 50 jump rope or jumping jacks
  • 10 squat jumps (with big arm swings)
  • 10 lunge jumps
  • 10 burpees
  • 50 jump rope or jumping jacks
  • 10 side planks with rotation
  • 10 sitting twists
  • 10 flutter kicks
  • 2-minute rest
  • Beginner: Repeat set three times
  • Advance: Repeat set five times

1. Monday- HIIT- Lower Body

You need to perform two circuits of the following exercises. In which you should workout for 40  and take seconds of rest after it. After one round take 1-minute rest and then repeat the same to complete the workout. Lower body exercises include:-

  • Prisoner squats
  • Reverse lunge through the left leg
  • Reverse lunge through the right leg
  • Hip thrust through the left leg
  • Hip thrust through the right leg
  • Jump squats

2. Tuesday- HIIT Workout- Active Recovery

You need to do an active recovery with simply 30 min walk, swim, or cycling.

3. Wednesday- HIIT- Upper Body

The upper body workout is structured in the exact same way as the other workouts. You need to perform each workout for 40 seconds and take a 20-second rest after it.

Once you have gone through all these exercises, you need to take the rest of 60 seconds and repeat the whole thing one more time.

  • Hand-release press-ups
  • Renegade rows
  • Side-lying push-ups through the right side
  • Side-lying push-ups through the left side
  • Supermans
  • Walkouts with shoulder taps

4. Thursday- HIIT Cardio

For beginning cardio exercises do a 30-minute jog or attend online dance classes and take proper intervals.

5. Friday-HIIT- Cardio + Core

Similar to the above HIIT workouts, you need to do all of these exercises mentioned below for 40 seconds with a 20-second rest straight after it. When you get sweating from one circuit, you should rest for about one minute. And then jump straight back and do the final round to complete the workout.

  • Squat through alternating knee-to-elbow
  • Nose-to-knee mountain climbers
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Side plank from the left side
  • Side plank from the right side
  • Plank jack with squat thrust

6. Saturday-HIIT- Stretch Day

Saturday is a stretching day. For stretching, you can start your day with yoga or stretch class. Try to do approx 10,000 steps for proper stretching.

7. Sunday- Rest Day

As we discussed above overdoing it may have side effects on your body. So give your body proper rest and enjoy your Sunday.

Is There Any HIIT Diet?

If you want to get all the benefits of a HIIT workout, what you eat after or before a workout matters a lot. Your body before or after the HIIT session helps you get your training results. Here’s what you should eat before a HIIT session:-

Before you work out, it’s important to fuel up yourself to get energy and perform at your best. So if you don’t eat before HIIT you may feel sluggish and lightheaded. Therefore you should eat something nutritious. Pre-workout HIIT nutrition should include carbohydrates, proteins, and carbs. Carbs are the main source to power your muscles. On the other hand, protein can help prime your muscles for intense exercise.

Remember, you should plan to eat one to three hours before doing a HIIT workout. Because digestion takes time. Good options for pre-workout diet plans include:

  • Banana or apple with almond butter
  • Peanut butter on whole-wheat toast
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt topped with berries

Refueling After a HIIT Workout

Carbs are also important after a HIIT session. Our bodies can store carbohydrates in some amount we eat. It is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen. But during HIIT’s intense activity, glycogen or energy stores depleted to some extent. After a HIIT workout, you need protein to repair and rebuild damaged muscles.

For the best results, you need to eat enough carbs with protein after your HIIT session. Try this diet plan after a HIIT workout:

  • You can eat turkey on whole-grain bread with tomatoes (sliced).
  • Low-fat chocolate milk (one cup)
  • Hummus with pita bread and sliced veggies

When it comes to recovery, what you eat matters too like what you eat. Strive to eat within 15 to 20 minutes of finishing a HIIT session for better muscle recovery. Remember, good hydration is also a must for HIIT therefore drink enough water according to your body weight.

Know about More Types of Diet here.

Benefits of HIIT

While considering the benefits of HIIT, let’s start with the calories you’ll burn through it. Not only during the workout but also in the hours afterward. Its results come from the excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) effect. In EPOC, our body burns more calories when it returns to its normal resting state after the HIIT workout and adapts to the exercise you’ve done. The EPOC effect depends on the intensity of the exercise you do. That’s why it is known as an effective fat burner.

HIIT also increases your VO2 max. It’s an amount of oxygen your body can use. Moreover, it’s an indicator of cardio fitness. That’s why a cycling or running training plan has interval training. Because it increases your VO2 max to work hard for a long time.

HIIT has logistic benefits, it’s a fact that your workout takes less time and you can fit into a break. While considering its tremendous hard work, the short and sharp challenge of HIIT will never make you feel bored.

Could There Be Any Side Effects of HIIT?

HIIT has been popular for many years and everyone has been obsessing over it. From expert researchers to fitness trainers, people are trying High-intensity interval training workout practice nowadays. However, many healthcare professionals have stated various disadvantages of high-intensity interval training especially if someone is practicing it regularly. Below mentioned are the side effects of it:-

1. Strain on the Body

HIIT workout is a highly demanding training that can put a strain on your body. Chances of strain increase if you are not following HIIT workout training and diet plans properly. As discussed earlier, HIIT is a high-intensity workout format that can put you in a  strain compared to regular cardio. In this process, your muscles are mostly affected.

2. Injury Risk

As HIIT  is intense and progressive training, it requires a lot of stamina and strength in each session. If you are not following HIIT Workout, followed properly, over-exhaustion may result due to overtraining and cause high injury risk. All the HIIT cardio exercises, if paired up with improper rest and less recovery period may lead to major and even long-term injuries.

3. Hard to Sustain for a Long Time

High-intensity training is effective in terms of saving time and burning fat. But it is not an easy task.  It requires a lot of effort to repeat the workout intervals 4-5 times. However, some people take it as a challenge or motivation. On the other hand, others might think of each session as a burden and do it forcefully. This is the reason why it’s hard to sustain for a long time and you might opt-out.

4. Not for Everyone

HIIT workout can be different for everyone and it may have different effects on each individual’s body. This cardio exercise can be highly demanding and can make you feel tired if you try to do it when you are in bad health condition. It is essential that you be in the best of your overall health.  And, do low-intensity cardio before jumping into high-intensity interval training.

So, above mentioned are the benefits and side effects of high-intensity interval training. You can try this  HIIT Workout to burn fat and enjoy all the other benefits such as diet plans. However, you should keep all the side effects of HIIT in mind. And if you try to get fitness then you can talk to your fitness expert about the detailed sessions before implementing them in your workout schedule.

Bottom Line

High-intensity interval training or “HIIT” workouts helps you get a fit and healthy body. It is a popular or intense workout that requires high and intense physical effort followed by less intense recovery periods. As in HIIT workout, intervals are so intense and done at approx 80 to 95 percent of your heart rate, you gain various fitness benefits in a shorter period of time.HIIT results vary from body to body. It may improve fitness,  blood pressure levels, lower cholesterol, and reduce belly fat and weight.

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HIIT Workouts | Build Muscle at Home


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